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metic metic
Posts 16
Comments 32
Mastodon is useless (to me.)
  • I hate that posting into the void feeling. I blame that more on the microblog format more than any particular platform.

  • Flexible Glass - Lost Ancient Roman Invention Because Glassmaker Was Beheaded By Emperor Tiberius - Ancient Pages
  • It’s possible. Roman concrete is still superior to modern concrete in some ways and we haven’t rediscovered the formula.

  • Prehistory meme
  • Infinite work glitch

  • What is Stoicism?
  • This is one of my favorite channels on YT. A good contribution in giving an overview of all of Stoicism, not just the part that people tend to focus on these days. I do have to dock him some points for mixing up Academic “Skepticism” and actual Pyrrhonian Skepticism, tho.

  • Just screenshotted a comment and saw a weird message
  • That’s just objectively false, Reddit.

  • Daily Calvin and Hobbes (July 25, 1993)
  • Aged like wine.

    sent from my Panoptiphone 87

  • What are your honest opinions about fake reddit stories?
  • Many years ago I posted a true story on r/nosleep or r/letsnotmeet (forget which) bc I didn’t realize most of those stories are fake. It was frustrating to realize my weird situation that I wanted other people to know about and empathize with me about (bc the cops did nothing) was largely ignored.

  • Are climate doomers right?
  • Haven’t been proven wrong so far. I’d love it for the human race to get it together and take its existential threats seriously, but it seems world leaders would rather have pointless wars over territory and argue about cultural issues.

  • Why ‘birth strikes’ aren’t the right way to end the climate crisis
  • I hate it when articles undercut their own clickbait titles.

  • AskMen - Get a male perspective metic

    Do you derive intrinsic satisfaction from your job or see it as just a means to end?

    Obviously it can be a bit of both. I’m sure a lot of those guys on Wall Street get off on the high stakes, competitive environment along with all of the benefits to being wealthy. On the other hand, some people choose jobs that don’t pay much but give them a high degree of satisfaction. But I surmise that most people, particularly men, are mainly motivated extrinsically in their jobs to provide for their families, to maintain a certain lifestyle, or simply to survive.

    What's something you'd change in men's fashion, given the chance?
  • In humid climates, shorts should be acceptable work attite.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is a pretty fun rabbit hole to dive down. The para-biblical book Jubilees retells a lot of the Hebrew Bible stories with added details including naming the patriarchs’ wives. A more interesting reading is that because they are omitted in the Genesis account, quite possibly a lot more people were also not mentioned. This led to the “pre-Adamite” doctrine, that Adam and Eve were not the first humans. Of course there’s also the Talmudic account of Lilith which has gained a lot of popularity recently.

  • Workers might have to ditch the 9-5 for 6-2 because of climate change, University of Oxford study says
  • I worked a 6-2 shift once. Quite liked it as I am a morning person. Had to go to bed around 9:00 though.

  • What does an ideal world look like to you?
  • Networked, autonomous local communities.

  • Vanishing Comments?
  • I noticed posting from is really buggy. I started composing in another app as a failsafe. Kbin doesn’t seem to have this issue, and maybe other Lemmy instances don’t either.

  • The Story Of The Max Headroom Incident, America’s Creepiest Unsolved TV Hack
  • Given how ruthless the FCC is, the best we can hope for at this point is a deathbed confession.

  • Uncensored nudity in the "random posts" section of the top page
  • @tiredofsametab

    I saw a post that automatically grabbed a NSFW furry thumbnail pic from somewhere but it wasn’t in the linked article, nor did it show up on Lemmy.

  • Why is the all page so different from instance to instance
  • @lom I asked this question a few days ago in @kbinmeta . I think it’s to do with how upvotes (don’t) federate or how many comments are posted/ federate to an instance’s copy of a post.

  • People who still use Reddit, how is it?
  • @Aityz

    The main subs I follow are more or less back to normal or never protested to begin with. Two tiny subs I mod have been getting hammered with Temu spam and because the built-in moderation tools don’t seem to help I set them to restricted.

