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Is it illegal to download things that aren't meant to be downloaded?
  • This. In a case around LinkedIn courts ruled that in the US it’s legal to scrape publicly available data. The company doing the scraping was selling that data to corporate customers, but ultimately use might depend on the information you’re accessing and under what permissions. (Not a lawyer)

  • Texas Instruments Monopoly
  • Lol, popularity vs monopoly is barely more than a matter of perspective. Google argues they don’t have a monopoly on ad services, they’re just the most popular (the government disagrees).

    Every company I listed attempts to stop others from entering the market. TSMC holds the lions share of the market and works hard to keep it that way. They are also one of few foundry’s manucturing the highest end chips. Just because multiple companies use them as a foundry doesn’t mean they aren’t a monopoly over certain segments of the market. (Google is used by literally everyone).

    If you’re interested in how the chip market is actually dominated by very few players, check out Chip Wars by Chris Miller.

  • Texas Instruments Monopoly
  • Yup, several companies have near-monopolies on microchips at different levels (Intel for CPU, NVidia for GPUs, TSMC for manufacturing) but not really TI. They used to, but pretty much lost it now.

  • Has there ever been anything originally dismissed as pseudoscience that was later proven to be legit?
  • A lot of science around trees and forest management has gone this way. Forest used to be seen as competitive areas that needed to be thoroughly managed to be healthy. Now we know that’s not true at all, and overall would be better off if we just let them be (in most, though not all cases). Same with the idea that trees communicate with each other and share resources. This was dismissed and ridiculed for a long time, but has now been pretty resoundingly proven true. Peter Wohlleben’s The Secret Life of Trees talks a lot about this.

  • ‘A catastrophe’: Greenpeace blocks planting of ‘lifesaving’ Golden Rice
  • I mean, we obviously need to do both. The conversation in the thread is about nuclear, which is a supply side resource. DR and demand shaping do even more to enable truly renewable resources. Why do the demand shaping to enable nuclear when renewables are cleaner and cheaper?

  • ‘A catastrophe’: Greenpeace blocks planting of ‘lifesaving’ Golden Rice
  • This would be true, except for the fact that nuclear is terrible at filling in slack times. Nuclear power for the most part needs to run really consistently, 24/7. Better to fill gaps with a diversity of reasources, more transmission, and storage.

  • ‘A catastrophe’: Greenpeace blocks planting of ‘lifesaving’ Golden Rice
  • Basically no one outside of china is advocating for coal use anymore, so this is a BS comparison. The much more apt comparison is against wind, solar, and storage, against which nuclear is far more dangerous. Also, it’s hard for environmental damage assessment to take into account the EXTREMELY long-lived impacts of fuel “disposal”.

  • Rudy Guliani Blows Past the $43,000 Budget He Committed to in Bankruptcy Proceedings Giuliani’s Spending: $43,000 a Month and a Lot of Credit Card Bills

    Rudy Giuliani promised a bankruptcy court that he would limit his spending, but it didn’t take long before he broke that pledge, and by a lot.

    Giuliani’s Spending: $43,000 a Month and a Lot of Credit Card Bills

    That amount would cover, among other expenses, $5,000 in alimony payments to his ex-wife Judith Giuliani, $1,050 for food and housekeeping supplies and $425 for “personal care products and services.” He was also obliged to cover $13,500 in monthly nursing-home expenses for his former mother-in-law; she died in March.

    In another bankruptcy filing, he said he actually spent nearly $120,000 in January. The accounting of his spending that he provided to the court was spotty and incomplete. He later provided more information to the creditors’ lawyers, listing 60 transactions on Amazon, multiple entertainment subscriptions, various Apple services and products, Uber rides and payment of some of his business partner’s personal credit card bill.

    Five Major Climate Policies Trump Would Probably Reverse if Elected
  • Don’t get me wrong, Trump would be terrible for the environment and climate change, but saying that it might be a stretch to say he would be able to repeal all the policies listed in the article. (Then again, the last Trump presidency was wildly destructive, so who knows).

    1 & 2: EPA rules on coal and gas and tailpipe emissions: the EPA has intentionally announced these pretty early so they wouldn’t be subject to the Congressional Review Act (CRA) making them harder to repeal quickly. Trump also can’t unilaterally repeal them, just like how Biden couldn’t unilaterally execute them, they have to go through the EPA rule making process. The power plant rules face significant threats from the courts, but less so from the executive. Similarly for the vehicle emissions standards, and those have the added benefit of being similar to rules adopted by states, which means that even if they are repealed federally, car companies will still have to comply with them in several major markets (e.g. California).

    1. The IRA: So much IRA money has already gone out that it’s a pretty durable piece of legislation. Big moneyed players have invested a lot because of the legislation, and they don’t want to see it go away. Trump is clearly in the pocket of billionaires, so it could be hard to repeal. It’s also huge, so even if piece of it are undercut, the law itself could stay more or less intact.

    2. Oils and Gas Drilling: sure, Biden has made drilling for oil more expensive and building clean energy in federal land cheaper, but he head still leased a TON of oil and gas land, more than Trump in the first two years, so I’m not sure we’ll see huge changes there anyway! I don’t think the land that Biden has protected will be easily opened back up again, and it’s unclear how long the LNG pause will last regardless of the administration.

    3. Global Climate Negotiations: this is the big one. As with everything else Trump does, a second Trump presidency would set us so much further back in the global stage it’s ridiculous. The US is already a laughing stock for how un-seriously we take climate change, and while that has improved, a Trump reelection would tank us.

    All of that to say, a Trump presidency would be disastrous for the climate, not necessarily because the progress made by Biden wouldn’t stick, but because we would stall here and have very little possibility of getting more done for the next four years, leaving us two years before our Paris commitments (god that’s a terrifying thought).

  • E.P.A. Severely Limits Pollution From Coal Burning Power Plants E.P.A. Severely Limits Pollution From Coal-Burning Power Plants

    New regulations could spell the end for plants that burn coal, the fossil fuel that powered the country for more than a century.

    E.P.A. Severely Limits Pollution From Coal-Burning Power Plants

    Taken together, the regulations could deliver a death blow in the United States to coal, the fuel that powered the country for much of the last century but has caused global environmental damage.


    BG3 Wins BAFTA for Best Game 20th BAFTA Games Awards: The Winners & Nominations

    Explore the nominations for this year's BAFTA Games Awards, celebrating the very best games of 2023 and the talent who made them. Scroll down to view the full list, or click images below to reveal category nominations. The 20th BAFTA Games Awards take place on Thursday 11 April, live on major social...

    20th BAFTA Games Awards: The Winners & Nominations
    nottheonion nvermind Panera founder says employees aren't motivated by the idea of making money for shareholders: 'Nobody cares'

    Panera's founder says "therapists belong in the C-Suite" and can help CEOs understand workers' motivations.

    Panera founder says employees aren't motivated by the idea of making money for shareholders: 'Nobody cares'
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I visited Molossia a while ago, dude was awesome and super friendly. Plus the weather in Molossia is always perfect, although with the close borders with Nevada sometimes the bad weather from the US bleeds in.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Looked at your profile, you’re in Mexico? Ultimately the question you need to ask yourself is how your political decisions (voting or not voting) impacting others. Like someone else said, if you live in society with others there is no such thing as “not being political”, every action has consequences.

    If you want to support a conservative politician who is harming other people from a community you identify with, you need to know that’s what you’re doing and that it has an impact. If you don’t vote to oppose a candidate who harms you community, you also need to be aware of that and recognize that you had a part in making it happen.

    Do what you want and identify how you will, but regardless it’s probably going to impact others, positively or negatively.