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Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • Democracy doesn't guarantee you'll have good options, just that you have options. The time to express the greatest degree of preference is primaries. It's how the system works. You can be mad about that, but that's how it works. And it's fair, and it's democratic, and anybody can participate in it. And every four years, like clockwork, people come out of the woodwork to complain about how their vote doesn't matter and the two-party system is corrupt and yada yada who never even took the time to vote in the primary or downballot elections. It's equivalent to people who complain that the president isn't getting x done while not voting in mid-terms to secure a congress who can make sure those things actually can get done. Primaries and downballot elections are how to build a candidate's resume and experience to run in a presidential election. Luckily for primary voters, the party doesn't listen to these people, they respect the ballots cast by their primary voters. I don't think they should have run Hillary, but she got the most primary votes so that's who they ran. There is nobody to blame there but her primary voters.

    The levers of power are available to people, we just have to consistently use them.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • 50% of people who watched the debate didn't participate in the primaries. Most people don't vote, and of those who do vote, most don't participate in primaries. Nobody of consequence ran. Literally anybody could have run. They didn't. It's not the fault of "DNC leadership" that nobody stepped up to the plate to run.

    FWIW some people did run, Biden wasn't literally the only candidate. I had more than one candidate on my primary ballot and I voted for Biden because he had the best chance of winning the general. In fact, Biden lost the primary in American Samoa. If you swap Biden for somebody else, you've invalidated my primary vote. That's just as much a threat to democracy as anything else.

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • If he’s such an existential threat (and he is), why the fuck are they not forcing the geriatric incompetent running on their ticket to drop out?

    Because their rank-and-file voters who voted in the primary voted for him. This primary and last primary. And if you want people to leave your party in a big exodus, invalidating their primary vote is how you do that. They learned that in Bernie's race. I voted for Biden, he wasn't the only person to run in the primary, I'll be damned if the "party elite" select some other candidate anyways, why even vote in the primaries at that point? May as well register for the R primary since they at least had more candidates and (so far) appear to respect their primary process so my vote would actually mean something.

    One thing you'll notice is that the venn diagram for people who complain about only having "two choices" and the people who don't participate in primaries is nearly a perfect circle. You get an overwhelming amount of choices if you vote in every primary and every election.If you only vote once every 2 or 4 years and skip the primaries, yeah, you get two choices.

  • Bitcoiner contributes to Julian Assange’s freedom, pays $500K debt in BTC
  • Good to see Julian free, he paid a high price for giving people access to relevant, important information about the corruption of their governments.

  • New technical framework for the European Digital Identity Wallet (eIDAS) reveals severe shortcomings, threatening user privacy and contradicting the regulation's intent, rights group says eIDAS: Building Trust or Invading Privacy?

    We analysed the new technical framework for the European Digital Identity Wallet, revealing severe shortcomings that threaten user privacy and contradict the regulation's intent.

    eIDAS: Building Trust or Invading Privacy?

    cross-posted from:

    > in February 2024, the EU Parliament adopted the eIDAS regulation, creating the framework for a "European Digital Identity Wallet". This digital Wallet will enable citizens to identify themselves in a legally binding manner, both online and offline, sign documents, login into websites and share personal data about them with others. Recently, the European Commission published the Architectural Reference Framework (ARF) 1.4 for the technical implementation of the Wallet. > > The success of the EU Digital Identity Wallet depends on its ability to gain citizens' trust and establish a resilient infrastructure in our current data-driven economy. > > "However, after our analysis, we believe that this goal has been missed," says the digital rights group Epicenter Works. > > "We see severe shortcomings in the ARF that either contradict the regulation or ignore important elements of it. These issues, if left unaddressed, could significantly undermine user rights and privacy."

    What will happen to all the USA TikTok creators once the ban on TikTok takes effect?
  • It's not the right of the business, it's the right of US citizens to consume media and information from any source they please. The Govt has no right to say "You can't read that newspaper" or "You can't listen to that speaker", so they have no right to say "You can't get information through this app". The first amendment isn't just about the right to speak, it's also about the right to listen and research especially the stuff the government doesn't want you to know about.

  • ACLU suspects warrantless surveillance in neo-Nazi’s prosecution
  • Because section 702 evidence isn't showing up in court in other cases. That's why they have an opportunity to challenge it here. They aren't defending the nazi, they are defending all of us from being taken to court with evidence obtained without a warrant.

