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monsteratmydesk Monsteratmydesk

Creator of A Grim Hack. UXA and sometimes game designer, occasionally ii paint toys. He/him

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Comments 3
Who said Pathfinder fans are only ones to say "just play a different game"?
  • @the_toast_is_gone @TheGreatDarkness WFRP is a blast, i wish I could make time and get a group together

  • Are adventurers like black widows or blue-ringed octopi to dragons?
  • @Maggoty we didn’t domesticate cats.
    They domesticated us.

  • Are adventurers like black widows or blue-ringed octopi to dragons?
  • @MouseKeyboard someone in the thread likened humans to dragons as being like cats. This has so much potential. Like a dragon that pampers their disgruntled pet human. Who gets angry and knocks over priceless treasure when it doesn’t like what it gets for dinner. One dragon hordes a whole community of humans. One dragon has a human that kills goblins and leaves them for the dragon because it’s pretty sure the dragon doesn’t know how to feed itself.