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  • the hypocrisy

  • How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"?
  • It also really bothers me that they get to coin the whole American term when it's a terrible representation of America as a continent, the USA doesn't really even have a proper name, it's a description, kinda like calling a dog Dog. Mexico's full name is actually Mexican United States of America.
    I personally call them united-statesian when the word gringo doesn't fit the context, which is the translation of estadounidense from Spanish. But it's so stupid because whatever you call them applies to so many more people than just them because they don't have a name! And their states are not really that united.

  • How to modify/paint a texture in a 3D model during run-time?

    Hi, I posted my question in Godot Forums but I fear it's gone quickly into oblivion but I've been stuck on this for days, would love some help!

    ``` func _create_texture(): var pixels = 256 #tex = Image.create(pixels, pixels, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) imageTexture = tex = Image.create(pixels, pixels, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8) imageTexture.set_image(tex) mesh.material_override.set("albedo_texture", imageTexture)

    func draw_on_sprite(coords): tex.set_pixelv(coords, Color.RED) imageTexture.update(tex)


    I can get the UVs alright, the mesh becomes black when the texture is set in _create_texture() but it never changes color. If I get\_pixelv after setting it it does show that it's now (1,0,0,1) so I'm not sure why it's not showing in game. Any clue?

    There seem to be quite a few changes from Godot 3 to Godot 4 in this area so most of the info online about it is outdated now.

    Steam Deck and Dock Are On Sale for Steam's 20th Anniversary
  • I'd definitely buy one... if there was one that wouldn't cramp my small hands after 5 minutes of holding it :(

  • The rule stock
  • One of the most "prestigious" schools in Nuevo Leon, Mexico is Centro Universitario Franco Mexicano de Monterrey which was shortened to CUM for many many years and kids would wear it in their uniforms like that pic, they changed it a few years ago because whenever school teams went to compete to the US they'd get mocked relentlessly, now they're CUFM. I wonder if this pic is from that school.

  • Carrying on an old tradition. What features / issues should I work on next?
  • I have no idea how this works so hopefully this isn't too wild but it would be neat to be able to use the app with kbin (a kbin account from a kbin instance, not just look at kbin content is what I mean)

    Edit: nvm i see someone else already suggested it and you responded, should've checked first