  • 12 words that change everything

    cross-posted from:

    > Had dinner with some boomer-age family friends tonight who shared stories about their grandparents and other relatives who survived (or didn’t survive) the holocaust. > > One family, posing as Christians, managed to escape Poland to the US in 1939. They had to travel through Nazi Germany and Italy on their journey. > > This family invested much of their life savings into expensive camera equipment to not raise suspicion, as they were traveling under the pretense of going on holiday. > > The conversation developed into all the ways people attempted to conceal and travel with wealth as they fled their homeland. Apparently, sewing diamonds into clothing was a common tactic. > > These close friends were struck to hear how Bitcoin enables the storage and transfer of wealth by simply knowing a secret number. I told them of the work @gladstein and others are doing to get Bitcoin knowledge and tools into the hands of political activists and refugees. > > “Fuck You Money” is a world changing technology. Let us not lose site of what really matters here 🫡 🤙 > > From nostr

    RCS vs SMS/MMS?
  • Separate apps more focused on privacy will always be better than RCS/SMS/whatever the mainstream option is.

  • ACLU suspects warrantless surveillance in neo-Nazi’s prosecution
  • It's a shame the US govt has to try to do unconstitutional things. And that we have to keep fighting them back to preserve our basic liberties and freedoms. It's a blessing the ACLU does it for us.

  • 12 words that change everything

    Had dinner with some boomer-age family friends tonight who shared stories about their grandparents and other relatives who survived (or didn’t survive) the holocaust.

    One family, posing as Christians, managed to escape Poland to the US in 1939. They had to travel through Nazi Germany and Italy on their journey.

    This family invested much of their life savings into expensive camera equipment to not raise suspicion, as they were traveling under the pretense of going on holiday.

    The conversation developed into all the ways people attempted to conceal and travel with wealth as they fled their homeland. Apparently, sewing diamonds into clothing was a common tactic.

    These close friends were struck to hear how Bitcoin enables the storage and transfer of wealth by simply knowing a secret number. I told them of the work @gladstein and others are doing to get Bitcoin knowledge and tools into the hands of political activists and refugees.

    “Fuck You Money” is a world changing technology. Let us not lose site of what really matters here 🫡 🤙

    From nostr

    What are some marketing tactics that you dislike ?
  • All of them. Make "banning advertising" an election platform, I'll vote for you. Ban billboards and other forms of commercial advertising everywhere. Advertising works, nobody denies that. If you see enough ads, on average, your mind will be changed. By allowing advertising to exist, we are sanctioning widespread mind control. It sounds crazy when you say it that way, but it's true. Advertising does not benefit the average person, it makes them buy stuff they have no native desire for. Advertising only benefits advertising agencies and their clients.

    Let word-of-mouth and genuine desire for a good or service drive purchases of that good or service, not advertising, and you'll end up with a more efficient economy where our consumer choices better invest in our shared prosperity and future.

  • Sonia Sotomayor Is Trying to Warn Us About the Supreme Court’s Dirtiest Open Secret
  • Probably because you don't vote in the primaries. That's where people with more fringe ideas are located. Vote them up if they share your fringe idea. You can complain about the "system" all you want, the people who run the system were put there through primaries and generals. Learn how to use the tools available to you.

  • Windows malware reported
  • from the link: "We have received several reports of malware that installs and runs the 8.0.2 BOINC client on Windows computers. We are investigating this; we currently don't know how the malware works or how to defeat it. We'll report whatever we learn here.

    This is not a vulnerability in BOINC; rather, it's malware that illegally installs BOINC."

  • Braiins Mini Miner - BMM 100
  • A lot of people already do this with [email protected] for free. They use their computers to help scientists do medical, space, and other forms of research. There are cryptos which reward this work as well, though it is far from profitable. That being said, I'd rather heat my house curing cancer (or hashing for Bitcoin) than with space heaters or electrical heat. For people with electrical heat who don't have heat pumps, it literally costs the same. I think there is absolutely a market for this. Maybe not a massive one, but I for one would be interested.

  • ACLU suspects warrantless surveillance in neo-Nazi’s prosecution

    The ACLU is challenging Section 702 by joining the defense of a neo-Nazi accused of plotting to destroy Baltimore’s power grid.

