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owlinsight owlinsight
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Comments 37
Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
  • I'm on the same boat. But my "what the actual fuck?" moment came when (for those unfamiliar with it) YouTuber Idubbbz came out with a sincere apology for many of his videos that used extremely racist or ableist terms. While aware that his apologies did not automatically translated into being forgiven by the memebers of the groups he insulted, Idubbbz still felt it was important for him to apologize.

    And in this situation, Penguinz0 just said that "Idubbbz shouldn't have apologized and it felt like he was exaggerating the whole thing". Way to inject yourself in something that did not involve him at all. Also, that really told me the kind of person Penguinz0 is: someone who dismisses others suffering when it's not his place to do so and someone who just goes off his own gut feelings alone.

  • Trump saying he'll be a dictator only on day 1 is the strategy of normalizing it.
  • I have watched the video and if you think he wasn't being honest, you probably are one of those people you mentioned that fall on the spectrum.

    He might've used the tone of a joke, but he's been saying for a while now how he plans to "get back at those who wronged him". Hell, he even said that the GOP is impeaching Biden only because "they did it to him first".

    I am shocked people like you think he's not being serious: he's literally telling you.

  • E-books are fast becoming tools of corporate surveillance
  • That's not true. The rich are extremely rich and with immense amount of power and influence, while the working class has little to nothing. That's capitalism working perfectly as designed, my friend

  • Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power
  • Are you surprised the genocidal regime that has been slowly eradicating a whole people for the past 70+ years could go this far?

  • Dealing with new users’ expectations
  • I agree that the beauty of Lemmy is also within the universe of different instances. But a) as you can see in that question that I received, some users might simply not know how/which instance is defederated from X instance and b) I can understand both points personally. But as I wrote at the end, (new) users shouldn't expect a whole instance to go one way when the admins made clear that's not a direction they want to go to

  • Dealing with new users’ expectations
  • Oh now I understand, thanks for giving me extra details! :) However, looking at the website you provided it seems like in only the last 2 months this community grew by over 9k (from 11,838 to 21,178 to be specific). We became the second most active instance in the whole of Lemmy

  • Dealing with new users’ expectations
  • I'm sorry but I'm a bit confused by your comment because the link had more details about the server itself. I feel like I'm missing the correlation with my post

  • Dealing with new users’ expectations

    During the weekend, I received the following message from a now deleted post originally titled ‘Why does such a large portion of want to block Hexbear? And, how can Hexbearians improve?’:

    > Can you please share with the class how to find out what instances are defederated from hexbear? Some of us are still figuring out Lemmy. Thank you in advance!

    First of all, if any of you are also wondering the same, you can check here with the website. Second of all, that question made me wonder why so many users here keep asking about defederation and I think the answer lies with this telling part of a comment made by @sunaurus about the possible defederation from Hexbear:

    > We do not have the resources (manpower, skills and knowledge) necessary to pass judgement on all instances which exist out there, as a result, users on are expected to curate their own content to quite a high degree. In addition to downvoting and/or reporting as necessary, individual users are also able to block specific users and communities.

    Obviously there is nothing wrong with having limited manpower, resources etc. However, I personally believe that because of the sudden growth of this community, many (especially new) users are simply not aware of the fact that they will be left mostly to themselves and instead expect such a big instance to be better regulated/moderated. I know I was at first for those reasons.

    Case in point, in the same post where I received the question, I was also attacked multiple times. And many other times (both in the weekend and in the past) I’ve been privately contacted to be harassed. What was particularly sad this time was that the mods here, instead of deleting the abusive comments which I reported several times, decided instead to remove the whole post altogether while those comments themselves were never touched. So, not only the reporting option became pointless, but it also removed (in my opinion) a nice conversation on the topic. In the mod log they wrote ‘reason: Troll bait’ for why the post was removed, but I find...let’s say very coincidental that every time a discussion about Hexbear (which might start very calmly at first) has then to be locked or deleted because of the trolling.

    Now I would like to directly address a point made by @sunaurus, because while it’s true that we can

    > downvote and/or report as necessary, individual users are also able to block specific users and communities

    that method is completely pointless if reports are not being acted upon. Additionally, while it’s true that one user can block specific users, that is also pointless if you are being dogpiled on since for every user you block, you are going to have a new one who you didn’t know and can now attack you. That seems like a very naive approach in my personal opinion. Also, because while the Hexbear admins might be great people trying to properly moderate their own instance and to look out for other users, the individual users might not share their views. And to illustrate this point, after @sunaurus shared his optimism here about Hexbear that

    > They [Hexbear admins] have implemented some additional rules on hexbear to try and reduce the trolling experienced by many other instances, including ours:

    the top comment in the post where the admins explain the new rules is literally

    > Every instance that has talked shit and got dogpiled should be thanking us for breathing some life into their dead and boring ass websites.

