Една година след смъртта на Божинов, БОЕЦ И Бивол публикуват изтеклите документи от Пепи Еврото
>Според Димитър Стоянов от "Бърд", който е участвал в обработката и потвърждаването на истинността на документите, архивът показвал, че действително Пепи Еврото е бил сив кардинал и сериозен лобист. За неговата роля той даде за пример документ от архива, от който ставало ясно кой чужденец кандидатства за българско гражданство чрез инвестиции, кой е взимал гражданство, на кого е отказвано и на кого е отнемано. Освен това имало и документ от финансовото разузнаване до прокуратурата за опит за изтегляне на 2,2 млн. евро от фирма, което обаче е било спряно. > >Пепи Еврото си е жив и здрав и играе още ключова роля в съдебната власт, каза Стоянов. > >По-късно от кибергрупата BG Elves съобщиха, че само по отворени данни са засекли активност на Петров в Гърция. "Предполагаемо загиналият и издирван обвиняем си е жив и здрав, ползва си китайския смартфон (днес включително), но ползва и Garmin часовник", съобщиха те във Фейсбук.
North Macedonia's ruling party accused of encouraging Great Serbian rethorics
Recent comments made by Milorad Dodik, the president of Republika Srpska, have caused a stir in North Macedonia, continuing to dominate local discussions for a third consecutive day. Dodik, a prominent Bosnian Serb leader, attended the St.
>During his address, Dodik spoke about the Serbian identity in Republika Srpska, emphasizing their desire to live in their own country without intending to harm others. He controversially stated that a war had been fought based on false claims that the Bosnian Serbs had killed 300,000 people, "a narrative perpetuated by U.S. President Joe Biden and his administration". Dodik further compared the war in Bosnia to the current situation in Ukraine, asserting that Russia, under Vladimir Putin, was justified in protecting the Russian minority in Ukraine to prevent NATO's encroachment near Moscow.
>The controversy has drawn reactions from various groups. The Bosnian Democratic Alliance criticized Stoilkovic for meeting Dodik in his official capacity, while the Albanian party DUI labeled Dodik as an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, accusing him of working to divide Bosnia and Herzegovina. DUI also condemned the government's actions, calling it a blow to North Macedonia's international reputation and its commitment to European values. Former Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani expressed his disappointment, accusing the government of undermining the Ohrid Framework Agreement and questioning the message being sent to Albanian citizens and victims of genocide.
Students march from Belgrade to Novi Sad
Protesting Serbian students headed on a march from Belgrade to Novi Sad on a route that was announced on social media under the slogan "One Step from Justice!". The demonstration is a two-day event and is being monitored by the police. The aim of
>The aim of the march is to reach the Novi Sad central square on February 1 to mark three months since a tragedy in the northern Serbian city where a concrete canopy of the local railway station collapsed and killed 15.
The contradictions of volunteer cleanup within an autocratic clampdown
Opinion | The oil spill in the Black Sea, caused by damage to two Russian tankers in mid-December, also brought thousands of volunteers from all over the country to come and help address the aftermath of the disaster.
>Still, participation in a grassroots movement or volunteer campaign does provide civic experience, allows people to unite, teaches them to coordinate their actions, formulate their demands, and interact with the media and fellow citizens. It also leaves them space to speak and act critically at a time when doing so is becoming more and more difficult.
Georgia suspends participation in Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Georgia suspends participation in Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly It came after the body voted to accept the Georgian delegation’s credentials on the condition new parliamentary elections be announced. https://oc-media.org/georgia-suspends-participation-in-council-of-europe-parliamentary-a...
>The Georgian Government has announced they are freezing their participation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), after the body voted to accept the Georgian delegation’s credentials on the condition new parliamentary elections be announced.
>The vote on Wednesday passed by 114 votes to 13, with seven abstaining. The resolution came in response to widespread electoral violations documented during October’s parliamentary elections in Georgia as well as the violence and prosecutions against protesters, journalists, and civil society figures.
>The resolution demanded that by this time, the government must: > - Announce new ‘genuinely democratic’ parliamentary elections; > - Release all political prisoners; > - End police brutality and human rights abuses, and effectively investigate these practices; > - End the misuse of legal proceedings against protesters, journalists, and civil society leaders; > - Revoke the foreign agent law; > - Enable Georgia to resume the European integration process, ‘in line with the European aspirations of the people’.
