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lupomancer 「fleece!」

Plush bat.

IT professional.

Hobbyist DJ, photographer, fitness creature, and unmotivated creative.

Lover of wolves. Local cryptid.

Naked forest Guardian.

All photos and other content posted is protected by CC-BY-NC-ND

Moved from @[email protected]

Posts 0
Comments 10
Memmy Changelog - Mark your replies unread, updated profile page, updated themes, and other bug fixes
  • A small change to consider:

    The animation for viewing subscribed communities (the one that plays when tapping the star from the main feed) slides over from the right side of the screen when it would make more sense to slide over from the left.

    Also, it would be nice to be able to pull that communities slide over open with my thumb from the left side of the screen, kind of like Apollo used to do. The star is really high up on my phone and iPad haha

  • What are you favorite Legendary "exotics"?
  • Boy do I love the look of all the Ikelos weapons. I use a lot of weapons based on light level + how cool they look.

    That being said, I'm not the hugest fan of how the Witherhoard looks (I don't really like Hive weapons) and yet I use that thing all the time. I love you, Witherhoard

  • Is it me or does Memmy feel more complete than mlem
  • Ahahaha I just realized that so many people are going to have Memmy auto corrected to Mommy when talking about it!

    And yeah, I bounce back and forth a bit too but now that Memmy has a Dracula theme and other colour themes, and Mlem has said they’re not adding any, I think I’m sticking to Memmy

  • New Mlem release in TestFlight - 0.1.0(19)!
  • Dang! Well I wish you guys the best of luck! Not that you’ll need it, haha! The app is looking and feeling great 👍

  • New Mlem release in TestFlight - 0.1.0(19)!
  • Any chance you’ll add a Dracula theme or other color schemes?

  • Is it me or does Memmy feel more complete than mlem
  • I’m really stoked we’ve had this rapid development over the past week. I don’t expect that to go on forever because the rate of updates just isn’t sustainable, but once we get the new icon I’ll be happy with longer intervals between new stuff.

    I’m also just really stoked the Lemmy API is so open that we can have a TON of apps being developed in parallel, and now I have the luxury of choosing the one I like best instead of just having to pick what works.

    When all the Reddit stuff started, I was just using the mobile browser version. Now look at us! We’re using this slick and semi-stable app that not only works but it looks good doing it!

  • What do you do when you’re really f’king angry?
  • Go for a workout. Get active in some way. Whenever I’m all wound up from work or social life and I just have no patience I go for a run or go to the gym. It expends the excess energy AND gives my brain the good chemicals. It also gives some time to think and process what you’re feeling while your physical body is occupied.

  • Can I block posts about Reddit?
  • It’ll slow down within a month or two. We’re still kind of right in the middle of all of it right now.

    I experienced something really similar when swapping from Twitter to Mastodon; we were all talking about Twitter a lot because a lot of users just came from there.

    After a while people stopped meta posting and it went back to normal, and we have little spikes in posts about Twitter when ever musk does something stupid but that’s fine.

    Just give it some time. We can swap from one link aggregator to another and instantly act like the other side isn’t on fire

  • The Verge reacting to Reddit's spokesperson trying to discredit them
  • I’m not the biggest fan of Nilay’s articles or reviews, though it’s been a while since I’ve read one. I’ve kind of checked out on the Verge recently. Not that they’re bad or anything, just not for me.

    I’m really glad he’s on the ball with stuff like this, I absolutely wouldn’t have picked up on that maneuvering and I’m sure many others wouldn’t have either. Industry professionals like him are good for EVERYONE.

    Good shit, Nilay.

  • Memmy - Push Notifications
  • You added some really nice default themes, thanks for that.

    I’m a big Dracula fan, that and the push notification update have prompted me to replace Mlem on my home screen with Memmy haha.

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  • Here it comes - Reddit admins taking over subs
  • This is exactly what we should have all seen coming. There was no way Reddit was going to let all the subs just go dark indefinitely. This is why some people were saying that the current admins should start wiping all content and comments, but that can be undone with a quick rollback to a backup.

    My big hope is people see how truly powerless they are in this situation. Our protests mean nothing, we have absolutely no hold on this website...


    ...which is why we should move over to a federated solution like lemmy/kbin. I've been pretty stoked to see how a lot of these communities have been taking off recently. I'd love to see more robust mobile apps made for them as that's the way most people interact with reddit. It will all come in time