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ohyran ohyran

A dashing monster ready to flee civilization

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another feature forced really hard on users, with Konsole this time: the color preview
  • One of my favourite features love it. Happy you and people who don't want it can turn it off though so its good for all

    For those who don't need/want it, go to your profile for Konsole, then go to Mouse, and then turn off "preview colours on hover"

  • The Adwaita Icon Theme no longer follows the FDO icon naming spec breaking KDE applications on Fedora 40 Workstation and Co.
  • Now I am a KDE fanboy to the bone, a KDE eV member and past contributor to several projects ... so I am kinda biased :D so "yes, yes you should" THAT SAID I know a lot of awesome folks in the GNOME project. People who really really are brilliant and fantastic folks the issue is that there is a culture of "be loudest and most self-assured and you're the best" in certain aspects of the project and combined with the GNOME projects stated focus on just GNOME that creates an air of snobbery among some (sadly some of the people most outwardly visible) and a tendency to demand help from others but refusing to give it when asked. Its a cycle of self-proclaimed victimhood too where they consider any disagreement as either "unprofessional" or just random hostility without reason when it comes from the outside.

    Which sucks. Sucks amazingly. Specifically because there are so many great folks in the project doing awesome things for others and the GNOME project who seem doomed to obscurity because of their ability to work with others and not be blustering screaming malcontents due to the projects culture (in certain areas).

    EDIT: just to hammer the point home. Amazing project, amazing people but for some reason a handful of people who from the outside look like random asshats have been actively promoted to the top. Perhaps within the project they don't appear as asshats? I don't know. I just know that I have a very very short list of people that I avoid and would leave a project if they where in it because I have seen what they do when in power. Three of that less-than-five list are from the GNOME projects leadership.

  • The Adwaita Icon Theme no longer follows the FDO icon naming spec breaking KDE applications on Fedora 40 Workstation and Co.
  • And they added back Tango as a fallback and the bug is fixed because now its FDO-compatible... I am pretending the snark at the end by Jakob isn't there and its all good

  • The Adwaita Icon Theme no longer follows the FDO icon naming spec breaking KDE applications on Fedora 40 Workstation and Co.
  • This is probably one of the most frustrating bug tracker threads to date...

    "Your theme isn't FDO-compatible"

    "We don't care, not our problem"

    "Please remove the FDO-compatible marking on your theme"

    "Sounds like a YOU problem"

    "Its your theme"

    "... bug closed"

  • It's official... KDE Neon *is* a distro!!
  • Permanently Deleted

  • my plasma 6 experience
  • Huh... same here and its been flawless. Guess thats the problem with Arch?

  • There is no way to set the panel size below 32 on plasma 6!
    2. log in
    3. choose Panel in the "component" list
    4. choose the version of Plasma you're using
    5. write up the bug following the boiler plate in the text field
  • @[email protected] talks to KDE Community member [email protected] about KDE Networks, a plan that helps build local KDE communities with local members around the world.
  • Brodie explains it in the video but in short its basically like "the KDE folks that will go to local conferences and do local communication stuff for the KDE community"

  • My little brother loves the dualboot setup I installed for him. He says "It's like iOS"
  • In a way yes, but the same "bug" is still possible. The dude was given sudo rights AND copy pasted random commands in a terminal instead of "open the GUI, look for package, install package safely" - so now certain parts of the commands are crippled because one person was stupid, but it was a very very rich and famous influencer so ... yay.

    Look at the image ... "unless you know exactly what you're doing"... Linus was being a moron.

    He had over five paths out of the issue, one of them was PUSHED on him but nono...

    EDIT: if you are gonna use something that says over and over "are you sure" and "only if you KNOW what you're doing" and "type out yes do as I say".... seriously no safety net in the world can protect against that level of dumb

    EDIT2: I am not angry at you grimaferve I just had the awkward pleasure of talking to folks who "fixed the bug" and it annoys me when rich and powerful social media influencers force others to do work by talking shit about them just because those influencers are absolute hot garbage gaaaaah! (I love you grimaferve, you rock - and you're amazing and happy holidays <3)

  • Vote on the new KDE Plasma Logo!
  • It was simply a bit of miscommunication - this logo is for the release of Plasma 6 - not a replacement for Plasma in total, but just a sort of "looks like the Plasma logo but with perhaps something else". The issue is that it got quickly confused in the thread and stuff got a bit weird.