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m0nt1c3ll0 m0nt1c3ll0

Thomas Jefferson

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Comments 11
What classic Nintendo games do you still return to?
  • Def agree. Best rpgs in my gaming career. Nothing even comes close to them imo

  • What classic Nintendo games do you still return to?
  • It really is a treat. I still have my cartridge with the original save battery inside. Gonna fail at some point but hasn’t yet.

  • What classic Nintendo games do you still return to?
  • Too many to list but here’s a few:

    Zelda 2
    Mario 3
    Mega Man 2
    TMNT 2

    — SNES —
    Mario world
    Zelda LTTP
    Chrono Trigger
    Final Fantasy 3 (6)

  • Why do Norwegian submarines have barcodes printed on their hulls?
  • This is my go-to DJ when I meet someone new who deserves the cheez

  • What is the most useful website you know?
  • As a DIYer I tend to use YouTube first for all my home repairs (appliances, electronics, etc). There tends to always be someone who is in my shoes before me so I can find the tutorials pretty quickly.

  • Mildly infuriating way to cut a pizza.
  • OP’s evil ways can be tolerated no more.