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mindmeshlink viscountexx

find me elsewhere at, main @[email protected]!

Posts 2
Comments 8

Purple-crowned fairy wren

still working on my learning to do any 2d visual art, and I was thinking about birds, so here's a particularly cute one! i took a single creative liberty by making the eye blue because it popped more. fairy wrens, by the way, are absolutely tiny! i recommend looking them up, they're delightful.

[OC] Sweet Character Art
  • Oh, no, the dithering on the clothes looks really good. The colors almost throw me off on the sleeves because of how close they are to the background, but they're distinct enough that I can visually understand what's going on and I think it's very pretty ✨

  • [OC] Sweet Character Art
  • omg you blow it out of the water so often! this is amazing! the gradients look GREAT too

  • still learning, but here's a candle!!!

    i'm working on my OBS layout for streaming and i made this little candle! i wanted to make my layout have little desktop windows, and the close and roll-up buttons for the windows are a skull and candle :3 i'm more proud of this one than the skull though lmfao

    Bypassing neocities file restriction
  • my take on the morality is entirely "what's the filesize" because, like, if it's small it Doesn't Matter really. they should probably be limiting by file size and not just extension though lmao

  • Favorite branch of programming
  • Shell scripts. Load bearing shell scripts. I like a fish script and how it's just automating what I'm already doing in my terminal.

  • [Non-OC] Gorgeous 8-bit Color Cycling Pixel Art by Mark J. Ferrari
  • Oh my god this is the artist who worked on Heaven & Earth!!! that old DOS game ate a lot of my childhood hahahah, wow. amazing stuff, i'm so glad i got to see his work again

  • [OC] Redesign of my vtuber!
  • i love the way the hair bounces in the animation!! super cute!

  • 🧍 **Introductions!** 🧍
  • hi!! we're Many, a manifold mindmesh, the viscountexx of chitin! has everything we do, some of which is NSFW offsite links - we're streamers (, occasional speedrunners, online sex workers, the occasional 3d artist, and generally doing ADHD nonsense, all fundable at (also that site is a co-op we're part of, which is very cool). we do occasional web design (including our homepage), and we're a queer trans disabled plural system who love faer wheelchair ✨

    been on fedi for a while, thought this'd be the right place for a nice little reddit-like account ^w^