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Anti-League League
  • I need this as template

  • Ich📱🚽🖥️iel
  • Bitte was? Zweiter Bildschirm? Die müssen auf den Hauptbildschirm! Die haben Priorität!

  • Go Kart-Fahrer/innen vor! Wo fahrt ihr in der Region DACH (am liebsten) Kart und warum?
  • Celle ist cool. Bin ich auch schon paar mal gefahren. In Hannover gibt es zwei Bahnen. Einmal in Bornum und einmal in Laatzen. In Laatzen ist ganz normal Verbrenner und in Bornum Elektro. Beide Bahnen sind auch vom gleichen Betreiber, was ganz cool ist. In Hildesheim gibt es auch noch eine Bahn, welche zwei Etagen hat. Die war meine ich auch ziemlich günstig. Dementsprechend ist aber leider auch der Zustand der Strecke.

  • Library Rebuild Suggestions
  • And most older gpu models also don’t support av1. So transcoding for these clients happens on the cpu. This is why I will continue to use x265 for now.

  • What are your hidden gem MacOS apps
  • Normally if you switch to a different space you get this fancy animation which takes something between 1-2 seconds. With yabai I can switch between spaces instantly without animation and without any delay. Oh and you can do infinite rotation in spaces. So if you are at the end of your spaces and go to the next one you are at the beginning again.

  • What are your hidden gem MacOS apps
  • Yabai: Being able to have zero delay switching is a must for me now. BetterTouchTools: So much stuff

  • [DE]Musik hören wird teurer: Spotify erhöht die Preise
  • Ich habe damit schon lange gerechnet. Persönlich finde ich das aber vollkommen ok. Ich höre so viel Musik und habe jetzt kein Problem für die convenience weiter zu zahlen. Spotify wäre der letzte Service den ich kündigen würde.

  • Whats a stupid ritual in your life that makes you happy?
  • Pretty simple: Every morning I watch at least one episode of a light headed tv show. Always start with something good in the day.

  • Hannover: OB Belit Onay legt Plan für »nahezu autofreie« Innenstadt vor
  • Ich freue mich absolut nicht auf das nächste Familien Treffen 🫠

  • Synduality Noir - Episode 11 discussion
  • I don't hate it ¯_(ツ)_/¯ It is not the best thing I ever watched, but I also don't regret continue watching it and I will probably continue doing so.

  • What Shows Would Have Improved If They Have Less Episodes?
  • I am currently on episode 25 of Death Note, and I'm unsure about why I should continue. This is why I agree with you.

    The same goes for SAO. After watching the first season, I don't see any reason to continue. It has a perfectly fine plot, which, in my opinion, doesn't need any extension.

    However, I'm still happy for fans of both of these shows that they got more. At the moment, I'm content with not continuing either. They may not have a proper ending for me, but it's not like I'm unsatisfied.

  • Was so alles am Hamburger Bahnhof rumhängt
  • Die Handschrift ist recht gut leserlich, der Text selber nicht.

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • 23, German, yes I can and I do

  • What is your all time favourite movie?
  • My all time favorite movie is Castle in the Sky

  • Self-hosted email rest API
  • Something like this ?

  • Do you donate to Wikipedia? Why or why not?
  • I did a few times but not in the recent years. I don’t know exactly why.

  • seen on mastodon
  • I had a dedicated place for comics. I weekly rotated the content and always had entertainment. Maybe I should start doing this again.

  • Presence detection
  • If you configure the device via the app, does the FP2 require an active internet connection? I don’t mean wifi connection. I basically want to know if I could block internet access for this device.

  • 3x3s anyone? Here's mine :D
  • Maybe I am stupid, but what is the idea behind this? Are these your fav?

  • Steps to upgrade SSD pool


    I have a SSD pool with two relative small SSDs:


    Now I started to notice that one of my SSDs started to fail. So I thought, why not use this opportunity to upgrade the pool. This is how I expect it to work:

    1. Buy two new bigger SSDs
    2. Restart server in safe mode
    3. Remove failing SSD
    4. Install one of the new SSDs
    5. Add the new SSD to the pool
    6. Start the Array?
    7. The pool should regenerate???
    8. Start with Step 3 again and replace the second small SSD
    9. Profit ???

    Is this how it works or do I really first need to use the mover and move all data back to the hard drives and replace the pool all at once?
