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Welcome To The Everton Community!
  • Hello from Indiana, USA. Hope this community catches on.

  • Share your favorite team(s)!
  • Indy Eleven & Everton (I see you both in the comments with the Indy Eleven & Everton love!)

  • New users look here
  • Just popping in to introduce myself. Lifelong Hoosier, currently in the Indy Suburbs. Used to be a reddit lurker on local subs and a few video game specific subs more than anything. Abandoned ship THERE though because waves around at everything

    Wouldn't call myself a leftist nor a centrist. Somewhere in the middle of THOSE, ymmv. Bit of a sports fan, but my teams are all cursed lately. Indy Eleven, Everton, Pacers, Red Wings, St. Louis Cards... all shitty to mediocre. 🤷

    When I have free time from work and family, I like video games. Currently playing: A re-play of The Outer Worlds, eagerly waiting on Starfield.

    Anyway, howdy. Nice to be on this little corner of the internet...