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There needs to be a way to only get one push notification for every new message in a group chat
  • I'm using the default messages app on my Google phone. The biggest source of my annoyance is every iPhone user adding reactions and such, which act like a new message for me. So any group chat may as well be a fireworks display of sounds and vibrations when it is active. I've only set one rule to cool down on messages for 5 minutes and it's already made an impact.

    The app lets me make specific rules for each app, but I don't see a way to do a rule per group chat, which would be ideal, but this is already an improvement

  • There needs to be a way to only get one push notification for every new message in a group chat
  • I think your last paragraph sums up the reason for my frustration. Most of my family and friends are only chatting via the standard text app for their respective phones, and so I specifically would want to configure those notifications

  • There needs to be a way to only get one push notification for every new message in a group chat

    I dont know about others, but sometimes I am not able to check my phone, or be fully present in a conversation that I'm part of. Maybe I'm concentrating on work, or driving, and not able to look. It gets distracting when my phone is constantly buzzing and chiming for 5 minutes straight. Muting the chat can help, but if you forget to check it, or get added to a new one, you can't really do anything about it. I just want to be able to get notified once that the chat has new messages, decide how I want to react, and then move on from it. Is that too much to ask?

    Big Tech Is Faking AI
  • I was never told exactly what it was for. My suspicion was that it seemed more like acquiring training data for an audio processing machine learning library. This was about 10 years ago, so after the likes of siri, but way before something like chat gpt

  • Big Tech Is Faking AI
  • I used to do mechanical turk jobs for some quick and easy pocket money. There were several types of tasks you could do, and there was a sort of ranking system to dissuade anyone from just inputting junk instead of answering seriously. I usually stuck to surveys and things I would describe as fancy captchas. I recall a few jobs where the task was to record yourself in different environments reading the same script of text. I can't see that type of job for being anything other than training data for AI/ML

  • [GDT] Tampa Bay Lightning at Washington Capitals - 05:30PM EDT
  • As far as basic end of game box stats, it does its job wonderfully. As far as personality, do you have a GitHub link for the bot repo? maybe some open sourcing can help?

    Edit: just saw the GitHub link at the bottom of the bots post. Looks like I'll be taking a look when I get to a PC

  • Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen
  • Not the OP, but I have been getting a bug where I select a show/movie to watch in the roku app, and instead of playing it will exit out to the list of shows/movies menu. These same shows work just fine in the app on a google android TV, or on a computer

  • AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt
  • Robots.txt is a file that is is accessible as part of an http request. It's a backend configuration file that sets rules for what automatically running web crawlers are allowed. It can set both who is and who isn't allowed. Google is usually the most widely allowed domain for bots just because their crawler is how they find websites for search results. But it's basically the honor system. You could write a scraper today that goes to websites that it is being told it doesn't have permission to view this page, ignore it, and still get the information

  • chiaki4deck - New Release - 1.6.0 (and 1.6.1)
  • I love the idea of chiaki so I can play my PS4 games while my wife watch TV, I just wish I could do something about the latency that isn't "plug everything in to Ethernet". I'd love to use it more, but I can't find anything that has worked

  • The 15 Best Hard Sci-Fi Movies That Define the Genre
  • I do! In fact, I personally try to watch as many sci-fi movies in January as I can. I try not to discriminate, and give everything a chance that's vaguely sci-fi. I'll add Solaris to my list for sure

  • The 15 Best Hard Sci-Fi Movies That Define the Genre
  • Okay, your comment is at the top, so here is my take on the list:

    There is a lot of overlap on this list and other "best (whatever) scifi" that pop up every so often. Yes Blade Runner was iconic and influential, but I already knew that.

    • 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) | Good start. great visuals. lacks some context in the ending that are half explained in interviews and such. Personally, I like the book's take on it more.
    • Interstellar (2014) | A Nolan film. Also great visuals. This is one of the first movies I saw that somewhat accurately portrays what black holes are supposed to look like. It has a bunch of scenes where space or relativity or physics, etc, things are explained to experts that should already know what is being said. It works to get that info the viewer, but I found it a bit jarring
    • Gattaca (1997) | Anything produced by Danny DeVito (yes that one) gets my money. This is a big "What If" movie where the question is "In a world where most everyone can select the genetic makeup for their children, how does someone born naturally fit in and live?".
    • Solaris (1972) | Never seen it, but I've heard good things. I tried to watch the remake with George Clooney, but I couldnt get in to it.
    • Ex Machina (2015) | Great movie on the idea of an actual concept call the "Turing test". I will point out there are some trigger warnings
    • Coherence (2013) | never seen it. I added it to my list
    • Sunshine (2007) | I couldnt get in to this one. It may be because I just wasnt in the mood for some hard space scifi (They are trying to re-start the sun, how cool does that sounds?), or it could be because of the content. I've heard of a lot of people liking it, so check it out if it sounds interesting to you.
    • Primer (2004) | This is a great take on how suddenly having the ability to time travel might affect someone. There are some nested time line stuff that could be hard to follow, but overall great
    • Stalker (1979) | Haven't seen. it sounds intriguing though
    • Gravity (2013) | This is science fiction in the sense that this story is fictional and takes place in space. Without being a nasa expert, everything seems to be within today's level of technology. You could think of it as a disaster movie, but set in space. Overall fun, but in a different way than some of the other movies on this list
    • THX 1138 (1971) | I hated this movie. I find it derivative of Ayn Rand's Anthem, or Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451. Those books, plus THX 1138 feature a protagonist who is a cog in their own dystopia who breaks free and goes on a massive escape, eventually finding that the world is not as destroyed as they were told to believe. I felt like it suffered from all the same criticisms that George Lucas was given during the original star wars trilogy, but without anyone to refine his idea into something more unique or appealing.
    • Ad Astra (2019) | Great visuals, boring story about a man who cant move on from his deadbeat dad
    • Contact (1997) | Carl Sagan's story about humanity being contacted by an alien race and given further instructions. It does an interesting exploration of science vs faith when confronted by aliens
    • The Martian (2015) | Silly space action where a botanist figures out how survive on Mars and contact Nasa who have no idea that he is alive
    • Blade Runner (1982) | Humans have created manufactured clone robot people. they dont like being slaves by default and revolt. Now they are hunted to extinction. Harrison Ford is the type of officer assigned with tracking down some on Earth. Amazing visuals, weird narrative. There are like, 5 different cuts of this movie and I dont find any of them particularly good. I like the sequel more.
  • BAM! A toxic blast right to the face.
  • the glaring lack of college football content on lemmy has been the biggest disappointment I have had. When I left twitter, I couldnt get real time sports news updates, /r/cfb filled that void. There is no comparable community yet in lemmy, or if there is, I havent found it

