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nick Nick

OpenSource-Geek/Nerd, Pirat und #Politik interessiert. Und eigentlich auch sonst an vielen Themen interessiert, wie #Bildung, #Wissenschaft, #FLOSS#FOSS​ usw. \#Datenschutznerd Folgt mir für... Zeug... aus #Piraten#Neupirat

Posts 1
Comments 3
#Firefox we need to talk,
  • @OpticalMoose that's what I thought, but the CSS and visual/style stuff aside,
    * web standard request in #Firefox being undefined("body does not exist")
    * Network streamed response only showing up after the response ends
    * various video playback restrictions(possibly leaking memory)
    but also stuff that wasn't mentioned in the Video like, hardware accaleration issues, old code base or features like HDR not being implemented.
    And I'm not even starting with Google being the default search engine..

  • #Firefox we need to talk,

    \#Firefox we need to talk, or #DevsOfMastodon what are your issues with Firefox? I really like Firefox(#GUX, #GUI, workflows etc), and I've always agreed that we need an independent #browser alternative to #Chromium, but I didnt think it was this bad: Sure take that video with a grain of salt, but I think he has a point. @[email protected] @[email protected] I really hope @firefoxnightly can finally start catching up!

    \#Development #FediDevs #OpenSource #Gecko #LibreWolf #Vivaldi
