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What's been the craziest moment of your life?
  • Somewhere around 2010 I was playing Modern Warfare 2 with my homie and we ended up in a match against a clan. They were talking a lot about Limp Bizkit. We asked how this one guy knew so much about them, and he said "cause I'm the singer haha."

    Dude shared the website to his clan which had his gamertag and sure as hell I was playing CoD with Fred Durst. He was really chill.

  • XXX
  • Awesome point, yea, the "commoners" need to be disarmed.

    So you were around plenty of guns in your childhood? As a child, you knew what an AR-15 was?

    Hmmm. It's almost like children growing up around guns, especially those exposed to rifles as you mentioned, became comfortable and used to them, know how to use them, and where to get them.

    Cool graphic you shared in an attempt to justify gun violence. Ml

  • Biden, in Valley Forge speech, hits Trump hard as threat to democracy
  • That would generally be something I agree with, but this is a much different scenario. Voting against Trump is definitely the move.

  • super
  • Legend of the Seven Dives

  • TearsOfTheKingdom meatwads_tooth

    Perfect time for a relaxing selfie


    Sandshrew help, what todo?
  • Sandshrew will be very useful at the 3rd gym. Definitely keep levelling it. Not many other options for ground-type until later in the game.