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mapto Martín

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Abito in Italia @[email protected]

Posts 115
Comments 59
Polars — Announcing Polars 1.0
  • Looks exciting, and the basic example in the user guide seems more intuitive than pandas. Looking forward to see how it's going to integrate with bokeh and plotnine, though.

  • Warming waters jeopardize Black Sea's survival
  • There is a White Sea and NATO is expanding towards it...

    So it turns out Putin made a mistake by recuriting Trump. Now MAGA wants a piece of Russia...

  • Warming waters jeopardize Black Sea's survival

    Geological engineer Osman Bektaş has issued a stark warning about the impact of global climate change on the Black Sea. 'The continuous warming of the...

    Warming waters jeopardize Black Sea's survival
    The Black Sea is now Emerald Green
  • It was happening also in previous years,but this might contribute.

  • The Black Sea is now Emerald Green

    > In May, the color of the Black Sea began to change, and according to scientists, this was due to the massive reproduction of phytoplankton. Now, in the images from space, it is not dark blue, but emerald green.

    Cost by Protein Source
  • I guess you misunderstood my providing illustrative examples in parentheses. Replace or remove the examples, the argument is still valid.

    In another subthread they've pointed out that processing food also changes its protein density, most obviously by water transfer.

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • This is not a problem with the nutrition of foods, it is the metric that is poorly designed. One more argument against the chart

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • Your seem to insist to twist this towards vegan wars, but this is you. It's not the graphics, it's not me.

  • Why Python Is So Slow (And What Is Being Done About It)
  • Upfront analysis and design is very close to independent from the technology, particularly at the I/O level

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • What's wrong with reducing density through absorption (of water)?

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • To me it seems that your interpretation completely disregards the Y-axis. On the other hand, I wouldn't think the colour coding does a good job in separating along the carnivorous-vegetarian-vegan scale.

  • Why Python Is So Slow (And What Is Being Done About It)
  • Q: what do we do? A: profile and decompose. Should not be that distant as a thought

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • So much wrong about this chart. It is factually correct, but it answers the wrong question.

    This chart makes it way too easy to optimise for cheap protein, which is misleading. It is not this what it takes to have a healthy organism. It takes a varied diet, with balanced quantities of liquids (see milk), vitamins (see sprouts), fatty acids (see salmon), minerals (see shrimps, eggs, walnuts), actually carbs (potatoes, rice, spaghetti), and much more...

  • Cost by Protein Source
  • So much wrong about this chart. It is factually correct, but it answers the wrong question. This chart makes it way too easy to optimise for cheap protein, which is misleading. It is not this what it takes to have a healthy organism. It takes a varied diet, with balanced quantities of liquids (see milk), vitamins (see sprouts), fatty acids (see salmon), minerals (see shrimps, eggs, walnuts), and actually carbs (potatoes, rice, spaghetti).

  • Submarine drones study the shipwrecks of the Black Sea
  • This is an old article, actually. The Black Sea MAP project was completed over 5 years ago. But it has found very exciting shipwrecks.

  • Un nuovo centro "logistica last mile" promette una corsia ciclopedonale lungo via Rubattino Milano: logistica ‘Last mile’ a Rubattino, via alla convenzione

    Approvato con una delibera di Giunta l’intervento edilizio e il relativo schema di Convenzione attuativa afferente alla Grande Funzione Urbana Rubattino

    Milano: logistica ‘Last mile’ a Rubattino, via alla convenzione
    ГЕРБ спъва отварянето на Централната баня в София
  • ГЕРБ предложиха отлагане на доклада на ПП/ДБ/СС с мотив, че темата за софийската Централна баня била "много чувствителна". "Ако беше толкова лесно да се вземе решение, то вече щеше да е взето. За банята е работено много в предишните години и темата трябваше предварително да се обсъди. Очаквах по-голяма екипност от ПП/ДБ"СС", коментира Анна Стойкова от ГЕРБ, която е общински съветник от Банкя. Бившият шеф на комисията по екология Лорита Радева предложи докладът да бъде спрян и да се направи работна група, която да обсъжда бъдещето на северното и източното крило. "Да се разсъждава и да се търси решение за обновяването на ЦМБ е изключително важно, но е и много чувствителна тема. Нека го направим в диалог", коментира тя.

  • Европейските избори вече започнаха - как гласуват различните държави и за какво да следим - По света и у нас - БНТ Новини
  • Вече и свършиха, но остана един махмурлук от избирателна активност около (не знам под или над) санитарния минимум.

