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misterfrumble misterfrumble

Developer from Indiana, USA specializing in automated testing frameworks. Also: gamer, sports fan, politics nut (bourgeois liberal scum), family man, etc.

Mastodon: @[email protected]

Birb Site: @[email protected]

Posts 0
Comments 4
Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Mid 40s from the Midwest USA. Ever since my first car in the mid 90s every daily driver of mine has been a manual. I just flat out enjoy driving them.

    Gonna miss it when I eventually go electric after my current car dies and needs replaced.

  • Who else has booked time off work to play Starfield when it releases?
  • You betcha! Need a break from work and a long weekend to play Starfield (at least while the kids are at school/asleep/otherwise occupied) comes at a great time.

    Came here for the positivity. I'll pretend all the negative nancies who will complain about ANYTHING Bethesda does no matter what are just shouting into the void.

  • [OC] Tribute to No Man's Sky
  • Definitely gives a 70s/80s sci-fi paperback cover art vibe. Love it!

  • The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 20-07-2023
    • Chilling out to No Man's Sky after not playing it for a long time. A great game to zone out to.
    • Revisiting The Outer Worlds, just as good as I remember it being
  • What have you been playing and what do you think of it? 7/16/23
  • Been replaying The Outer Worlds and some No Man's Sky as I await Starfield. TOW is just as good as I remembered, and NMS is still a chill time suck that I can "space" out to.