Posts 0
Comments 7
What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform. 2 0
Thanks that worked!
What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform. 3 0
I’m trying out Thunder and it seems great but I can’t figure out how to show the upvote counts. Not sure if it’s a bug or a setting I need to change.
GOOOOOOOOOOD morning! 3 0
I’m gonna go to the gym, and then study. I have two exams next week 😔
What is your favorite anti-nazi media? 2 0
Which anti-nazi books would you recommend?
Music Monday - what have you been listening to? 1 0
Rome by The National. They’re so good live.
Noob question: where can I download FLACs/music? 3 0
I’ve been using lucida to download from Tidal. It works very well.
Pets Sunday - how are they doing? 2 0
My bunny’s starting to warm up to us a little bit. Keep in mind we’ve had him for three years and he still hates us. But now he’s pissing on the dog’s bed to assert dominance. He’s so rude but so cute.