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Baby Journal - Open source app for tracking baby activities by (

I'm not sure if this is the best place for this cross-post, nor do I know how many users here occupy the parent+tech-savvy/sysop intersectional space. But for anyone with a child and privacy focused, this webapp made by Rikudou_Sage might be of interest?

Keep in mind, it doesn't come with any instructions on self-hosting. It seems to leverage the serverless framework, though.

If this post is a bad fit, feel free to remove!

The github repos and the link to the Play Store app (it's a wrapper) can be found under the original post spoiler section below.

original post

cross-posted from:

> A while ago I made an app for tracking baby activities because I became a parent and was horrified at how many permissions the existing apps required and how much tracking they contained. Both the app and the server are open source. > > This is a web-app which also has an Android version in the Play Store (F-Droid didn't accept it because they don't feel like web-apps should be welcome in their store). On iPhones it can be installed as a PWA to the home screen. > > Features: > > - No tracking whatsoever > - End-to-end encrypted, no personal information is stored on the server unencrypted > - Track baby's feeding, diaper changes, breast pumping and sleeping (more to come) > > Links: > > - - the PWA itself > - - the Play Store Android wrapper > - - the server source code > - - the PWA source code

New moderator saying hi!
  • I remember hearing about it but the prospect of not being able to replay it turned me off. At least, that's what I gleaned over the years. I vaguely recall someone posting a picture of them framing the board when they were done with the game (campaign?)

    Maybe I got the wrong impression? I suppose I should take another look-see.

    I haven't played that much Pandemic, really, so the mechanics have yet to get old for us 😅

  • New moderator saying hi!
  • Hello!

    I've went though a stint where I just didn't want to play boardgames. Largely because a lot of them are competitive and I don't like the vibe that usually brings out of me. Recently, my housemate and I grew our collection of co-op games. I have to say that the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars - A Pandemic System Game" is our favourite so far. We only played it a few times and...failed on all counts! It's a Pandemic game and we haven't played the system much so we haven't figured out the best way to work around it. I do look forward to figuring that out!

    As for TTRPGs. Oh man...for group play, I would say the Genesys system (EDGE/FFG Star Wars RPG...yeah, there's a pattern 😉 ). But I've shifted away from group play and into solo play. Ironsworn: Starforged, as a system, is my favourite. Not a huge fan of the setting but there are people working on addons and mods so it wouldn't be hard to adjust. I also plan on making an attempt at solo-playing SWRPG/Genesys. I've noticed a lack of solo-play podcasts for that specific system so that's something I plan on doing in the near future!

    I also have a ridiculous amount of TTRPGs I've...collected over the years. The two I definitely want to play, solo or group, is Cities Without Numbers and Eclipse Phase 2e. I really like the cyberpunk + future tech settings and haven't had a chance to really play a game like that. Maybe a one-shot once upon a time.

    I think that's all I have to share for now! I'm excited to see and chat about this stuff with y'all 😄

  • Narrat Jam 2 - Make a narrat game this July
  • Intriguing! The timing works out for me too, I just finished a personal project so I have the bandwidth for this 😀

  • What is your most satisfying weapon to use?
  • Ahhh, lucky! I want to spray red crits too! I'm gonna have to look through my pile of riven mods now.

    I actually saw the hype about DT's incarnon adapter on /r/Warframe, and that's also how I learned about the Frenzy proc. I had to rebuild Dual Toxocyst when I got the adapter. The wait just to get enough Mutagen Mass was excruciating!

  • What is your most satisfying weapon to use?
  • Lately, Dual Toxocyst Incarnon is that satisfying weapon for me. It synergizes so well with its own built-in headshot proc (Frenzy). Seeing the Incarnon charge up fully after 3 headshots brings me joy. Seeing it light up a group of enemies because they dared to stand too close to my target makes me happy too. It's my happy gun 🙃

  • My New Favorite Primary Weapon
  • Very nice! It's such a great feeling finding a weapon that you enjoy. I haven't spent a lot of time with Shedu to really appreciate it, so sadly, there isn't much more I can say. I do hope it serves you well in Steel Path, though!

  • Duviri resources
  • The 5th tier on Riding Intrinsic will mark resources on the map while you're on the kaithe. And as neooffs said, the resources tends to spawn in specific places. For instance, you'll find a bunch of Yao Shrubs around snowy area like Titan's Rest. Connla Sprouts near sources of water. You can look them up on the Warframe wiki.

    I also break every resources I spot when I'm on my way to something, so I'm slowly building up my stock over time. It's a bit tedious but I've spent an average of two hours when I play Duviri Experience. I get easily distracted by all the side quests, LOL.

  • What is a good 2 player Tetris these days?
  • The co-op modes are 3 vs 1 and 3 vs AI controlled boss. I only played the vs AI boss, and you all get separate boards until a specific event occurs. Then it merges and everyone gets to put their piece anywhere across the three boards. It only lasts for a little bit, and then the board splits again.

    The PvP modes are called:

    • Zone battle (incorporates their time-stopping mechanic)
    • Score attack (standard Tetris, no interfering blocks for the player lagging behind)
    • Classic Score attack (standard Tetris, but you don't get hard drops or holds, and again, no interfering blocks)

    One thing I found out is that if you want to play against the CPU, you can just load up a local match and add player's twice on the same controller. The second "adding" will fill the rest with CPUs.

