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mauwuro Mauwuro

Software engineer always happy to help others! :o

Mexican | NPC | Curious | Dev

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  • I can confirm that, I'm being paid to said I'm Mexican 🌮 viva México!!

    they pay me with tacos btw

  • Deja Brew
  • OMG this reminds me that I've left some coffee in the french press since the morning... now it's 11pm to me

    I guess it's going to be a problem for the future me

  • [GNOME] Catppuccin, neovim and anime-girls
  • whats on the right? is that a terminal book reader?

  • Firefox 121 Now Available With Wayland Enabled By Default
  • I'm not an erudite so feel free to correct me c:

    Wayland is a new implementation on how your system draws windows and components in your computer (I'm not sure if it's responsible for the content) and it tries a different way to do it compared with xorg.

    Xorg is the old implementation, and it has been patched to support most of the new features, and Wayland is trying to get the same features xorg has and some extras.

    As a Linux user I have noted that sharing screen is more private in Wayland, also I think multi monitor refresh rate was a problem in xorg. One common issue with Wayland is the GPU compatibility, as far as I know Wayland runs better in AMD GPU I think is because of Mesa integration.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • yeah I was looking for something like "at 0 F something happens" as in Centigrades you can be sure that at 0C and with 1atm the water will freeze, instead of something arbitrary, so you can compare calibrate instruments

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • what happens at 0 F?

    I mean 0 C is when the water change its state, but then what happens at 0 F?

  • She always get it wrong !
  • .* searchs what's a Quiche *

    uhmmm yomi. (I still don't know how to pronounce that)

  • Only few keys working on dactyl manuform
  • does both sides fail? I would say it's something with your wiring.

    Try swapping the cables, also you can do a short in each key socket to simulate a key press but removing the possibility of a bad switch. And check again if all the cables are connected were they are supposed to be

  • AMLO realiza junto a Carlos Slim el segundo recorrido por el Tren Maya
  • por qué están involucrando tanto a Slim?

  • it's a secret mom's campaign to stop drinking out of the bottle....
  • depends on your country, here in Mexico we don't have tap water we need to buy water bottles or a water jug. I'm not sure why we don't have tap water really 🤔

  • How does healthcare work in your country?
  • In Mexico the government has their own health care system, if you are a Mexican citizen you have access to it for free (if you are a student or you work legally), it's sustained by taxes that employers pay to the government, there are two health care systems IMSS and ISSSTE, depending on if you work for the government you get one or another.

    These institutions will give you the treatment that you need and surgerys as well, except cosmetic stuff. Since these institutions aren't optimal (usually takes a long time to get attention) you might prefer to use a private health care, and you just pay a private company for what you need or pay monthly for an insurance plan, which will cover certain hospitals and specific diseases

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • maybe that's the exact moment when the back problems and depression started

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • it's Wednesday my dudes ;-; uhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ;-;

  • Which upcomming indie game you have high hopes for ?
  • I didn't know there were plans to do a sequel! I just bought it

  • ¿En verdad somos tan pocos por acá?
  • recomienden clientes de Lemmy

  • ¿En verdad somos tan pocos por acá?
  • bueno, yo apenas voy llegando! y veo que ya hay otras comunidades que me llamaban la atención entonces igual y si termino haciendo mi migración acá