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one of the worst dialogues in the series and I really like Discovery
  • I took this as one of the clues that he’s from the mirror universe. In that universe, racist imperialists are celebrated.

  • It’s just the new version of the Nazi party. Co-opting the language of socialism worked for Hitler, maybe it will work for them.

  • My thoughts on the western online left after some days on Twitter 🤮
  • “Temporarily embarrassed billionaires.”

  • Based O’Brien

    Biden mad when Russians convict person for marijuana possession. Biden seemingly unaware that the US has imposed far harsher sentences for the same crime.
  • Numerous people are rotting in federal prison with life sentences for possession of marijuana. Biden could use his authority to release thousands of detainees today. Instead, he wants to criticize Russia for imposing a more lenient sentence than the same person would have gotten in the US.

  • Stranger things proving how brainwashed most westoids are
  • Well written, comrade. This deserves a Marx’s coat award.

  • I'd even argue that the latest Star Treks are not woke ENOUGH for today compared to the older series for their times.
  • Not really. DS9 has a plot thread where O’Brien inspires Rom (a member of a hyper-capitalist species) to form a union and go on strike.