    ACLU suspects warrantless surveillance in neo-Nazi’s prosecution

    cross-posted from:

    > I hate that groups like the ACLU have to defend nazi scum to protect my liberties. Better that the government not violate our rights in the first place, but in lieu of that, even nazi scum is subject to the same rights and due process as any other citizen. However, I wouldn’t mind if they got pantsed a couple of times by their lawyers.

    Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman
  • Sorry you're getting downvoted to hell. You're right. Sometimes people want everything to be a conspiracy or something aside from the simpler truth which is that voters just wanted somebody different.

  • The complete list of European news websites blocked by Russia on the 25th of June 2024
  • Cenorship-resistant protocols like ActivityPub (Lemmy, Mastodon), Nostr, Tor, I2P, and freenet solve this.

  • Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman
  • That's an awfully... interesting way of saying he lost his primary, which as an incumbent is not a particularly easy to do. Blame foreign money all you want, your voters voted for who they wanted. Primary voters are the most politically aware kind of voters, most people don't vote, even fewer take the time to vote in primaries. Apparently those voters wanted somebody new.

  • BOINC on Nostr

    I created a nostr community for BOINC, feel free to join and discuss


    On & off-ramping via exchanges
  • If you want cheap buying and selling of Bitcoin specifically, especially if you need access within and outside the US, Strike is amazing and cheap. Also worthy of mention here is "complex but cheap" Bisq.

  • How open source money fixes a corrupted banking system
  • Instead of fixing those issues, most other coins are just pump and dump schemes for a quick buck.

    Oh agree totally on this one.

    Bitcoin and many other currencies have way too many and large fluctuations in value for daily use.

    If you are using it to send money from point A to point B, you can cash it out at the same price you put it in at, so fluctuation doesn't matter much. You're probably saving on bank fees and exchange risk enhanced by slow international settlement. Exchange risk is always a thing with any currency. It's gotten more stable over time and I imagine that trend will continue. Other currencies are also unstable, how has the purchasing power of the USD held up over the last 5 years? That's not to mention the billions of people not fortunate enough to live in a currency environment which is dominated by the dollar. Ask any Argentenian or Turkish person how stable their currency is compared to Bitcoin. Best case scenario, your dollar slowly loses value over time due to supply inflation. Whether or not you find it useful, more and more people find it useful every year, the transaction volume has increased reliably for 15 years. Nobody's making them use it. On the contrary, there are often hurdles educational, regulatory, and technological to using it, but they still do. Maybe on year 16 though people will finally realize it's useless and stop using it.

    Bitcoin specifically is not practical for transactions in general due to cost and block size limits. Yes, lightning exists, but maybe your technology is shit if it needs a second overlay network to function.

    Maybe TCP/IP is shit if we need other protocols build on top of it like SMTP. Maybe ethernet is shit if we have to design a whole nother protocol (TCP) just to make sure packets actually arive in the proper order. No. This is a weak argument. Fedwire, the system for settlement between US banks, has a equivalent transaction speed to Bitcoin's base layer. Banks don't seem to have any problem with that speed. And ten minutes is pretty dang fast to send a million dollar transaction across the globe (on main chain) or under a second (on lightning). Meanwhile, the US dollar doesn't have a built-in transfer mechanism, and the mechanisms available can be quite frustrating or expensive to work with, ask anybody whose ever had to send an international bank wire or deal with the frequent buyer return fraud on platforms like eBay. I'd sell an iPhone to somebody in (insert fraud prone country here) no problem in BTC. With PayPal? No effing way,

  • Assange is FREE. Statement from his lawyer
  • Check the wikipedia article, pretty neutral and factual reporting on the history. TLDR he revealed the US committing war crimes, they went after him with everything they had including planning an assassination attempt (which they never went through with). They tried to apply US law internationally to somebody who wasn't a US citizen and wasn't in the US. The UN said his detainment was illegal and torture. He's been on the run, in some embassy, or jail for over 10 years for activity other news organizations regularly and legally engage in (leaking classified documents). Various US military, intelligence, etc agency heads have testified to congress that they couldn't find a single death related to the documents he leaked, he didn't put anybody at risk, in fact, Wikileaks sent every leak to the US govt before leaking it asking them for notes on what to redact. The US refused to participate in that process.