    The big difference is on /all. Some popular subs have been largely replaced like r/AITA -> r/AITAH & r/TwoHotTakes. But a lot of the usual content is completely missing and in their place are the food delivery and selfie subs.

  • Why Are Radicals Like Just Stop Oil Booed Rather Then Supported?
  • @sam_uk As we’ve seen on Reddit, a large chunk of people would rather complain about protests temporarily inconveniencing them than about the people in charge making things permanently worse for everyone.

  • What Chinese Calligraphy Taught Me About Myself

    Write your name — over and over. You’ll be surprised what you learn.

    0 Pieces of Munich synagogue, destroyed on Hitler’s orders, found in river

    The synagogue was among the first Jewish places of worship to be destroyed in Hitler’s Germany. Read more at

    0 American trafficking victim back in Taiwan to find birth parents - Focus Taiwan

    Taipei, July 7 (CNA) Kuo Downing-Reese (郭慧如), an American flight paramedic who might have been the victim of a Taiwanese children trafficking ring in the early 1980s, on Thursday appealed for the public's help in finding her birth parents.

    0 Aristotle On the 3 Types of Friendship (and How Each Enriches Life) | Philosophy Break

    There is not one type of friendship, Aristotle argues, but three. The highest type — the friendship of virtue — contributes most to our pursuit of the good life; but it is difficult to cultivate, and we may only achieve it a few times (if at all) in our lifetimes.

    0 United Methodists lose one-fifth of US churches in schism driven by growing defiance of LGBTQ bans

    More than 6,000 United Methodist congregations have now received permission to leave the denomination amid a schism over theology and the role of LGBTQ people.

    1 Remarkable Artifacts Discovered in Vast Bronze Age Site in north China

    Discover the remarkable ancient Bronze Age town of Zhaigou, China, revealing its mysterious origins through astonishing artifacts and ruins.


    Why is the active posts feed on so different from

    Not that I’m complaining; nice to not be inundated with beans.

    I’d assume with federation the active posts would mostly be the same on both.

    Edit: I think it may partly have to do with how voting works differently between Lemmy and Kbin.


    Could a New Religion Develop around AI? Could a New Religion Develop around AI? | The Walrus

    The hunger to believe in something beyond the self is real. What if bots started creating scripture?


    I Was a Bank Robber Until I Read Kant I Was a Bank Robber Until I Read Kant | The Walrus

    The one thing that criminals and philosophers share is a sense of being an outsider

    DebateReligion metic

    No metaphysical model is more convincing than any other

    Over the history of philosophy and religion numerous works of metaphysical speculation have been written. Many of these metaphysical models are mutually exclusive. This bewildering variety of metaphysics naturally induces a skepticism of all metaphysical systems. No particular metaphysics can be be proven empirically. Metaphysicians must recourse to either theophany or reasoning; in practice usually a combination of the two. Others cannot access the same theophany or may dispute their logic.

    Materialism cannot escape this skepticism. Materialism (or physicalism) is the current prestige metaphysics in the modern world, but it has not earned this position on the basis of its veracity. Science as the study of physical or social phenomena, does not concern itself with non-physical phenomena. It is instrumentally materialist, regardless of the individual scientist’s metaphysical views. Although science uses materialism as a working assumption, it does not and cannot attempt to prove it, nor any other metaphysical model. The prestige materialism currently enjoys is a result of people mistaking this instrumentality for veracity.


    Lieh Tzu translation by Lionel Giles

    0 More than half a million left Germany's Catholic Church last year as abuse scandal swirls

    BERLIN (AP) — The departures left the number of Catholic Church members in Germany at nearly 20.94 million, just under a quarter of the population.

    0 How to foster ‘shoshin’ | Psyche Guides

    It’s easy for the mind to become closed to new ideas. Cultivating a beginner’s mind helps us rediscover the joy of learning

    0 The Woman Who Bought a Mountain for God

    The country’s fastest-growing Christian movement helped fuel Trump’s rise—and is gearing up for spiritual battle.

    0 What’s a stegosaur for? Why life is design-like | Aeon Essays

    Nobody expects atoms and molecules to have purposes, so why do we still think of living things in this way?
