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\#GameDesigner. Aime: #musique #JeuxVidéo, #synthés #p2p #zéroDéchets #idleGames #urbanisme #sieste #santéMentale

Vie avec #anxiété #TDAH

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Quand est-ce qu'on fait la révolution? 
Pronom: il
/lui \#fedi22

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Comments 4
Has anyone else noticed a relatively high ridership of bikes?
  • @JimmyChanga It's very useful for the groceries or any stores that are 15-30 minutes walk distance, to turn that into a 5-10 minutes affair!

  • Has anyone else noticed a relatively high ridership of bikes?
  • @JimmyChanga @Dracocide @fuck_cars That would be me. I hadn't cycled for at least 13 years but started again last year (on the same old bike, that my mom had kept!)

  • Why American malls are dying, and European ones aren't.
  • @Mcballs1234 If there was a bus or train connecting you to the mall and groceries in less then 15 minutes, at any time of the day, would you still prefer to buy online?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @Mango7874 Lemmy and Mastodon are different project but both speak the same protocol (the same "language") so messages can be exchanged between both. Kinda like following a Twitter user using a Facebook account or a Youtube account, and still being able to like and comment. This is the magic trick of the Fediverse: multiple websites, multiple servers, different interfaces, but all using the same protocol (speaking the same language)