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mlanger Maria Langer | πŸ“ 🎬 βš’οΈπŸ›₯️

\#writer β€’ #silversmith β€’ #jewelry #artist β€’ #boat captain β€’ commercial #helicopter & #drone #pilot β€’ #traveler β€’ #maker β€’ #weather nerd β€’ #independent #thinker

Refugee from the dead bird site with low tolerance for bullshit.

I try to maintain a #NoPoliticsZone.

Don’t lecture me.

I want to follow interesting people who share stories and images from their own lives.

Original quality content rocks. Make some. .

Posts 0
Comments 3
Hello guys, my mom passed away not too long ago πŸ˜“, she left an brother se600 sewing and embroidery machine she used for working (quilting). Since she passed away the machine has just been
  • @zaffary @consumablejoy @sewing Heck, someone around here was looking for a sewing machine for her daughter. I wish I could remember who.

    Sorry for your loss. I think she'd be happy about some of her things going to people who could really use them.

  • I'm curious, how much does it cost you, monthly, on average, to participate in the fediverse?
  • @[email protected] @[email protected] I believe in chipping in for services I use often that would otherwise be free. I hope that other folks who can afford to chip in do so.

  • Sudo is coming to windows
  • @AllonzeeLV @Hapbt

    So says the bot (?) who follows no one and is followed by no one. Were you programmed to spread hate? Because that’s what I’m seeing here.πŸ™„