    It's available on both PC and Switch. However, from what I could find out, you need the Switch Online membership to play multiplayer online. But you haven't mentioned an interest in that so it should fit your requirements really well.

    It's currently 50% off on both Steam and Nintendo eShop

    Hope that helps!

  • [SOLVED] Still can't sign up for Beehaw 😞🐝
  • According to their Github issue tracker, they're aware and are working to fix it (based on the pull request)!

    The lemmy software is still a bit rough. It can only get better though, we all just need a little patience (or to contribute if we're able) 😊

    As far as I know, I don't believe there's an FAQ that explains these issues. I could be wrong though!

  • Beehawers of Color: introduce yourselves!
  • That's not adequate for the purposes I have in mind. But thanks for the suggestion 🙂

  • I have a confession to make... I code in Comic Sans
  • There were legitimate reasons from a design standpoint. It's badly balanced, the spacing is inconsistent...and it was everywhere.

    Funny enough, I suspect what makes it a badly designed font might be why some people with dyslexia have an easier time reading with it. The badly balanced, poor spacing, probably made the letters in the font more distinguishable from one another.

    If you (or anyone else that's interested) have the time, I think this article, "Why You Hate Comic Sans," goes over all of it pretty well.

  • What do you think about Apple and its ecosystem? (And a little conversation I had with a colleague)
  • Thanks for this recommendation! I looked into it and it looks like they're going to move over to Debian since reversing changes to Ubuntu's decisions is taking up more time than its worth. I'm looking forward to that. Nothing against Ubuntu, but VanillaOS's approach feels like a better, more trustworthy direction.

  • sharp hip and knee pain on same side.
  • What is your lifestyle like at the moment? Do you do a lot of sitting? Not a lot of movement, exercise, etc? Are you under a lot of stress or do you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks? Have the weather been particularly nasty where you are? (This is starting to sound like a start of an infomercial, sorry! 😅 )

    I led a sedentary life style for a long time, especially during the pandemic. I was getting random aches and pains in my hip joints, in my legs, my arms. But since I've started practicing yoga (at home, only), and also started treatment for my anxiety disorder, they have been a rare occurrence.

    I don't know what your situation is like, but I really hope you can find some relief! I know how scary it can be to feel these pains and have no idea what's wrong. I hope you can find the strength to keep away from that doom spiral though. The anxiety and the stress from that is more likely to make things worse. If you do want to try the yoga route, or interested in a youtube channel recommendation, I've found Yoga with Adriene incredibly helpful for me.

    🫂 💓

  • "which" vs "this"
  • I remember reading somewhere that if the text is supposed to be conversational, then you can be way more lax with grammar rules. Most human don't talk like they have a grammar-bot pressing a gun to their back 😝 So OP, you are definitely free to stick with "Which means." Hell, if this is first person narration, then all the more reason to.

    Don’t let grammatical accuracy impose artificial limitation on your expression <3

    ^ This, 100%!

  • What is the best game engine/framework for a absolute beginner to learn?
  • I highly recommend, for a first project, to limit yourself to just one game mechanic.

    Limit your scope

    For example: It sounds like you want to make a platformer? Maybe limit yourself to just an endless runner type where the character has to jump over obstacles. A bit like flappy bird but your character is grounded instead of flying. This way, you can focus your effort on at least two major aspects of the game:

    • Character movement
    • Map generation

    Game Design Document

    Another thing to consider doing is putting together a game design document. Write down what kind of game you want to make, and break it down into their constituent mechanics. Then, maybe try ranking them from what you think could be the easiest to implement to the hardest. You may want to look up tutorials on how to implement those various mechanics and rank them that way if you're unsure.

    Having a game design document can be helpful, especially if you remind yourself not to go beyond the scope you have set out for yourself. It may help you focus on what you need to do and not get distracted by new features you just thought up of. Not to say you should throw those new ideas out, but write them down under "future ideas" and worry about them after you have a minimum viable product.

    To be fair, not everyone will agree on how helpful this can be, but I think having something written down can help act as a reminder, or a means of focusing yourself. Wouldn't hurt to try


    As for bugs, honestly, that's part and parcel of programming. One thing that I found works for me when I get too frustrated is to step away from the computer. Take a snack break, or go for a walk, or play a game. Come back with a clear head, and I usually figure out my issue.

    I hope that helps provide some guidance on overcoming that overwhelming feeling. Best of luck to you!

  • new Beehaw community icons!
  • And the amount of times we hear people trying to get out of paying the artist or really put me off trying to freelance as an artist (not to mention the anxiety making art brought me lately...)

  • new Beehaw community icons!
  • Congrats, @[email protected]!

    The transparency of expenses really helps bolster trust and it's awesome we're compensating an artist for their work! Gives a little bit of hope.

  • new Beehaw community icons!
  • For question 2, you can set the filter default in your settings, it's "helpfully" labeled...type 🤣

    Hope that helps!

  • Does Lemmy like my partner's art? I'm trying to convince her to join.
  • Yes, diversity and variety in creative expression is most welcome!

    Really like how minimal yet expressive your partner's works are 😁