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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Here's a phone, call somebody who cares
  • No hyphens follow some international standards such as those of the ITU. ITU E.123 recommends: 'only spaces be used to visually separate groups of numbers "unless an agreed upon explicit symbol (e.g. hyphen) is necessary for procedural purposes" in national notation'

  • Statement: Nextcloud stands for an open and free society - Nextcloud
  • ...Not to mention that in Germany it's: if you don't denounce the Nazis, you're often seen as one of them. Whenever there's a big movement against the Far Right, all kinds of companies, associations and public figures give out statements in support of the movement. Sometimes it is pure virtue signaling, but quite often it's sincere and doesn't just run with the latest cool thing.

  • ”Sujautetaan Garden nopeasti läpi” – [Helsinki Seagullsin] Sinikka Kulvik kuunteli poliitikkojen lupauksia, nyt hänen kommenteistaan kuuluu epäusko
  • "Vois olla parempi suunnitella vain urheilupaikat ja jättää muille toiminnoille piirroksiin valkoiset laatikot, et ne tulee sinne, jos joku haluaa lähteä investoimaan niihin." Arkkitehtuuri ja kaavoitus ei ihan toimi näin. Mitä hankkeeseen tulee, niin on kaupunkilaisten etu, ettei rakennushankkeita runnota pikavauhdilla läpi, vaan valmistellaan, suunnitellaan, esitellään, otetaan kommentit vastaan, käydään valituskierros tarvittavan ajan kanssa läpi, suunnitellaan ja rakennutetaan, sillä järjestyksellä ja vauhdilla kuin vakiintunut laillinen työjärjestys edellyttää. "Nopeasti läpi sujauttaminen" ei kuulosta kovin demokraattiselta.

  • Suurlakko paisuu: 44 000 toimihenkilöä mukaan – kova viesti Orpon hallitukselle
  • Suhteellisella vaalitavalla kun vaalit käydään, niin kannattaa myös muistaa, että ääni menee listalle tai puolueelle, vaikka äänestyslippuun laitetaankin ehdokkaan numero. Yksittäinen ehdokas saattaa lupailla asioita, joita ei puolueen vaaliohjelmassa ja/tai puolueohjelmassa ole. Kannattaa siksikin tutustua puolueohjelmaan ja puolueen muihin ohjelmiin, ja lukea niitä kuin piru raamattua.

  • Suurlakko paisuu: 44 000 toimihenkilöä mukaan – kova viesti Orpon hallitukselle
  • Osin näin. Toisaalta osa pakolla ajetuista muutoksista oli jo ennakkoon tiedossa. Puhumattakaan siitä, että päivän politiikkaa seuraavat osasivat odottaa, että vaalilupauksien ja reaalipolitiikan välillä on tiettyjen puolueiden kohdalla jo pitkään ollut kuilu. Esim. Kokoomus on päässyt jo useasti pettämään lupaukset siitä, ettei koulutuksesta leikata, ja PS on viestinyt talouslinjoistaan vaalien alla yhtä, ja kääntänyt takkiaan heti vaalien jälkeen.

  • Thank the gods we live in such a car-saturated nation, how horrible it would be if this space was used to house people
  • The point was that in total you probably spend more time in your car than any sane average European would, because you lack options. And because you lack options it's a hellscape for anyone who can't drive a car. The point wasn't your commute, because your commute probably doesn't represent the median. Also good for you. My commute is also irrelevant, but it's five minutes walk to a train, ten minutes by train and five minutes walk from the train to the office, all that in an environment where I don't fear for my life, the noise level permits me to whisper to other people without them having difficulties hearing me.

  • Thank the gods we live in such a car-saturated nation, how horrible it would be if this space was used to house people
  • Let me take this apart: "Nobody except for a select few hyper-fit nutjobs are ever going to walk even so much as an 1/8th of that images span for anything." What's the span in the image? Maybe a mile? Two? Come on! IF the surroundings aren't noisy and are pleasant a normal average human of the planet earth is capable and willing to walk about 2-5 miles a day. In civilized countries you also have multiple options, it's not just "suffer and walk" or "sit in a car and bang your head on the steering wheel". Just the option to walk to most places where you need to go actually gets rid of some of the traffic that causes congestion. And the highway intersection hellscape depicted only serves the people who have no other option than to drive everywhere. It's a prison. "The area is far too large to want to walk, so we use it for transit instead." No, it's not.
    "Forget that it transports millions of people, products, goods, etc." You know there are better ways to do this than building an eversprawling city with highways cutting right through it. Highways are among some of the most inefficient ways of transporting goods and people. They cause noise and pollution. Everyone wants to live as far away from one as is convenient. Not that these human errors aren't to be found everywhere in the world, it's just that it's only in the North America where this is more prominent than elsewhere. "They want it to house hundreds of people instead." You just looked at a picture where you have an area in Italy, similar in size to a highway knot in Texas that houses 30k people and you fail to understand what you just saw. 🤦‍♂️ "People who will then not be able to get those products and goods, because…they fuckin’ ripped the road out!" I can't even... 🤦‍♂️

  • Thank the gods we live in such a car-saturated nation, how horrible it would be if this space was used to house people
  • ...and even though it's next to industrial zone, this is what downtown Houston actually looks like on a map. Numerous square miles of space just for "letting traffic through". The bill on the upkeep of this kind of wasteful infrastructure must be much more than what it costs to provide housing for all the homeless people in the county!