    So I most certainly don’t share @sunaurus optimism that the mods will be able to contain all those users who behave badly, especially if they go on other smaller instances like ours, where they have no power. Thus, users in this instance are really left to fend for themselves.

    Before concluding, I would like to quote part of a comment that @sunaurus made in that now-deleted weekend post:

    > over the past few weeks, I have received several DMs from users directly attacking me for not defederating Hexbear. This instance is provided through volunteer effort, I am not planning to respond to feedback in the form of demands or attacks, so I am not responding to these DMs directly, but I will write a generic response here: 1. Lemmy allows you to block users and communities 2. Lemmy will soon also allow you to block instances 3. You always have the option to switch to another instance with a different approach to federation, or start your own

    I want to make absolutely clear that those people who sent him DMs to personally attack him are to be condemned. It is not acceptable to bully others, and we must remember the human behind each account. Also, both him and the admins are doing this whole thing out of pure interest. They are not paid to do so, nor they have to so. So I thank them for that, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who is appreciative of all their efforts in trying to give us all a nice community to be in.

    If you, however, have also been attacked by some Hexbear users and/or were frustrated by the (lack of) admins support here, you now have a fuller picture of the situation. You also have an actual tool to help you to decide where to leave to if this is how things are, and you feel like they don’t work for you here. The beauty of so many different instances on Lemmy is that there are many different options to suit your own need. But I also think it’s important to manage expectations and to be clear upfront about what to expect upon joining (at least at the moment).

    I would be curious to know if users who have been in this instance for longer also had similar experiences. If not, I’d still be curious to know your thoughts because it has been made clear that defederating is not an option which is being considered, but some people here keep raising the question. I wrote this to share my thoughts, but also to update new users/give them a way to walk away if they so wished. Trying to forcibly push for a change in this instance’s direction when the admins have made clear they are not interested is pointless. And attacking admins is wrong

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because our society says that if you have money, you must have earned it by being smart and savy...and some people still believe that

  • Just read Animal Farm by George Orwell and i loved it (No Spoilers)
  • What specifically did you find shallow?

  • ADHD is...
  • Permanently Deleted

  • ADHD is...
  • Mental health is never an on/off thing, my friend. It's a spectrum and you could potentially still be relatively high on the spectrum but not high enough for a full diagnosis. Nobody is stopping you from incorporating some more ADHD friendly techniques in your life too :)

  • ADHD is...
  • Best of luck with it to you then!

    I also had to develop the habit of having a piece of paper+pencil always nearby, but now I feel weird without them. The app and laptop combo works great for me but only as a next step. The phone has too many distractions for me so the good old paper works best as first step but then I'll break down the task and organize it on my phone or laptop. What note app do you use?

  • ADHD is...
  • Lol I have! But I also couldn't bring myself to cheat on Joplin

  • ADHD is...
  • Hahaha too relatable. My solution was to buy a bunch of tiny pencils and literally leave them everywhere (pants, coats and hoodies included)

  • ADHD is...
  • Oh I see. I just gave up haha and now whenever I hear a task I need to do/anything I need to remember I just write it somewhere.

    Something along the lines of "your brain is made to think, not to remember trivial tasks"

  • ADHD is...
  • Y'all still trust your brains? Lol

  • Is Brave Search trustworthy?
  • I stopped using Startpage because they regularly limits service access to IPs reserved for VPNs or Tor and it was immensely annoying having to prove that I'm a human each time I searched for anything.

    Have you also heard of SearXNG?

    I’d be also curious to know what annoyed you about DDG or Brave search.

  • Is Brave Search trustworthy?
  • Source? Your ass?

  • Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history
  • Very fair point. My bad, I expressed myself poorly. What I meant with 'targeted ads' was to show ads not on the browser itself but to people who might be more easily convinced to use Firefox. For example, there's a huge amount of viewers on YouTube that are tech-oriented. Nobody is stopping Firefox from sponsoring creators, videos or even collaborating with them.

  • Google Chrome pushes ahead with targeted ads based on your browser history
  • Targeted ads. Promotional campains to make people more aware of Firefox/why it's better. Be more present online (instead of passively depending on the userbase). Take inputs from the community and actually doing something with them rather than saying "k" and then doing nothing. Those are just some off the top of my head.

    Edit: as pointed out by a kind user, targeted ads was a poor choice of words. I explained myself better below in the comments