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pdcawley Piers Cawley

Endowed by nature with a magnificent beard and a fine voice, it was almost inevitable that Piers would grow up to be a folk singer, and so they have!

An old internet bloke of longstanding, they've served time as a sysadmin, ISP operator and programmer before RSI buggered up all those career paths.

These days he's most likely to be found at home working as his wife's carer, or streaming #FolkSongs on Friday nights at

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Elon Musk releases Grok-2 AI image generator for edgelords
  • @gerikson GSV The One With The Cool Ship Name is a vessel in The Culture though.

  • End of Comma IDE development
  • @lizmat @rakulang Ah, shit! Sorry to hear that.

  • IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle
  • @dgerard or as insufferable. I couldn't get more than half a chapter into Black Swan because his writing style was so damned offputting.