  • Putin proudly reporting record low youth unemployment at PEF Russia Lost 1.3M Young Workers in 2022 – Research - The Moscow Times

    The number of young workers in Russia has dropped to one of its lowest levels in the country’s post-Soviet history, the RBC news website reported Tuesday, citing research based on official statistics by the Finexpertiza consulting firm.

    Russia Lost 1.3M Young Workers in 2022 – Research - The Moscow Times

    News in Russian: >В России рекордно низкая безработица — в апреле она составила 2,6%. Значительно снизилась молодежная безработица.

    The facts: >The number of young workers in Russia fell by 1.33 million people between December 2021 and December 2022. > >That is the second-largest decrease in recorded history behind the pandemic year of 2020, when 1.34 million young Russians left the job market. > >Finexpertiza’s research shows a decrease of 87,000 workers aged 20-24 from December 2021-December 2022 to a total of 3.2 million.


    16 giugno: LeggerMente, uno spettacolo teatrale LeggerMente - ViviLambrate

    Uno spettacolo teatrale con la regia di Claudia Fontana presso l�Auditorium Cerri di Via Valvassori Peroni, 56 Milano.

    Uno spettacolo teatrale con la regia di Claudia Fontana

    LeggerMente, uno spettacolo teatrale con pazienti affetti da disturbi ossessivo-compulsivo che si ritrovano presso un famoso psicologo, tutti e sei alla stessa ora. Passeranno così del tempo tutti insieme in attesa che il disguido venga risolto. Una gag fatta di una serie di episodi divertenti con altrettanto insoliti infermieri.

    Ingresso gratuito (offerta libera) presso Auditorium Cerri, Via Valvassori Peroni, 56 Milano.

    Domenica 16 giugno 2024 H 17 spettacolo H 18 dibattito H 19 aperitivo


    Georgia's new Anaklia port becomes battleground between China and the EU Black Sea Port Becomes Geopolitical Battleground Between China and the EU |

    China's entry into the Black Sea through Georgia's Anaklia port raises geopolitical eyebrows as it brings China closer to Europe and marks a setback for the EU's Middle Corridor ambitions.

    Black Sea Port Becomes Geopolitical Battleground Between China and the EU |

    >Georgia announced that a Chinese consortium submitted the sole bid to build a sprawling deep-sea port in Anaklia, marking the first megaproject on the Black Sea coast to be built and operated by Chinese firms.

    Romanian oil and gas federation draws big plans for Black Sea drilling
  • "The world has enough fossil fuel projects planned to meet global energy demand forecasts to 2050 and governments should stop issuing new oil, gas and coal licences, according to a large study aimed at political leaders.

    If governments deliver the changes promised in order to keep the world from breaching its climate targets no new fossil fuel projects will be needed, researchers at University College London and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) said on Thursday."

  • Python beginner
  • Definitely my preference. However, for someone just starting (and not used to pressing TAB or calling help() ), an empty prompt might be intimidating.

    That's why I typically suggest interactive tutorials, e.g. any of these two:!

  • Python beginner
  • If you do that, nothing will actually be checked. You need to explicitly run pyright in CI.

    Are you suggesting that you prefer to do the type validation upon execution? I'd like to have the checks done beforehand, be it in the IDE during coding or in CI. This way the feedback loop is shorter.

    Then, backwards compatibility is a big thing in python, unlike node. So when typehints were introduced in 3.5 with PEP 484, they had to be optional.

    At least Typescript defines the semantics of its type hints. Python only defines the syntax! You can have multiple type checkers that conflict with each other!

    It is a bit more complicated than that. Here's a quote the above-mentioned PEP (3.5 was back in 2015, we're at 3.12 now and typehints have evolved):

    Note that this PEP still explicitly does NOT prevent other uses of annotations, nor does it require (or forbid) any particular processing of annotations, even when they conform to this specification. It simply enables better coordination, as PEP 333 did for web frameworks.

  • Mickoski doing his sponsors’ bidding Mickoski doing his sponsors’ bidding |

    Incendiary statements by Hristijan Mickoski, the winner of North Macedonia’s May 8 parliamentary election, have dispelled the illusion that his VMRO-DPMNE party is a modern European center-right party and not the nationalist populist formation led by his predecessor.

    Mickoski doing his sponsors’ bidding |

    >How is Mickoski emboldened to defy the West to which he supposedly wants to belong? Western diplomats say there are those who wish North Macedonia never joins the EU and that it is alienated by NATO, not so subtly designating Russia and Serbia. > >It is no secret that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, an increasingly autocratic pro-Russian, is assisting VMRO-DPMNE financially. And, of course, he has provided asylum to the disgraced Gruevski, who faces corruption charges at home. Bulgarian analysts believe that Russia, Hungary and Serbia would like nothing better than to welcome North Macedonia as the fourth member of their axis.

