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lertsenem lertsenem

Code, drawings and leftism, in english and en français.

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Any gamers on here? What are you playing?
  • If you like story-driven RPG, I highly recommend you Disco Elysium. It's basically Divinity: Original Sin without the combat system and the fantasy setting (and with even better writing).

  • I have never read a book recreationally and I love fiction.
  • Ah ah, I read Pratchett in the publication order and loved it, but after about two decades recommending it to everyone I know it's way easier to get people in by starting with the Nightwatch cycle. :D

    Yes, the Robots short stories are indeed a nice addition, and probably easier to get into than Foundation! I did not enjoy the Robots full-fledged novels as much, though.

    Still in SF, and keeping with the short stories idea, I'd also recommend The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

  • I have never read a book recreationally and I love fiction.
  • @s804 I'd recommend Terry Pratchett books, and more specifically Guards! Guards!.

    If you're more into hard fantasy, Brandon Sanderson wrote very enjoyable books, you should check his Mistborn book (which expands in to a trilogy).

    If you want some easy to read SF, Asimov's Foundation is still a blast, and so is Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Plus they can be read as one shots, but they have sequels in case you enjoyed them enough.