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oneguynick oneguynick

Geek, CTO at Blueprint Power, Renewable Energy Nerd, USAF Vet, and Michigander. // Opinions are my own // (he/him)

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Comments 3
What's your Sci-Fi unpopular opinion?
  • @somniumx Totally agree. I have been going through every Star Trek series watching and fully expected not to like this one. Maybe it's my old age, but it wasn't terrible. If we look at TOS for what it is, Enterprise was absolutely good sci-fi.


  • YSK how to subscribe to kbin magazines from lemmy
  • @airportline I was just thinking this. Graze has saved Mastodon for me


  • What is your favorite ever DOS game?
  • @brandonsh there has been a lot of work done to upgrade the engine to modern standards and support things like widescreen.

    @s804 @soratoyuki