"It will demolish all beach infrastructure"
Научный директор Института водных проблем РАН Виктор Данилов-Данильян рассказал, куда могут дойти «языки мазута» в Черном море, можно ли будет купаться в зоне заражения, что будет с пляжами и животными Черного моря
>Viktor Danilov-Danilyan, scientific director of the Institute of Water Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, said where the "tongues of fuel oil" in the Black Sea may reach, whether it will be possible to swim in the contamination zone, what will happen to the beaches and animals of the Black Sea
>- How much will the spill affect neighbouring countries? > >- It should not go to the neighbours en masse. But it can affect Abkhazia, Georgia, Turkey. It can reach Turkey from the east. On the western coast - Romania, Bulgaria. And of course, Odessa and its neighbourhood. > >- Have you had any discussions with them? > >- Not yet. I don't know, maybe the Foreign Ministry has, but it is unlikely that the Foreign Ministry will do anything without consulting us. But one consideration is that the further away you go, the lower the concentration. That's not much of a consolation.
At the moment, the Shopi language is defined as neither Bulgarian nor Serbian by Serbian scholars, a hermaphrodite in a way, said Prof. Ana Kocheva from the Bulgarian Language Institute at a press conference in the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA). Scholars from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) pr...
> "This practice of 'creating' new languages - God forbid new nations, in the Balkans, of which w are all too familiar, starts exactly like this - when a nature is unclear, it is intermediate", Kocheva said. "However, such practice eventually finds another ethnonym, another linguistic labelling, which has nothing to do with its genetic derivation, i.e. with Bulgarian. In other words, I mean to say that it is no wonder that one day we will end up not only with a Shopi language and a Shopi nation, but that this language will be almost Serbian."
> "I feel sorry for the Bulgarian minority in Serbia because instead of becoming a bridge of good-neighbourliness between the two countries it is becoming a hostage of Serbian political interests in the region,"
>In an open letter to Serbian state officials, eight ethnic Bulgarian associations in Serbia recently condemned the newly resurged "Shopi ethnicity" narrative in that country. A key bone of contention is the support provided by the National Council of the Bulgarian National Minority, the Municipality of Bosilegrad, and the Hristo Botev National Library in Bosilegrad for A Book about Bosilegrad – Notes from the Past by Ivan Mitic, where the author claims that the local Bulgarian population is not Bulgarian but belongs to a separate Shopi nation. The letter accuses the National Council of funding a publication that undermines Bulgarian history and identity, violating its constitutional duty to protect minority rights.
Bulgarian Telegraph Agency reporting how Croatia boycott is inspiring others in the region
Last Friday's boycott of shops in Croatia triggered a snowball effect, spurred by citizens' discontent with high prices. Following Croatia's example, calls for similar civic actions against shops, petrol stations and restaurants this Friday, January 31, have spread in recent days in several other Ba...
The article gives the examples of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.
Hahah, that's common. Especially with the annoying AP popup.
Romania and OMV involve Norwegian cleaning services in Neptun Deep
It seems a stable trend that Black sea news keep getting more industrial and less environmental.
hmm, haven't had paywall issues with the Associated Press, but it could be a regional policy. How about this one: https://www.msn.com/en-us/urban-infrastructure/emergency-services-and-infrastructure/serbian-farmers-join-striking-university-students-24-hour-traffic-blockade-in-belgrade/ar-AA1xYJNr
On research to make energy from hydrogen sulfide
Few of the fans of the lovely Black Sea coastline are aware that the sea keeps a special secret. And it is that life in its waters is limited to just the upper layer of about 150 m. The depths that open under it exhibit high concentrations...
This old article explains the basics
>The harmful gas, the byproduct of decay, has been accumulated for centuries. Can we work to remove the hydrogen sulfide content of the Black Sea or at least reduce its concentrations? Scientists have been for quite some time mulling this question on the look out for solutions. All the more so that the otherwise harmful gas is rich in hydrogen that has been increasingly considered as an alternative fuel option with a future.
>“I had the idea of using hydrogen sulfide not for the direct extraction of hydrogen through electrolysis as anybody would expect, but rather the direct use of hydrogen sulfide for energy. At the next stage this energy could be used to carry out electrolysis from seawater for obtaining hydrogen.”
