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panic panic

I'm not dead, I'm on a break. I'm on Matrix and XMPP if you're open to chat 1 on 1.

"wheat is capitalism. brown rice is socialism. and then when you have white rice, that’s communism"

I'm not a man, I'm not a woman. He/him. 20s

I'm a student of Marxism-Leninism.

Posts 0
Comments 25
  • It's anti-italian discrimination

  • Z-library founders arrested in Argentina
  • There will always be a place in my heart for people who genuinely work to share human knowledge (and entertainment). I wouldn't be the person I am today without piracy projects. These news fill me with sadness, this is a great injustice. Intellectual property is one of the vilest inventions.

  • Reverse card
  • Absolute mad lad

  • Reverse card
  • Obamna

  • Im the real Xi Jinping AMA
  • Dictator behaviour

  • Im the real Xi Jinping AMA
  • Can you give me some money? I haven't been getting my xibucks for defending China. At least enough to pay my transportation fees.

  • rule
  • Makes me happy when people talk about China as... just a normal country.
  • Whenever I mention my respect for Cuba and my desire to meet the country and people are normal about it 👌👍👌👍👌👍

  • Fantasy fiction is pro monarchies.
  • The original anarcho-monarchist

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah and. I don't live in Cuba and Communist countries are not the ones influencing the state of the discipline today. You won't change my mind on this, sorry comrade

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm against removing an antipsychiatry community, I would call myself antipsych, but the community is in an embarrassing state and have no feelings against wiping most of the community content.

    Edit: I've found more valuable discussions of antipsychiatry in sites such as Tumblr, Twitter and Reddit. It comes down to the fact it's only one user posting links to articles and "outsiders" of the community only contributing votes instead of discussion.

  • My thoughts on the western online left after some days on Twitter 🤮
  • Some Lemmygrad users are sex trade apologists who get very mad when you criticize it

  • Sincere post on the anti-psychiatry rhetoric
  • How long can you ignore the experiences of people who say therapy and medication helped them before you just permanently plug your ears?

    I'm "anti-psychiatry" in the sense that I believe the way patients are treated is dehumanizing and traumatizing. If a doctor can deny me of my agency then my rejection of the discipline is only self-defense.

    I don't believe psychotropic drugs are placebos. I take medication I'm comfortable with following a doctor's advice.

    If I believed I had to wait for the revolution to solve my mental problems I would have killed myself, not become critical of the discipline.

  • I am Chinese and I have very little hope in China as a Communist country. Please help! I don’t see things improving! Regarding University LGBT incident and 996.
  • "Could a fed do this?? *does something feds are trained to do and put their lives on the line if they're not good enough at it*"

    Saying you're Chinese and a communist is all you need to do. This isn't Reddit and if you're arguing in good faith people won't doubt you, comrade.

  • Watching Man in the High Castle...
  • I have finally managed the spoiler feature 😈

    Go grandpa!

    You can even change the label "spoiler" btw


    penis 𓂸

  • [Request] The audible audiobook of The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Engels
  • I forgot to add that if you don't have an account on ABB or don't want to bother creating one, you can use this (link) firefox addon to create a magnet link. The magnet link will appear above the title.

  • Bionic Eye Patients Are Going Blind Again After Manufacturer Decides They're Obsolete
  • They weren't joking when they said that disabled people face dystopic levels of suffering under capitalism. Pay to live, pay to see, pay to reduce pain, pay to breathe.

  • the great purge
  • He was just giving us an amazing meme template smh /s