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norb norb

I am US based so any and all comments, criticisms, jokes, opinions, etc. will be colored (SEE NO U) with that as my lived perspective.

That said, I really and truly wish you have had an at least OK day today. If not, maybe tomorrow will be better eh?

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Comments 23
GOP Senator Drops NSFW Claims About Matt Gaetz In Wild CNN Interview
  • This story is from April, 2021.... so yeah nothing new here.

    Gaetz showed nude pictures of women on House floor, per report

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — Florida Republican Representative Matt Gaetz allegedly bragged about his sexual escapades with women and showed his colleagues in Congress nude pictures of the women he slept with, according to a new report from CNN.

    Gaetz is under investigation after allegations surfaced he had a relationship with a 17-year-old girl in 2019, per a report in the New York Times. The probe includes a Justice Department inquiry into potential violations of federal sex trafficking laws. Authorities are looking into whether the congressman paid the teen to travel with him across state lines.

    According to sources with CNN, Gaetz allegedly showed nude images with leaders on the House floor. A source told CNN one image showed a naked woman with a hula hoop.

    Gaetz denied the accusations. "I have a suspicion that someone is trying to recategorize my generosity to ex-girlfriends as something more untoward," Gaetz said in a statement to the New York Times.

    Gaetz also claims he's the target of a $25 million extortion plot involving an attorney in Pensacola who used to work as a federal prosecutor. The law firm, Biggs & Lane, in Pensacola, called the claims, "False and defamatory."

  • GOP shutdown threat is the wrong way to win a budget war − history shows a better strategy for reducing the deficit
  • It’s monkeys throwing poop. They don’t care who they hit, they just want attention.

    I am unabashedly stealing this line. Thanks.

  • Her pregnancy was non-viable and her life was at risk but Oklahoma law prevented an abortion
  • This is disingenuous at best. While insurance companies may not offer to pay for "unnecessary" services, they also do not actively prevent doctors from doing them. Sure, someone might go bankrupt because of medical debt, but they aren't dying and no doctors are going to prison for doing what they think is in the best interest of the patient.

    So what the government is doing here is more malicious than what insurance companies routinely do.

  • Liberal groups seek to use the Constitution's insurrection clause to block Trump from 2024 ballots
  • You should still be nervous because he only won due to Electoral College numbers, not votes. He just needs to win in the right places and it's a done deal. And if anything, quite a few of those "right places" are firmly on his side already. He only lost last time because a few of the "right places" didn't go his way, which they still probably can.

  • Liberal groups seek to use the Constitution's insurrection clause to block Trump from 2024 ballots
  • Trump doesn't need his own policy objectives. He has republican think tanks to do that work for him. He just signs his name. It's not like it was his idea to pack the supreme court. That came from Heritage Foundation or some such place.

    I think this is ultimately worse than DeSantis because Trump will allow ALL THE CRAZIES to get around him (Sydney Powell anyone?) and that is what he'll do. DeSantis will bring your average GOP talking points with extra racism on top, but he's probably not going to bring insurrectionists into the conversation.

  • Right-Wing Harassment Led to Bomb Threats Against 3 Elementary Schools and Libraries This Week
  • Thinking they want sympathy or support is a mistake.

    They want fear.

  • GOP salivates at the biggest campaign finance win since Citizens United
  • (I am US based and this is my US based argument - please do not EuroTroll me)

    But herein lies the problem. "Progressive" often means new or novel. Conservative mostly means "preserve the status quo." (I'm over simplifying for the sake of making a point, I know).

    Conservatives are willing to sit on the status quo and work against change as they can. Progressives want to right wrongs NOW and make effective changes for the future. Unfortunately, because our society grows and changes quickly, and what is right today can be wrong tomorrow and the target moves, so progressive goals also move. Meanwhile conservatives are still plugging away at keeping the status quo.

    I'm trying to say that the nature of progressives is to change goals and make things better, which makes it harder to coalesce around one goal for 10, 20, 40+ years. When your target is the past, its easy to keep that in sight as you go forward.

  • Jim Jordan launches probe into Georgia Trump prosecution
  • There’s so much to keep track of, wasn’t he doing shady shit on Jan 6th?

    Not that he can recall.

  • Wisconsin Republicans ask newly elected liberal justice to not hear redistricting case
  • The worst part is Republicans are the first ones to trot out "mandate from the people" whenever they get elected...

  • What subscription finally gave you "subscription fatigue"?
  • If you have kids, the PBS Kids video app is pretty alright. And free (in the US of course)

  • Why are scammers so extra?
  • This guy scams!

  • Played Regicide for the first time
  • Very hard game!

    There’s a companion app that you can use to track health and whatnot for free. If you pay $3 you can unlock a digital version of the game in the app.

    I’m on iOS so only have a link to it on the Apple App Store. There might be an Android version as well.

  • Florida caves and allows AP Psychology class in humiliating defeat for DeSantis administration
  • charisma



    • A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm.
    • Personal magnetism or charm.

    Is he charming? Depends on preference I think. Does he "arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm"? Absolutely. Why? Hard to say exactly (again, personal preference) but he fits the dictionary definition of "charismatic" to a T.

  • Florida caves and allows AP Psychology class in humiliating defeat for DeSantis administration
  • definitely can’t sway crowds like Trump can

    I think this is the biggest issue. He doesn't have the charisma that Trump does. While I've found most of Trump's nicknames for people pretty stupid, "Meatball Ron" is on point.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This just looks like .... regular Ric Flair?

  • Have you noticed spotify removing stuff from your liked songs list?
  • I know more than one person that has been burned by the liked songs feature in Spotify over the years. I’ve always used my own playlist for this so I’ve never had a problem (other than songs becoming unavailable but that’s not a technical problem)

  • Rudy Giuliani in Vile New Audio Transcripts: 'Jewish Men Have Small *****'
  • Seeing a lot of comments about dementia here, but I honestly think he's just a drunk. Seen plenty of drunks in my life speak like this. Random, almost non-nonsensical comments. Random bits of songs. Screams drunkard to me.

  • Big donors leave DeSantis, want Glenn Youngkin to run in 2024. Here's what Youngkin says
  • Also, please god no America. He’s less insane and weird, but still has the same shitty worldview and policies. He’s just quieter and more sneaky about it.

    That's what they said about Desantis too! Turns out, having the personality of a wet noodle doesn't do you any favors when your main rival has, unfortunately, insane amounts of "charisma"