And here's a review of most recent research: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036031992305886X
Serbia’s striking university students have started a 24-hour blockade of a key traffic intersection in the capital Belgrade, stepping up pressure on the populist authorities over a deadly canopy collapse in November that killed 15 people.
Unions in Serbia didn't support student strike
Students in Belgrade have staged a 24-hour blockade at a road junction in the "Autokomanda" neighborhood, part of the international E-75 route. They announced their plans in detail on social media, emphasizing that the protest would remain peaceful.
>However, no national unions have officially endorsed a general strike. Legal experts in local media have debated whether such a large-scale work stoppage is feasible under Serbian law without risking government or employer retaliation.
If it is anything like Bulgaria, these union leaders are way too cosy with government support and can't risk their comfort for some general cause.
Правителството си заравя главата в пясъка за петролния разлив
След информация, че се наблюдава разпространение на нефтеното замърсяване
Жалко, че никой не е казал на министрите, че в затворен воден басейн, въпросът не е дали, и кога.
>Думите му се потвърждават от симулациите, направени чрез използване на данни за морските течения на Програма "Коперник" за периода от 19.12.2024 г. до 21.01.2025 г. включително, както и от незабавно изисканата експертна оценка, според която "дори хипотетично замърсяването да не е потънало, а напротив, да се е увеличило и да продължава да се развива, то неговото движение и разпространение ще бъде ориентирано на юг, в посока бреговете на Република Турция, а част от него ще се завихри в акваторията на град Новоросийск."
A spokesperson from Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute said there were winds of about 8-10 metres per second outside Gotland in the early hours of Sunday.
"That's not very strong wind. It's well below the 14 metres per second that is the threshold for a gale warning," the spokesperson told Reuters, adding that waves were not very high either.
"I don't believe in coincidences when it comes to frequent cases of damage to underwater infrastructure in the Baltic Sea," Estonia's Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna said in a post on social media X after the latest cable rupture.
С появата на оправдание, maritime.bg се събудиха:
Според информацията, с която разполагаме, се касае за аварийна ситуация, възникнала заради неблагоприятните хидрометеорологични условия в района.
Но само на русофилите им звучи убедително. Шведската прокуратура разследва.
Кораб на БМФ задържан по подозрения за саботаж в Балтийско море, maritime.bg отново мълчат
Шведските власти конфискувахa български кораб, за който се предполага, че е повредил оптичен кабел по дъното на Балтийско море. Според шведския вестник "Експресен" задържаният плавателен съд...
„гласът на българската морска индустрия“ отново мълчи, защото каквото и да каже, звучи като глас на Путин
We keep underestimating the problem with the oil spill
Russians are ditching their summer holiday plans at popular Black Sea destinations due to the recent oil spill. Local volunteers, meanwhile, have complained that the government is interfering with cleanup efforts.
It's not about reputation as the article emphasises. It's about environmental change (due to disaster) and a future change of the way anyone around lives. This holds both for people and wildlife. What is reported now in Asana, will arrive within a year along the whole coastline.
>Speaking to the Russian paper Parlamentskaya Gazeta, the head of Russia's State Duma Committee on Family Affairs, Nina Ostanina, said bookings at Anapa's children's recreation and health retreats had plummeted by more than 27% in January and 40% for the summer.
>More than a month later, fuel oil continues to leak into the sea from the sunken tanker. Russian authorities have reported that they haven't been able to weld the damaged part of the ship closed, because the hole was too close to the oil storage tankers.
>While Russia's Emergencies Ministry has claimed there is no effective method to clean up this type of oil, environmental experts have said appropriate methods have been available since 2002, when the Prestige tanker carrying similar heavy fuel oil sank off the Spanish coast, polluting some 2,000 kilometers of coastline.
>Russian officials are warning of further problems in the summer, when rising temperatures cause the oil to dissolve and wash ashore in larger amounts.
>But once authorities began pressuring the volunteer center, he starting doubting the official statistics and work practices. Instead, the helper suspects local authorities are trying to cover up numbers and activities.
This is about the Bulgarian continuation to this film:
"We discussed what would be the most useful contribution of Bulgaria in the realization of this film, because this is the point of co-productions. In the film we have a Bulgarian costume designer - it is Geo Karl Pavlov, and the main make-up artist is Magdalena Boyadjieva. Ivan Andreev did the sound post-production. The sound was recorded on location by Veselin Zografov and Sofia Zhecheva. Christina Samsarova also helped in my team as an associate producer. I am very grateful because every member of the team is very important. All in all, I am very happy that my colleagues were very satisfied with the Bulgarian team and we are even currently planning to work on the director's next feature-length project," Katya Trichkova points out.
