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meleecrits meleecrits
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America, Don’t Succumb to Escapism
  • My wife is a 3rd generation Irish immigrant, meaning she can apply for dual citizenship and I can get Irish citizenship as a "needed specialist."

    It's not the easiest escape plan, especially since it would mean abandoning her aging father, but at least we can get out of here if/when the Brown Shirts come for us.

  • I want life to be big and grand!
  • That was beautiful. Thank you for sharing that!

  • First Presidential Debate Megapost!
  • This is exactly how he got elected in 2016. All he does is lie and attack and people believe him. If the moderators pushed him even slightly on his lies instead of allowing him to spew whatever bullshit he wanted for two minutes, the night would have gone much differently. Instead, Joe had to spend half of his time refuting clear lies instead of talking about his accomplishments.

  • 'Black Americans for Trump' event a 'major bust' that featured 'a sea of white people'
  • Compared to what they were likely thinking, "Blacks for Trump" is downright progressive for them.

  • The Steam Summer Sale is live now!
  • I love how they advertise "up to 20% off a steam deck," but that's only for refurbished and there's none in stock.

  • I want life to be big and grand!
  • "It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life." Bilbo Baggins The Lord of the Rings

  • Tarantula, assault charges fly in Hennepin County [Minnesota] Board race | Political hopeful Marisa Simonetti seems to think buying and deploying a tarantula is how adults settle disputes.
  • Tarantulas are extremely fragile creatures. She probably killed that poor thing.

    On the flip side, if it's a new world tarantula, then they have highly irritating hairs that they'll spray in the air. Those hairs would be more dangerous than a bite, as a spider has little to no interest in attacking an ape 50x its size.

  • Ah yes, the old somethingWentWrong
  • Well, it's not wrong...

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • It means they are pushing on both the brake and accelerator at the same time. In essence, they are revving the engine, engaging the power train AND applying brake force to it all at the same time.

  • Lemons(?) of Lemmy, what is something that feels so obvious to you that you just get lowkey pissed at the world for not knowing?
  • What frightens me is when you see a vehicle put on their brake lights while they are clearly accelerating. I tend to back way away from that type of driver.

  • Amy Coney Barrett may be poised to split conservatives on the Supreme Court...
  • A strict history centric approach would make him property.

  • US campus protests: Hillary Clinton fails to grasp the moral power of this turning tide
  • Does anyone else feel like she's ramping up her media attention for a 2028 presidential run?

    It just seems odd since she went silent after 2016 and now it seems like she's trying to get in the headlines again.

    God I hope she doesn't run.

  • Justice Alito questions possibility of political compromise in secret recording
  • The Black Panthers open carrying is exactly what led California governor Reagan to enact the strictest gun laws in the country.

  • Justice Alito questions possibility of political compromise in secret recording
  • The solution to the paradox of tolerance is looking at it as a social contract. If one person tries to use your tolerance to violate your, or others rights, they are no longer protected by the agreement and do not get to benefit from it.

    I wish I could find the article about it, but I can't seem to find it now. Sorry.

  • Donald Trump's "foamy saliva" in campaign video raises questions
  • Yes. Like many other suburban white folk, I had an all too naive view on racial issues. While I didn't think all racist issues had been solved, I didn't realize how bad things actually were.

  • Donald Trump's "foamy saliva" in campaign video raises questions
  • I try to look at it like this: before 2016, I thought this level of hatred, bigotry and cruelty was an outlier in the right. That most of them just wanted tax cuts and weren't hood wearing racists. I've since learned that the "outliers" are the party and the "moderates" are the actual outliers.

    "When someone shows you who they are, believe them." Maya Angelou.

  • "Designed to better support our users"
  • This was the catalyst I needed to switch to self hosting rustdesk. It was a bit of a pain setting up, but people comfortable with cli would handle it much better than I did.

  • Global heat record broken for 12th straight month in May
  • My counter argument for people saying we can terraform other planets: we can't even keep the planet designed to sustain us viable.

  • NSFW
    I mean... it is kinda hot
  • Arachnophobe here. I regret entering this comment section.

  • Presence Detection for a Child with no Phone.

    Next school year, my son will be left home after school for a few hours while my wife and I are at work. I'm looking for a way to detect when he's home and have the front door unlock (among other automation scripts that are in place).

    I came across this post and was going to get the Tile Pro as it seemed to check off all my requirements:

    • I could put it in his backpack where it can be forgotten.
    • long battery life.
    • Through the Home Assistant integration, it can trigger when it gets in range.
    • It also has a few other beneficial things, so I was thinking of putting one on each of our bicycles in case they're ever stolen. Hell, I could look into putting one on my cat's collar in case she ever gets out.

    Then I came across some concerning articles regarding data harvesting. The whole reason I started self-hosting was to prevent data harvesting, so it seems like the Tile is a non-starter for me.

    Has anyone been in this (or a similar) situation? Mainly, I'm looking for a device I can put in my son's backpack that can trigger when he's within range, so the house will open for him. BLE seems like it might be a solution, though I run my server on an old Dell r720 enterprise server in my basement, so I don't currently have Bluetooth functionality (and it's pretty far away from the front door, 20+ feet), though getting that is not a dealbreaker for me.

    • Addendum: To people saying just get a key: we have a key for him. I have a monolith sized server in my basement that automates most everything in my house these days, and was curious if anyone had set up something similar to what I was thinking. Home automation is very much a hobby, and I'm using it to learn new things.