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linuxgator linuxgator
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Comments 55
What can I do to prevent this breaking and how can I fix it?
  • Wrap it tightly in electrical tape.

  • This is my cat, Belinda. She loves treats and pets!
  • Chihuahuas will go to great lengths to get extra treats.

  • House Republicans Have Total Meltdown After Trump’s Immunity Loss
  • His password was 12345 (assuming he could count that high)

  • Why is 2010s movie Star Trek called the Kelvin timeline?
  • Actually, the Rankine timeline would probably be a better comparison.

  • Why is 2010s movie Star Trek called the Kelvin timeline?
  • Because JJ Abrams uses the name Kelvin in a lot of his works. I think it was his grandfather or something. But in Star Trek specifically, it is the name of the ship around which the events that the divergent timeline started.

  • Bacon PSA
  • The key is to partially cook the bacon before wrapping the whatever.

  • Manjaro OS
  • Most of the hate is because of the maintainers not maintaining their security certificates. Another similar distro is EndeavourOS, which I personally prefer. But either way, find what works for you.

  • Fishing
  • That would be a catfish hooker, though I hear they taste like ass.

  • Google "Work"space
  • Yeah, many were, or were independently re-developed, but never quite the same.

  • Google "Work"space
  • It was similar to what things like Teams turned out to be. But it was when things even like office online were in their infancy. Everyone knew that it would be great one day, but not until everyone was comfortable with each of its individual components.

  • Google "Work"space
  • Google Wave would be much more helpful now. Too bad it was released (and subsequently killed) about a decade before anyone was ready for it.

  • Ugh, what disgusting!
  • That's the face I'd make if someone shoved a spoon of Greek yogurt in my face too.

  • Workplace dictatorship.
  • Came here to post a comment about it, but saw that you beat me to it. Glad I'm not the only one who appreciates that show!

  • mayo
  • Yeah. That's more like Miracle Whip.

  • Anon eats chinese food
  • Sir, this is a Wendy's.

  • i will take no questions
  • Turning West Virginia into a lake would be quite a benefit.

  • Stealth fighter jet tried to go on vacation, but has been found and forced to come back 😿
  • "How did a stealth fighter go missing?"

    By doing its job.

  • Can Anyone Help Me ID This?
  • You sure it's not a piece of used chewing gum?

  • you are a rule
  • I've heard of angel food cake, but never angle coffee pi before.

  • Submarine

    Everybody: Did you hear about the submarine that sank? Me: Isn't that what they're supposed to do?
