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petrescatraian petrescatraian

Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu' ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu' știe cum au ajuns...

Posts 395
Comments 572
Companies and their sub brands
  • @Welp_im_damned replace the Samsung logo with the Google one

  • [Meta] It seems that communities are moving to, is it going to be the plan for this one too?
  • It would actually be kinda cool to have something like a server where communities from all across Europe/the EU can reside. But I am not against a move to .org either, except for the fact that they label themselves an English-German speaking community. I am not German. 😁

  • Literatură petrescatraian

    A murit poetul Ioan S. Pop

    Reîncep lucrările la patinoarul Flamaropol. Contractul a fost atribuit
  • @waffle În sfârșit. Chiar mă bucur că a ieșit Nicușor din nou la alegeri. Sper să reușească să își pună în aplicare cât mai multe dintre proiectele pe care și le-a propus.

  • LGBT soldiers in Ukraine hope their service is changing attitudes as they rally for legal rights
  • @Enkrod I see where you are going, but Eastern Europe generally has a lot to go in order to get inclusion right. Like, right now, one of the two larger far right parties in here (yes, we have two and we sent them both to Brussels) are heavily promoting an initiative to add into constitution the fact that a family can only be composed of a man and a woman, as well as the right to pay with cash (yes, I know how crazy that sounds, it doesn't matter what happens in reality). And we're already in both the EU and NATO.


  • Do you take the train to travel to other countries? (By Night)
  • @anzo This is the only possible/feasible way I could take an international train. Never did so far, because I would have to spare a couple of days for the train route, and it is also a bit pricey for me to travel abroad. I think I would start off with an internal route, from my corner of this country to a different one, just so I can get accustomed to sleeping in a night train.

  • Hungary agrees not to veto NATO support to Ukraine as long as it's not forced to help out
  • I think it's the better option, I guess...

    I mean, this wasn't even asked so far afaik, and for a landlocked country this small there's little it could do to help it, especially if it doesn't really want that like now. It would be actually less beneficial for Hungary if Ukraine falls, but for the Putler simp in Budapest, this doesn't really seem to be a problem.

    OTOH, how can the EU help Ukraine if its member states (including Hungary) don't help?

  • Ukraine’s race to keep the lights on | DW News
  • Does Ukraine have any "prosummer" type legislation (i.e. allowing people that are producing energy via their own means - generally solar - and sending it back into the grid to have their bills cut/be paid) in force? I think this will incentivize some people to install these solar panels where possible, so the power supply can be decentralized.

  • 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
  • @Servais *sigh* will that Gorbachew guy ever tear down that wall?

  • French President Emmanuel Macron announced support for Ukraine using western weapons to strike military bases inside Russia.
  • @veroxii fair enough, that's pretty much an invisible shield for Russia to strike Ukraine without repercursions. I think the US and other states supporting Ukraine should also draw a red line and condition their opposition for Ukraine striking inside mainland Russia to Russia no longer using its land as a launching ground.

    I.e.: if Russia keeps striking Ukraine from its own land, they will allow Ukraine to strike back.

  • Propunerea pentru masterplan-ul velo din București. Ce părere aveți?

    Așa testez și cât de bine se pot trimite pozele foarte multe de pe Friendica pe Lemmy


    Ar trebui să fie 28 de poze distincte. Dacă lipsește una sau se repetă let me know să corectez 😁

    Puteți trimite și voi sugestii și propuneri pe baza acestora la adresa de mail [email protected]

    Adobe Acrobat may soon use on-device AI to summarize documents on Android
  • No thanks, I prefer to use NI (Natural Intelligence) to summarize them myself.

  • Russia is waging a shadow war on the West that needs a collective response, Estonian leader says
  • @FatLegTed the alternative in WW2 was much worse than USSR at the time. There was a lot to lose for the West as well had the USSR fallen to the Nazis.

  • Putin starts tactical nuke drills near Ukraine
  • They're really playing with fire...

  • The Ukrainian Navy reports that overnight, the Russian Project 266M Natya Class Minesweeper Kovrovets was destroyed.
  • @ArbitraryValue Strategically? I don't know. But they're doing us Romanians a great service by destroying a source for all the mines being swept to our shores, lol.


  • regards
  • @mannycalavera If they pull a fatwa on me, I'mma tell those mfs: Suck ma fatwaide c*ck, bitches!


  • Untitled Forest - Joaquin Clauselle(1866-1935)
  • @craftyindividual I love the level of detail in the greenery. Makes me wanna go there.

  • Austrian weapons continue to flow to Russia despite EU sanctions and Austria's stance of neutrality, which Vienna uses to justify its refusal to officially supply weapons to Ukraine
  • Of course this is for neutrality and not because they actually support Russia. Just like refusing Romania to join Schengen is for neutrality and blocking non-existent migrant routes, and not because they actually support Russia.

  • My current desktop. I settled on this pretty simple and neat combination

    OS and DE: MX Linux XFCE version GTK Theme: Solarized Dark, orange version Icon theme: Snowy by ZMA Friendica theme: Frio Dark Blue What's there in the 4th tab: Excellent Italian Greyhound by Shellac (Just discovered this band)

    !Image/Photo !Image/Photo !Image/Photo

    romemes petrescatraian

    Bun, acum pune-le și niște muștar


    CasualRO petrescatraian

    Fuk u, Spotify


    Is there any online service that I could use in order to have a private Debian repository?

    Or maybe a way to use existing cloud services like Google Drive or OneDrive or Dropbox for this purpose?

    I just have a bunch of .deb files and I think this could be really useful. Plus I will be offloading some of my storage 😁



