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mishimaenjoyer mishimaenjoyer
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Elon Musk under investigation by US agency for $44bn takeover of Twitter
  • he can't win this, can't he?

    "i want to buy this."
    "ok, i won't buy it."
    "ok, i bought it."

    one does not have to like him to see the pattern behind this, just like the farce with investigating spacex for "discrimination" for not hiring migrants and foreigners even tho the law explicitly forbids the company to do so because of national security concerns.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • no one has to use any of this. if there's a home appliance that comes with "smart" in it's name, i'm not even looking at it. you broaden the topic too much, we were talking about computers in general and google in detail, now we're at lighbulbs, you're moving goal posts.

  • 4chan Uses Bing to Flood the Internet With Racist Images
  • /b/ (or /pol/) exploiting a loophole in a webservice for teh lulz, more news at 11.

  • New Ray-Ban, Meta Smart Glasses Evoke Privacy Concerns
  • "glasshole" all over again - guess it's too long already since google flopped with this.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • doesn't matter what you think when it's not relevant. not every internet connected device is sending personal data of it's user to google or any other adspace reseller.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • why would i buy a machine i have to "hack" in the first place to use it as i need it to when i can have a similar or better machine for less money without any restrictions?

  • Huge new satellite outshines nearly every star in the sky
  • move out of the city, away from any night light and then just ignore the occasional ring of dots that takes up like 0.00003% of the night sky for the average stargazer; why does everyone now pretend to be copernicus?

  • Huge new satellite outshines nearly every star in the sky
  • engineers and the military talked about space junk for obvious reason, but no one lamented working satellites because the antagonist celeb of the month launched them into space.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • ... and by that, a chromebook is a great extension within this business model since it leaves you know choice but to use the botnet :)

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • you're confusing things, i talk about not handing over my internet profile and it's associated data to a conglomerate to make money off it, you talk about anonymity. two different pair of shoes.

  • Huge new satellite outshines nearly every star in the sky
  • early millennial. it's just funny how many ppl start to become critical about "space junk" since they realized that "twitter man bad" has some of them, ignoring, how dependent they are on all that stuff flying around there. love your sidestep to the current day topic, tho.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • if you love being the product, go ahead. i haven't used any gapp in years and don't feel like i'm missing something.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • google is a machine learning, data harvesting botnet most ppl opt in consensual.

  • Huge new satellite outshines nearly every star in the sky
  • i remember when i was a kid, i was hiking with my parents and we spent a night on about 2500m and looking up i obviously had a great view of the cosmos BUT i also could see some satelites moving and even the then MIR space station. i was impressed that "we" are actually up there for everyone down here to see. i guess the current generation want's a pristine night sky AND 24/7 internet, gps and tv.

  • Google Intros Chromebook Plus Devices With More Power, Apps and AI for $399
  • i was talking about the botnet that is google itself, with chromebooks being a literal physical part of it.

  • I made an iOS shortcut to remove metadata from photos
  • A very elaborate way to say „I like to shit on apple because I can’t even come up with an original online identity“, get a life already, no one cares about your 2012 style brand flame war.

  • I made an iOS shortcut to remove metadata from photos
  • „Now that we’ve established that Apple collects and uses your data to serve ads, does it sell your data too? Turns out the answer is No, Apple doesn’t sell your data to third-party advertisers. The Cupertino giant possesses the exclusive rights of showing you ads on the App Store and other apps. This means your data is used by Apple to show ads, but not sold to any other advertisers.“

  • I made an iOS shortcut to remove metadata from photos
    1. no and just a 0,0x% of android users do that
    2. yes
    3. yes

    Now leave.

  • FYI: ProtonPass on Mac/Safari (Apple Silicon)

    protonpass is available for a few weeks now and i really enjoy using it on my mobile devices and on firefox. there is no "official" app for mac and desktop safari yet (proton claims that they have to heavily rewrite the extension to make it work with safari) so i installed the ipad version on my m1 mini and it works - in a way. if you want to use it, you can just open it and c/p the logins you need into safari, but you can also enable it with autofill for safari in the mac password settings - but beware, this is still kinda buggy!

    so, in case you don't want to wait for a "proper" safari extention, you can try this workaround! have fun!

    ps.: please no browser flamewar