    0 სტუდენტების გაფიცვა ბათუმში

    აჭარის საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებელი - აჭარის ტელევიზია / რადიო აჭარა Ajara TV & Radio

    სტუდენტების გაფიცვა ბათუმში

    #Batumi #Georgia #Protests #RussianLaw


    Romanian oil and gas federation draws big plans for Black Sea drilling Black Sea offshore natural gas bolsters EU energy security

    The Neptun Deep project to produce natural gas offshore at the Black Sea is the key to reducing dependence on gas imports and strengthening the EU’s energy security.

    Black Sea offshore natural gas bolsters EU energy security

    >Romania’s role within the EU gains increasing significance as the 2027 deadline approaches when Romania will become Europe’s number-one natural gas producer.

    >Offshore natural gas extracted from the Black Sea will be, for the coming decades, a central piece in the puzzle of European energy security as a whole.

    1 BSOG goes ahead with 3GW offshore wind project in Romania’s Black Sea

    BSOG, which launched natural gas extraction in the Midia perimeter in Romania’s shallow Black Sea waters (MGD Project), decided to go ahead with its offshore wind project in the same place after completing the feasibility study.  BSOG and its partners plan to develop 3GW, Offshore Energy...

    BSOG goes ahead with 3GW offshore wind project in Romania’s Black Sea

    >With a designed capacity of 3 GW and 126 kilometers in length, it would be the first power corridor permitted in the Romanian Black Sea, BSOG said last year, adding that it expected the completion of regulatory procedures by mid-2024.


    Linea 54: la battaglia contro i tagli delle linee superficiali si allarga Taglio dei mezzi di superficie: la battaglia dei milanesi si allarga

    La lotta del comitato "La 73 non si tocca" che riunisce comitati del Municipio 4 per il ripristino della linea 73 sta diventando la battaglia-simbolo di un movimento di protesta contro il depotenziamento dei mezzi di superficie

    Taglio dei mezzi di superficie: la battaglia dei milanesi si allarga
    Bulgaria Martín

    Анкета: стереотипите и предразсъдъците спрямо женския пол в съвременността Анкета за проучване мнението относно стереотипите и предразсъдъците спрямо женския пол в съвременността

    Анкетното проучване има за цел изследване мнението относно стереотипите и предразсъдъците спрямо женския пол. Анкетата се състои от 25 въпроса, като времето за попълването й е между 10 и 15 минути. Необходимо е предоставянето на мнение по всеки един от въпросите. Данните ще се използват за целите на...

    Анкета за проучване мнението относно стереотипите и предразсъдъците спрямо женския пол в съвременността

    Анонимна анкета за целите на докторска дисертация

    Cross posted from:


    2 maggio: Una serata dedicata a Leonardo da Vinci Nel segno di Leonardo: tra Milano e Firenze - Centenario UNIMI

    Incontro aperto alla cittadinanza in occasione del centenario delle Università di Firenze e Milano e del legame con la figura di Leonardo da Vinci

    Nel segno di Leonardo: tra Milano e Firenze - Centenario UNIMI

    Medieval volcanic eruptions caused icebergs in southwestern Black Sea Medieval volcanic eruptions caused icebergs in southwestern Black Sea: Study

    In AD 763, region near present-day Istanbul, then-Constantinople, experienced such extreme winter that Black Sea froze over, study suggests - Anadolu Ajansı

    Medieval volcanic eruptions caused icebergs in southwestern Black Sea: Study

    Inside eerie ghost town of half-built Disney-inspired mansions in Turkey Inside eerie ghost town of half-built Disney-inspired mansions near Black Sea

    ON the coast of Black Sea sits an eerie ghost town full of Disney-inspired mansions that were never finished. The fairy tale town, located in Turkey’s northwestern Bolu region, was left to ro…

    Inside eerie ghost town of half-built Disney-inspired mansions near Black Sea

    >The construction began in 2014 and only two-thirds of the planned 732 houses were completed before the builders ran out of money.


    Един ден на Пеевски и Борисов - управляват държавата

    >Лидерите на ГЕРБ-СДС и на ДПС Бойко Борисов и Делян Пеевски се срещнаха с представители на миньорите и синдикатите, както и със службния министър на енергетиката Владимир Малинов.

    >Ревански се оплакал от забавянето на реализацията на проекта за строителството на българската военна база в Кабиле. Пеевски и Борисов извикали министрите Людмила Петкова и Атанас Запрянов
