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Turbo Dude; Ubuntu Lover, Floss Advocate, Trainer.

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Comments 2
AN/FPS-24 Radar Tower, Mt. Umunhum, Los Gatos, CA, 2024.
  • @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

    Reminder: your neighbour was radicalised and manipulated by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube algorithms pushed by McKenzie consultants and the top brass of tech companies for profit and an ideological agenda (and Fox News, OANN, etc.) and an automatic weapon was put in his hands by Republican legislators, the NRA and the Supreme Court.

    The radicalised, racist, bigoted ideology behind the trigger was pushed and riled up by political representatives and their sponsors.

    There is responsibility to be assigned, this didn't spawn in a vacuum.

  • Lisboetas puseram bancos de madeira nas paragens de autocarro sem assento
  • @0x0
    Lugar para sentar, nada. Mas nunca pode faltar a publicidade. Curioso.