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Must Watch Sapphic Movies?

Only a couple days left in Pride Month. Does anyone have any LGBT movie recommendations?

Doesn't need to be a lesbian romance, but at least better than completely replaceable side characters ("blink and you miss it")

Who are your favourite directors?
  • Totally. I know it's not a popular opinion, but I really enjoyed The Matrix 4 for this reason.

    The movie had some significant issues (wtf was that Merovingian fight?), but I loved the world building both in the matrix and in the real world.

  • Who are your favourite directors?
  • Edgar Wright is a really good choice. He has such a distinctive style, lots of hits in his filmography

  • Who are your favourite directors?
  • I haven't seen some of his earlier movies, but Denis Villeneuve has made some of my favorite recent movies, including Arrival

    I also am a huge fan of the Wachowskis, loved Cloud Atlas, Sense8, and Speed Racer. Only movie i didn't really enjoy was Jupiter Ascending, but even then, there were aspects i still liked

  • body mods!
  • I'm generally a vanilla person, so i haven't done anything yet.

    I do Roller Derby (play and officiate), so at this point, I know more people with tattoos than without. I've wanted something for a while now, but generally haven't because of the fear of commitment.

    I've found an idea I really like, have started talking to people for recommendations for an artist.

    In derby, bruises are extremely common because it's a full contact sport. You can be kicked or grabbed or hit the floor, or fall on someone's wheels, and these bruises can be beautiful, changing all sorts of colors and shades and patterns. There's a gallary of example "Derby Kisses" where a photographer recorded some stunning examples:

    I want to get a tattoo of a wheel bruise with it blending into a galaxy, since space has been another long-term obsession, would get it outside my right thigh where I've had bruises just like the ones above. I just really like this concept, and I'm hoping I can find someone to realize it for me

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • My overall journey was the GameFAQS message boards -> Digg -> Reddit (via RIF) -> Lemmy

    Lemmy has filled my content aggregation desires while boycotting Reddit. Overall, I could see being here to stay

    I'm still having minor issues, but they aren't deal breakers. Like, I've had issues with my up votes not saving (press it, turns blue, wait a second, then it changes back), so I need to press it multiple times before it saves. On the whole, these errors will be resolved with time, so it doesn't bother me much

    Main issue I'm trying to figure out now is: how to use federated users for other Lemmy instances. If I'm using the website for beehaw, then go to another instance, it appears I need to sign in, but I can't see how to use my beehaw account. I started using Jerboa and it seems to handle it, but the comments I'm making don't show up (when I checked in a browser), so it might be in the UI only, or I'm missing something

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • You have :vim: in your user's "tags" (flair? desc? Idk). I haven't found a good vim community on Lemmy, so I'm interested if you have a recommendation.

    I guess that would make "community discovery" as a particular thing I'm having some difficulty with. Getting better as I'm getting more familiar with everything, but it is a pain point

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • It'd be nice if we could have RIF open-sourced then expanded for Lemmy, especially expanding to different hosts

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • I'm looking for something like this (queer/trans memes). Could you link the community?

  • do you like being in the lgbt+?
  • I love being queer, but I kinda wish I could have been a cis lesbian over being a trans lesbian. Dysphoria sucks, yo

    I'd still take being trans over being a cis guy. Nothing wrong with being a guy, but that's just not me

  • happy pride month, Beehaw! what queer stuff will you be up to this month?
  • Iā€™m glad our sport is generally welcoming to a diverse group of people.

    I know this intellectually, but it's so difficult for me to internalize that "WFTDA unconditionally welcomes trans skaters". I've just felt like a second-class citizen for most of my derby career, as if "being too good" (i do a lot of cross training to improve my strength and agility, so people on the outside could easily blame me being a strong player on "natural advantages from male puberty") could push me out of the sport that I've pour so much of myself into.

    Over time, my league has grown, and we now have five (!) trans femme or nonbinary skaters. Seeing them being accepted (including a non-medically-transitioning AMAB enby) has really helped my recent mental state related to this

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • This makes a lot of sense to me (as an Operations Engineer).

    I could imagine the architecture team has low watermark triggers to rescale the architecture, kill and restore hosts, or other changes based on expected user load. When that load just.. isn't there, the automated tooling just loops the same actions causing site instability.

    I've had similar issues before, so it seems like a feasible explanation

  • happy pride month, Beehaw! what queer stuff will you be up to this month?
  • Orlando is objectively a queer friendly city, but they don't have any pride events in June.

    There's an unofficial event each June called "Disney World Gay Days" (not affiliated with Disney themselves, who just treat it like any other summer day), so Orlando moved their pride celebration to October instead. I think it's understandable, but it always sucks to feel left out from the rest of the queer community.

    I've actually have never been to Pride, since other things tend to conflict, and social anxiety in general. This year, I will definitely participate (motivated by the phrase: "Pride is a Protest"). I've been "openly queer" for the last 5ish years, but I haven't been "openly trans", but I'm taking steps to own that identity, at least more openly. Perhaps people can clock me as trans, but no one ever says anything, so i think I might currently qualify as "stealth", but I feel like I don't pass. Just in that weird superposition.

    I have at least one symbolic gesture I want to make this June. I play Women's Flat Track Roller Derby, and I want to fly the trans flag during my player intro. It's a very small thing to do, but trans athletics has been under attack, so I feel like choosing to be a visible trans athlete is something i need to do

  • How are you dealing with all these new anti-trans/LGBTQ+ laws?
  • I live in Florida, and I have no current plans to leave.

    I'm lucky/privileged that the current set of laws don't affect me directly (or at least significantly), so I intend to stay as long as I can, so i can continue to protest and bring attention to these issues

    I understand that things are fucked right now. If anyone feels they need to leave, i fully support them to do so. (Many of my friends have left for New York or Illinois,) I'm just not at that point myself yet.