The project came about after a 2-year application process - not only in Bulgaria, but also in other European countries, including Denmark, Croatia, Slovenia and France.
‘We heard the word “no” much more often than “yes” - for the financing of the film, I mean,’ Trichkova explains.
The project itself came to her through Croatian producers Daniel Peck and Katerina Purpic, who are friends of Trichkova.
"I've known them for years and we share a common taste in cinema. We have tried several times to make joint productions and quite naturally they approached me with this short film project," she says.
According to the producer, the second time they applied, they managed to get funding from Bulgaria. Subsequently, a French and then a Slovenian producer got involved, making filming possible.
A driver rams into the protests in Belgrade again
A woman has rammed a car into a crowd of anti-government protesters in Serbia’s capital and injured one of them as a student-led strike shut down businesses and drew thousands of people to demonstrations around the country.
> A woman rammed a car into a crowd of anti-government protesters in Serbia’s capital and injured one of them Friday, police said, as a student-led strike shut down businesses and drew tens of thousands of people to demonstrations around the country. > > The nationwide protests took place on the same day that President Aleksandar Vucic held a big afternoon rally with thousands of supporters in the central town of Jagodina, his coalition stronghold, to counter the persistent anti-government protests that have challenged his tight grip on power for nearly three months.
> Police in Belgrade said that they detained the 24-year-old driver who rammed into a crowd of protesters in a section of the city called New Belgrade. The injured victim, a 26-year-old woman was hospitalized; her condition was described as stable.
Croatia has warned its citizens against traveling to neighboring Serbia after five Croatian activists were deported after taking part in a meeting of civil society organizations in the Serbian capital, Belgrade.
>The Croatian activists told media in their home country that police came to their hotel and detained them before sending them back home. They said police offered no reason except a document stating the activists represented a threat to Serbia’s security.
Makes me think of water limitation regimes where they ration water over certain hours when there's a draught. One would think that people would consume the same water over different periods. But it turns out that the consequence is that less water is consumed. I guess here it's similar. You'll still buy your bread and milk, but probably won't pass by for chewing gum when you just instantly feel like it.
Quite good actually. But shouldn't it be a once-in-a-while thing. How long can you go without shopping?
Mi interessa quello di domani ma sono fuori città :(
Students Call For a General Strike in Serbia
Student organisers in Serbia called for a general strike this week, according to an announcement Wednesday, in the latest move to increase pressure on officials over the fatal collapse of a train station roof last year.
It is questionable whether they have the means to organise it.
P.I.F. - Kolelo
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Очевидно песента вдъхновила името на тази група. Никога не съм бил фен, но е приятна.
Пускам я ей така, за добро настроение.
Mickoski was the only Balkan leader at Trumps inauguration
Macedonian Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski was the only leader from the Balkans to attend the inauguration of U.S.
Така де, това е същата тази девойка от смсите с Божков.
That explains a lot
China is a destination I'm certainly not interested in, but I guess one could consider it as a hub to Japan or Korea. I guess Southeast Asian destinations are still better reachable from Istanbul.
Looks like some sort of Suillus. Was it "oily" when you touch its top?
The Black Sea is their one and only domestic summer holiday destination... Used to be.
Chernobyl's radiation is invisible. Everyone in Ruskiy Mir goes (or dreams of going) to the Black Sea in summer and could see and smell the mazut being thrown out all over the beach for the decades to come.
On top of that, tell the average conspiracy theorist that this was not part of a grand real estate speculation...
Not something that affects many people. By Moscow standards, several tens of thousands is a few apartment buildings.
I think the font for Slavs can't be right. How about using BukyVede?
With Bulgarians it's enough telling them that those ignorant Westerners can't distinguish between Greeks and Thracians. Something similar could work with Romanian about Dacians. With Serbs I don't see this working - it would mean they are Macedonian, and I don't see how they could swallow that.
More of the same then... not great, not terrible. :P
Thanks for sharing this. If anyone needs it, I found a version of the article in English: https://gong.hr/en/2025/01/10/research-on-milanovics-bots-has-serious-shortcomings/
Then it's just me thinking that a "scientist" is better than "populist" :) I did read it in the light of this comparison.