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nothing :hispagatos: :anarchohacker:

Hijo del mar y suicida frustrado.

Adicto actualmente limpio (mañana no lo sé) en proceso constante de recuperación, aprendizaje y crecimiento. 😻 💙 Surfing is life, the rest is details 🏄 Al sur del sur, surfeando, mi mejor terapia.

Aprendiendo a usar Linux desde sus cimientos y muy afortunadamente, con el mejor Gurú/Amigo.:crt\_w\_prompt:

Gracias por estar ahí _

PS: solo se que no se nada y desde que pasé los cuarenta, estoy muuuuy torpe...

Posts 3
Comments 3

This Friday, worldwide #2600 ( meetings!


Happy to toot that ( has updated our list of #2600 groups worldwide which have presence on "Free as in Freedom" and (

Happy to toot that @arcane has updated our list of #2600 groups worldwide which have presence on "Free as in Freedom" and #Decentralized protocols/services that respects the #HackerCulture and #HackerEthics as in #StevenLevy\~rek2/Hispagatos-wiki/ @[email protected] @nh2600 @[email protected] @[email protected] @NYC2600 @philly2600 @2600\_madrid @nc2600 @lansing2600 @[email protected] @rek2


Why Free Software and Decentralized Platforms Matter - Happy Hacking ( (https://hi

Why Free Software and Decentralized Platforms Matter - Happy Hacking #Decentralization #Usenet #Matrix #Fediverse #HackerCulture #Hackers #Hacking #FreedomOfInformation @hispagatos @[email protected] @[email protected] @thegibson @2600\_madrid @thedarktangent @merce @AlbertoQ @hackerfantastic @secbsd @syfershock @micahflee @OffTheHook @spacerog @Rob\_T\_Firefly