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magbeat magbeat

Software Engineer (#dotnet, #angular, #flutter, #typescript, #dart, #golang, #docker, #kubernetes), very interested in Software Architecture and Methodology (#ddd, #tdd, #cleancode, #agile), proud father of two girls and drummer and Linux (Fedora) user

Posts 22
Comments 4

Angular 18 is out


Introduction to @let in Angular 18 - by Rodrigo Oler Introduction to @let in Angular 18

Angular 18 has brought an exciting new feature for developers: the `@let` directive. This tool helps you create variables quickly and easily within HTML code. Let’s understand how it works and look at some cool examples.

Introduction to @let in Angular 18
  • by Rodrigo Oler

Adding fallback content for ng-content Angular fallback content in ng-content

Angular v18 recently introduced a new feature to easily define a fallback content in ng-content...

Angular fallback content in ng-content

Adding fallback content for ng-content got a lot easier with Angular v18


Web Test Runner to replace Karma? Switching from Karma to Web Test Runner in Angular

Explore the shift from Karma to Web Test Runner for Angular testing, highlighting its experimental integration and future potential

Switching from Karma to Web Test Runner in Angular

Was waiting for a long time for jest to replace karma. It seems there is a new test runner overtaking jest for Angular testing: Web Test Runner.


Very nice and complete article how to create a signal component in modern Angular Angular Signal Components: input, output (Complete Guide)

A complete guide to Angular signal components, the new component authoring format. This includes signal-based inputs, outputs, and two-way binding with model().

Angular Signal Components: input, output (Complete Guide)
Transform Inputs Properties in Angular Easy
  • When you are developing a UI library (as we are) we want to support the old API for some time and mark is a deprecated. So one would add a second @Input() of type ScheduleEvent[] leave the old API be as Course[] and mark it as deprecated. In the next major version you could then retire the old API.

  • Transform Inputs Properties in Angular Easy

    When building components, defining the interfaces to be used by consumers is often challenging. We...

    Transform Inputs Properties in Angular Easy

    Great usecase for the transforming @Input properties.

    We will have to refactor a huge (and I mean huge) component for a customer in the near future. The consuming teams should not notice any of this. transform could be very useful for this.


    Simple Unsaved Data Changes Guard in Angular 17+


    Angular v17 is ready Release v17.0.0 · angular/angular

    17.0.0 (2023-11-08) Commit Description remove support for Node.js v16 (#51755) animations Commit Description Add the possibility of lazy loading animations code. (#50738) rem...

    Release v17.0.0 · angular/angular

    Angular v17 is ready 🥳


    #angular @[email protected]


    Stop, don’t use ActivatedRoute anymore to get your route data!

    Never heard and never used this feature of Angular v16.


    Episode 23/43: Angular Love Meetup, Younes Jaaidi on Testing

    Has anyone already switched to Jest? Has anyone already gained experience with Playwright Component Tests in Angular?


    Angular’s Improved Tooling: Standalone Migration Magic

    Nice article on how to use the Angular Schematics to convert a project to all standalone components and about what the schematics actually do in every step.


    Local Change Detection for Components using Signals perf(core): Update LView consumer to only mark component for check by atscott · Pull Request #52302 · angular/angular

    This commit updates the reactive template and host binding consumers to only mark their declaration components for refresh, but not parents/ancestors. This also updates the AfterViewChecked hook to...

    perf(core): Update LView consumer to only mark component for check by atscott · Pull Request #52302 · angular/angular

    Angular will not mark all parents of a component as dirty if the component uses signals in the template.


    Angular Toward Its Renaissance🚀✨ (Medium Members only!)

    Very nice overview on what's new and why it is good from Angular v14 - v17

    Unfortunately it is "member-only" on medium.


    Updates from the Angular Team | Mark Thompson & Alex Rickabaugh


    Very nice explanation of a new Angular 17 Feature: Deferrable Views and Deferred Loading in Templates


    Special Angular Event (6th November 2023)


    CSS-Only Scroll-Driven Animation and Other Impossible Things


    Angular Community in the Fediverse

    I am a full-stack developer and for the backend we use Dotnet. A lot of the Dotnet developers have made the switch to the fediverse.

    But I miss good Angular content over here. The people I followed on Twitter are pretty much still there and have not switched over.

    What do you think about that? Do you have any recommendations for people to follow on Mastodon?


    Angular 17 - next-4 release Release v17.0.0-next.4 · angular/angular

    17.0.0-next.4 (2023-09-13) core Commit Description support styles and styleUrl as strings (#51715) router Commit Description Add feature to support the View Transitions API (#51314)

    Release v17.0.0-next.4 · angular/angular

    Small release, but quicker cycle now.

    Out of sync branches in a Angular Workspace
  • Yes, you are right. Long living branches are the problem.

    In this case it is a completely new project in the workspace (of course depends on the library in the workspace). It is a POC that has been postponed again and again by the customer due to priorities.

    I think it's probably best to isolate the branch and take it out of the workspace. When it is ready, we can integrate it back into the workspace.

  • Configuration Asp.NetCore
  • As @[email protected] said you can use multiple configuration providers. We usually have local appsettings.json files, even per machine appsettings.<HOSTNAME>.json and then use Environment Variables that are stored in a vault for the production environment. We add the appsettings.<HOSTNAME>.json files to .gitignore so that they don't get checked in.

        var env = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT");
        configuration.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);
        configuration.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{Environment.MachineName}.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

    Then you can provide the secrets as environment variables in the form of DATA__ConnectionString