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Comments 5
Generative AI Has a Visual Plagiarism Problem
  • @merc @criitz

    > or produce something in their style so well that it effectively makes them obsolete

    That's the point imo. It can create great graphics, yet its output lacks personality.

    You can tell, it was created in a certain style, but it doesn't feel like the original artist created it. It doesn't "think" about how to draw something to make certain aspects standout. You would need a ton of images from an artist to train a model to catch the subtleties in a specific artist's style.

  • Sync to Samba Share via GUI [ unsolved ]
  • @ian

    > That sounds like a lot of IT skills are needed for that. I’ve never seen or used a script. Nor have my kids. Telling non IT users to do that is going to scare people back to Windows.

    You might be surprised, but you could have both learned scripting and already have a working solution in the time you spent replying to this thread.

    Windows is a good solution to people who don't care how something works.

    > I’m scared of wasting my time.
    Learning something useful is never a waste of time

  • Sync to Samba Share via GUI [ unsolved ]
  • @ian @Lem453

    > do you think they send text commands from the GUI to another UI, the CLI? Sounds like an inefficient, legacy irrelevance to the user.

    This is literally what programs do in one way or another.

  • Sync to Samba Share via GUI [ unsolved ]
  • @ian @Lem453

    1. They didn't get it "wrong". There's a million ways to do it, no matter what system you're using and none of them is zero effort. If you don't test your backups somewhat regularly, you don't have backups.

    2. Your kids shouldn't need to worry about backups. Script them.

    3. If you're scared of a cli and you're not willing to step out of your comfort zone, go for MacOS with Time Capsule, which is the only fully integrated solution that brings you zero involvement.

  • Plasma is Finally on OpenBSD
  • @woelkchen

    We used to say this a decade ago. Of course hardware has become much more powerful since then.

    I don't know a lot about OpenBSD internals but if I had to guess: Misconfiguration or bug.

  • Plasma is Finally on OpenBSD
  • @woelkchen

    > Average hardware of which era?

    2012 or so.

  • Plasma is Finally on OpenBSD
  • @woelkchen @leopold

    Plasma always needed slightly better than average hardware.

  • Woran erkennt man schlechte und woran gute Grinder?
  • @spatz

    Am besten mit Aktivkohlefilter rauchen, dann braucht man sich da nicht viele Gedanken machen^^

    Ich bin vor 10 Jahren von meinem Alugrinder zum Edelstahlgrinder gewechselt und hab's überhaupt nicht bereut 50€ auszugeben. Hab den immer noch und er mahlt wie am ersten Tag.

  • Woran erkennt man schlechte und woran gute Grinder?
  • @Sid_Icarus

    Gute Grinder sind meistens aus medizinischem Edelstahl.