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niko Niko

hi i'm niko she/they me in three words: #deaf #enby #furry

likely have #ADHD and #autism but undiagnosed right now

i dabble a bit in #embedded (and a lot more not-embedded) programming with #rustlang

dabbles in #photography from time to time (please let me know if i forget to add alt text)

\#skiing from time to time as well (wish i could do it more but alas)

most of my time is spent behind a computer running #linux (i use arch btw)

originally migrated to linux for #privacy reasons and now love it for so many reasons, all of my systems run linux (except for my mobile devices on #iOS)

occasional discussion about being #deaf with #CochlearImplants (which i like to say makes me a #cyborg) from time to time

any original images i post are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

18, flirting okay if you're \>=17

follow requests on, won’t accept unless you at least have an about me and maybe a few posts (bonus for pinned intro)

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Comments 1
Following Google Maps directions in rural Tasmania and encountered this sign.
  • read this somewhere and it seems accurate for this “google maps will take you through a lake if it saves 36 seconds”