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nobleshift Noble Shift

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Clip resurfaces of Vance criticizing Harris for being 'childless,' testing Trump's new running mate
  • I got lucky AF with my mother. She sat me down when I was 30, and very nicely explained to me how much she loved me and my brother. She said that she and I are more alike than anybody else in the family and that if she could go back in time and do things over she would not have had children. And then she told me the best advice I can give you Lee Is to not have children.

    Now I'd already decided in fourth grade, third period, History, Miss Lake's class, May 1978 that I wasn't having kids. But it was really really nice to hear it from my mother.

  • In fiery speech to Congress, Netanyahu vows 'total victory' in Gaza and denounces U.S. protesters
  • Fuck. This. Guy. Fuck. Israel.

    Stand in my country and denounce my countrymen? No brah, fuck you & your country forever, balls deep.

  • Gen X is in charge now, and boomers are being shown the door
  • There are still plenty of us Xers who are complete and utter cunts. Don't let your guard down.

  • Clip resurfaces of Vance criticizing Harris for being 'childless,' testing Trump's new running mate
  • Some of us find fulfillment in life without having to fill our emptiness with children, having change forced upon us. Some of us are perfectly capable whole human beings capable of bringing change into our lives at our own pace.

    And some of us just don't like children and the life experience they bring.

    I'm 56, Cis SWM, my home is paid in full, my car is paid in full, I'm debt free, and my monthly bills (minus food) are $400/month and I retired from being an FTE last year. I still do some contract work here and there, mostly just for fun and to stay active in the Infosec space.

    It's fucking LOVELY

  • Witness protection fbi [very serious]
  • GET A GOD DAMNED ATTORNEY, preferably from out of town. Have them do the talking to the authorities NOT YOU.

  • MAGA Begins Hunting People Who Made Trump Assassination Jokes
  • Trump's wife was disappointed by 2 inches.


  • Labor Unions Urge Biden to Halt Military Aid for Israel.
  • Halt ALL support going to Israel. Not a dime, not a plane, not a single round.

  • There are too many of these people on lemmy
  • My my my aren't you the emotionally charged one ....

  • recommended hard drives for cold storage
  • Because I live full time off-grid aboard a cruising sailboat. So when i pack things up to ship them for LT storage I want to make damn sure they survive and any trapped moisture won't mold over on a platter.

    Then I just have it changed out as the storage is in Tampa , Florida US and you can't be too careful.

  • recommended hard drives for cold storage
  • I use HGST and/or WD whenever possible. My off-site drives go into a sealable box with a desiccant that gets replaced every 6 months or so.

  • An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience
  • Paper never goes out of style ....

  • Get a rope.
  • Poser

  • Dryer Settings
  • Vinegar & Water Brothers

  • Designated parking
  • I've never seen a more accurate depiction of South Florida in my life

  • Artificial price increase so that you can post “discounts” on Prime Day
  • Walmart, Amazon & Bestbuy are all extremely guilty of this. Always check the SKUs!