  • Most Recent Update on season 35 The Amazing Race season 35 release date, trailer, cast and everything to know

    Get ready to set your alarm clocks and clear out your nighttime schedule because The Amazing Race, your favorite reality TV show, returns very soon! In sea...

    The Amazing Race season 35 release date, trailer, cast and everything to know

    No release date, but its looking to me like it will come out mid-september

    What "third generation" Trek is worth watching?
  • I know that not exactly everyone shares this, but my opinion of 3rd gen Trek is the same opinion I have of 2nd gen - The individual show needs some time to figure itself out.

    TNG season 1 as a whole is some of the worst storytelling I've seen, but by the time the third season rolls around, you have the characters fleshed out, the world has grown and changed and come into its own, and it all comes together (for me) in Best of Both Worlds. This same type of thinking can also apply to Deep Space Nice and Voyager (both of which I liked overall). Deep Space Nine was a show that wanted to tell longer form stories in a central location, while the producers wanted the more familiar Trek approach that I describe as "Visit a new planet every week". This affected the first few seasons and stunted its growth - until Voyager started, and gave the producer that outlet they were looking for. This allowed DSN to figure itself out and eventually developed into the Dominion War storyline. Voyager, similarly, had its own issues figuring itself out. They had a great starting idea of a starfleet vessel without the support of starfleet, but had weird initial ideas that didnt work right, like banjoman or the Kazon (I read once that the kazon were supposed to be inspired and based more off inner-city gangs of LA. That sounds like an intriguing idea, but I find it difficult to execute with middle-aged actors and under the premise of a space ship constantly traveling in the same direction away. A failed idea). Enterprise, also needed to find its identity - starting with odd semi-canon-breaking encounters with species like the Ferengi, but found some decent stories once they allowed themselves multi-episode stories. Its a shame they never got around to the Romulan war, but perhaps that's not off the table.

    With the third generation of Trek, a lot of it is still in its infancy. Discovery , being the oldest of the group, has gone through a lot of change. Starting as a prequel to the original series, they also had their share of weird semi-canon-breaking encounters (or odd retroactive changes) with the Klingons. Discovery seems to really like the overarching season plotline, but figured out a way to make the B-plot into what I would call an attempt at classic trek (an ethical dilemma with a foreign culture/Space is dangerous and they need to technobabble their way out/something based on actual science as a semi-thought experiment). I know not everyone agrees, but it's my opinion, and I will continue to watch it. Picard started by continuing lingering plotlines from the 2nd generation, as well a one from the JJ Abrams movies. I'll be honest, I watched the first episode and decided to skip it until I heard about how good the 3rd season is, which I liked, but didnt think was perfect. Lower Decks, takes a different approach. I feel like they took a few characters' personalities from all of star trek, made them into new characters, and plopped them into a more relaxed/cartoony world, which took me a while to adjust to. To use other shows as metaphors, The first season started off like a ripoff of Rick and Morty(not in a good way), but by the time it ends, I feel its more taking inspiration from something like Futurama (in a good way). The following seasons confirmed that thought for me, and I watch it when I can. Strange New Worlds (Which I have not watched any of the second season yet), in contrast to Discovery, has gone hard into the "Visit a new planet every week" type of story. I feel the big difference between TOS and SNW's writing, though, is that SNW still feels more connected to the lore built up over the years.Prodigy, which has its own drama right now, has an interesting idea and I'm afraid that it wont be fleshed out with its cancellation. Ultimately I feel like the 3rd generation of Trek really tries to iterate every year into something "better". So it just depends on what you like.

    And to sum it all up, I think the 3rd generation has some great stuff. Just give it as much time and patience as you would for TNG to go from the first season to what you would consider "good", and youll find something you like

  • What are YOU self-hosting?
  • I have a jellyfin server running on my local network. I tried running a minecraft server via port forwarding, but learned thats a terrible idea and put an end to that before anything bad happened. Thats now on a different service. I would like to run my own programming portfolio website eventually, but I am not that knowledgeable in networking, so its not something I am capable of doing correctly, yet