    He also revealed the DNC was trying to bury Bernie, which the DNC didn't even deny, they had to let a bunch of their top people go and do a bunch of primary reforms as a result. That's when liberals started hating Wikileaks, because the DNC emails helped get Trump elected. They say the "timing" of right before the election makes his leak partisan. But wouldn't you want that information before you vote? It is the job of wikileaks, or any journalist, to maximize the impact of information they are revealing on corruption. It's not Julian's fault the DNC was corrupt AF, all they had to do to avoid that was... not be corrupt.

    There were also some sex assault allegations against him, which I tend to believe have some veracity to them however the accusers explicitly did not want him charged, it was a ploy to get him to Sweden where he would be extradited to the US. He was never even charged, only "wanted to questioning" but somehow got an interpol notice for it. His lawyers offered over a dozen times for him to be interviewed but Sweden insisted on an "in-person" interview for some reason. Curious.

    Oh, and he helped save Snowden's life by getting him a flight out of China.

  • Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum
  • Read about scaling layers (L2 and L3s) it absolutely scales. You can use one L1 transaction to create a lightning channel, you can then have an infinite number of transactions in that channel between you and any partie(s) you want. All off-chain. The chain secures these transactions by being the enforcement mechanism. Just like a contract works because you can run to a court and get it enforced. The court only handles 1% of contracts ever written. Courts scale, Bitcoin scales.

  • There Is No Second Best (BTC Prague 2024 Keynote)
  • It's already scaled pretty damn well.

  • Discussion: Do you donate financially to any OSS projects?

    If so, how do you choose which ones to donate to? Do you prefer regular or recurring donations? What payment methods do you like to use?

    45 Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum

    The event focused on "Re-claim Democracy," uniting activists, thinkers, and leaders to tackle rising authoritarianism and show how bitcoin promotes financial freedom.

    Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum

    cross-posted from:

    > "The Oslo Freedom Forum, held annually by the Human Rights Foundation, has become a worldwide cornerstone for human rights activists. This year, the 16th edition of the forum was centered around the theme "Re-claim Democracy." It brought together activists, thinkers, and leaders to discuss the challenges of rising authoritarianism and how bitcoin can support activists fighting against oppressive regimes." > > Link without paywall:


    2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos

    Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF) is a series of global conferences run by the New York–based non-profit Human Rights Foundation under the slogan “Challenging Power”. The forum aims to bring together notable people, including former heads of state, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, prisoners of conscience, as well as of other public figures in order to network and exchange ideas about human rights and exposing dictatorships.


    2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos

    Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF) is a series of global conferences run by the New York–based non-profit Human Rights Foundation under the slogan "Challenging Power". The forum aims to bring together notable people, including former heads of state, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, prisoners of conscience, as well as of other public figures in order to network and exchange ideas about human rights and exposing dictatorships.


    2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos

    Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF) is a series of global conferences run by the New York–based non-profit Human Rights Foundation under the slogan "Challenging Power". The forum aims to bring together notable people, including former heads of state, winners of the Nobel Peace Prize, prisoners of conscience, as well as of other public figures in order to network and exchange ideas about human rights and exposing dictatorships.

    5 Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum

    The event focused on "Re-claim Democracy," uniting activists, thinkers, and leaders to tackle rising authoritarianism and show how bitcoin promotes financial freedom.

    Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum

    cross-posted from:

    > "The Oslo Freedom Forum, held annually by the Human Rights Foundation, has become a worldwide cornerstone for human rights activists. This year, the 16th edition of the forum was centered around the theme "Re-claim Democracy." It brought together activists, thinkers, and leaders to discuss the challenges of rising authoritarianism and how bitcoin can support activists fighting against oppressive regimes."

    Link without paywall:

    1 Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum

    The event focused on "Re-claim Democracy," uniting activists, thinkers, and leaders to tackle rising authoritarianism and show how bitcoin promotes financial freedom.

    Reclaiming Democracy With Bitcoin At The Oslo Freedom Forum

    "The Oslo Freedom Forum, held annually by the Human Rights Foundation, has become a worldwide cornerstone for human rights activists. This year, the 16th edition of the forum was centered around the theme "Re-claim Democracy." It brought together activists, thinkers, and leaders to discuss the challenges of rising authoritarianism and how bitcoin can support activists fighting against oppressive regimes."

    Link without paywall:


    Interesting OSS project: Holesail creates instant P2P tunnels between networks (like a VPN) Reverse tunneling software | Holesail

    Holesail is the P2P company, building a truly peer to peer and open source reverse tunnelling software

    Reverse tunneling software | Holesail

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