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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • my friends male biegel humps the shit out of my leg every time I go over there. That dog is just horny and looking for anything breathing to hump, that does not make him gay. And you are right there's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay or trans (AFAIK). But as your culture has thought you to fully embrace LGBT people/culture into your life, mine has told me to not. I've certainly not embraced the extreme doctrines of my upbringing towards LGBT people, but I still steer my children towards a hetro cis worldview and try to minimize their exposure to anything LGBT, because I'm certain that it's not even slightly biological and it's how they're raised by a strong male role model or lack of.

  • TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • Some of my closest friends are lesbians, and one ftm trans so I'm the farthest thing from a bigot. I just want hetro cis kids because of my upbringing and culture but you're judging me for wanting that so who's the bigot here bud?

  • TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • I'm with letting people believe whatever they want to believe, I'm just saying that it shouldn't be forced down children's throats in schools. But good thing we live in a diverse and large country that let's me raise my children with the conservative morals I want and you can freely raise your kids in a liberal states school system where they experiment with your child's gender and sexuality.

  • TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • I don't doubt that they exist but I have yet to meet one in my 30 years on this earth, and it's largely in part due to culture. Why's it hard to accept that LGBT ideas are nurtured into a child from the society they live in not their genes. And even liberal parents like myself don't want their children to be even slightly exposed to LGBT ideas in the school place. If you want to raise your child in that lifestyle then just keep it at home, no need to be exposing other kids to LGBT books and plays at school.

  • TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • Except I have yet to meet a single person from my culture be LGBTQ. As far as Europeans/Asians that's been part of their culture for thousands of years and there's nothing wrong with that.

    It's not genetic, the scientist who conducted the study says he "thinks so but nobody knows for sure".

    There's been a serious fight that's been happening in the past three years regarding exposing and indoctrinating kids into the LGBT world at school and it really is pushing the movement back decades. Like I literally saw a billboard on the highway yesterday that said "matrimony is between a man and a woman". I haven't seen this level of hate directed towards the community since before Obama, and it's all just gaining steam because of this exact argument regarding children.

  • TX school bans trans boy from playing "Oklahoma!" male lead, recasts with cisgender male student
  • Some cultures (Arabs, Muslims, Africans, Christians, etc..) just don't accept that as an acceptable norm in their culture and don't want their children to think it's an acceptable lifestyle. As someone who has a plethora of LGBT friends and acquaintances and comes from one of those conservative cultures I simply mean that I respect them and their rights but I also want to raise my children to grow up being cisgender heterosexuals.

  • Support for Israel and verbal sparring propel fiery third Republican debate
  • You're train of thought is the reason 420 children are getting blown up indiscriminately everyday. I don't know how your conscious let's you justify murdering hundreds of children everyday just to "fight Hamas" but you are the problem my friend.

  • Support for Israel and verbal sparring propel fiery third Republican debate
  • I don't think it's about having Israel under their thumb, but more likely it's their donors. I know it's not politically correct to talk about rich Jews, but there really are so many rich Jews who make it their lifes mission to influence a pro Israel US policy, and at the end of the day it's money that moves the capitalist US political system on both sides of the party.

  • Support for Israel and verbal sparring propel fiery third Republican debate

    Candidates clash over Ukraine and immigration and grapple with abortion questions as Donald Trump holds rally nearby

    Support for Israel and verbal sparring propel fiery third Republican debate

    “I will be telling Bibi [Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu] to finish the job once and for all with these butchers Hamas. They’re terrorists. They’re massacring innocent people. They would wipe every Jew off the globe if they could,” Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor, said. Haley, a former ambassador to the United Nations, was equally forthright. “The first thing I said to him when it happened was, ‘finish them’.

    Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says
  • Shopify accounts for 1/3 of all e-commerce sales in the US in 2023, and with the rise of way cheaper Chinese alternatives to amazon like shien, Temu, & Alibaba express no one really has a monopolistic control in the e-commerce space.

  • Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says
  • So we should just make almost 2 million Americans unemployed because some execs shredded some papers. I don't know if you know anything about retail work, but they pay less than Amazon does, very few actually pay over $15 an hour, Walmart starts you out at $12 an hour.

  • Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says
  • It wasn't necessarily Amazon that killed of the competition, it's the tech behind Amazon (e-commerce) that killed retail stores. Just like UBER demolished the taxi industry, just like cars replaced horse carriages, and just like AI's about to make knowledge workers completely obsolete. Amazon still has a great deal of competition from Walmart, Target, and lots of retailers.

  • Amazon execs destroyed years of evidence before FTC action, agency says
  • No one's forced to work at Amazon. For unskilled uneducated Americans $16 an hour is higher than what you can make in retail or fast food, which are some of the only options left especially for Americans in the rust belt. It's not monopolies that killed jobs that used to provide livable wages like manufacturing it's globalization. I'm not mad at your ignorance because I didn't realize how bad parts of America were until I moved to the rust belt. If you want to blame anyone for the lack of quality employment for undeducated Americans blame the politicians and greedy companies that let high paying jobs go overseas to China and Mexico.