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My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • You wouldn't expect to be able to run Windows software on a Mac, why expect to be able to run Windows software on Linux?

    Having said that, it's true that you actually can run some windows software through Wine but it's a hack and it's not going to work as well as it would on the OS it was designed for.

    But there are also things like Java and Electron applications that run natively on linux and just as well as on windows.
    As for Minecraft Java edition, I just downloaded the Minecraft launcher .deb from and installed it, and it runs perfectly. You can't really complain that your pirated stuff isn't work right, lol.

    edit to add: An easier way for your friend to try out Linux would be to either run it on a virtual machine within Windows, or boot from a live USB (that's slower though).

  • My friend didn't have a great experience with Linux
  • You wouldn't expect to be able to run Windows software on a Mac, why expect to be able to run Windows software on Linux?

    Having said that, it's true that you actually can run some windows software via Wine but it's a hack and it's not going to work as well as it would on Windows which it was designed for.

    But there are also things like Java and Electron applications that run perfectly well on any OS. As for Minecraft Java edition, I just downloaded the Minecraft launcher .deb from and installed it and it works perfectly. You can't really complain that your pirated stuff doesn't work right, lol.

  • Democrats
  • No, those are not part of the definition of fascism.

    Try this link and this one to start, if you want to educate yourself on the topic. Then if you still believe the Democratic Party fulfills the definition of fascist, come back and tell us which characteristics you think makes it so.

  • [email protected] to centralize negative news about AI
  • Sorry to ask this here, but I can't get a response in the kbin "help" magazine:

    Can anyone on answer: Why can't I access this or subscribe to this from within Is it blocked? I can get to other communities. This happens with many communities. can't see them or retrieve even if I put in the direct url.

  • Google Search Is Now a Giant Hallucination
  • I think the idea is that you won't even leave the Google page at all, they want to keep you on their site and serve you their ads instead of sending you to someone else's site and giving someone else that sweet sweet ad revenue.

  • Fear among some swing-state voters that Trump would refuse to leave office could help Biden, report says
  • Only one thing is sure--he won't leave willingly, he's as much as said so, as alluded to in the article.

    He'd have to be removed in a forceful manner but after another 4 years of him and his minions in control we can't be sure that our institutions, e.g., courts and military, would be able or willing to do that.

  • Fear among some swing-state voters that Trump would refuse to leave office could help Biden, report says
  • That assumes nothing would happen to prevent the "next guy" from being sworn in.

  • Back in the 1970s when we switched to unleaded gas, what did the vehicles that ran on leaded gas do?
  • It was phased out over time with both types being sold as all new cars used unleaded only. Eventually the old cars that used leaded gas aged out and were replaced with new cars.

  • Democrats
  • Thank you for understanding the reality of the situation and voting accordingly.

    I agree, Neo-liberal is a more accurate label for the democrats. Thanks for taking the time to educate about the difference between the parties. Unfortunately, unless these "democrats are fascists too" people learn to understand the differences and act accordingly [1], they're going to learn the hard way what fascism really is, and we'll all suffer for it. For a very long time.

    [1] "accordingly" means, accept the reality that either the D party or the R party will be in power in less than a year, and vote for the lesser of two evils (the non-fascist, but yes neo-liberal, D party).

    This is a divided country. Almost half the people this country are right wing, and they vote. They vote for who they want in the primary, then they vote for whoever the R is in the general--and it works. Their party has moved more and more to the right.

    But too many progressives don't follow through in the general if their preferred candidate loses the primary, considering the winning candidate not "good enough" to "deserve" their votes, so the D either loses or barely wins. D politicians have learned well that they can't count on left wing voters, so to have a chance of winning they must move right to capture more center or conservative voters, and thus the D party as a whole has also moved right. If the D party instead learned that standing for progressive values would get them enough votes to win, that's what they would do.

    We started to see that in 2022. They had actually been afraid to stand up for abortion rights until they saw some election results showing they could win on it, now they're loudly standing up for it. Show them they can win with a progressive stance on other issues as well, and things will start changing. Slowly at first, then quickly.

  • Democrats
  • Fascist is a word with an actual meaning. I know it's fun to call the democrats fascists, but that's incorrect and ridiculous.

  • Bernie would have won...
  • Sadly, that's true if you were in a swing state. A lot of people didn't like HRC and didn't think trump could win or cared if he won, so they didn't vote for HRC and we got trump. I'm worried the same thing will happen again in 2024. Please people please, don't let it happen again. Vote for Biden whether you like him or not and we go forward from there.

    Vote for the person you want in the primaries, then vote for the party you want in the general. Whether you like it or not, there are only two choices, R or D.

    Remember, this is not just about who is POTUS-- it's about which people will be appointed to run all our government agencies, which people will be appointed to the Supreme Court and the Federal courts. That directly affects our lives. trump put 3 more right wing extremists on SCOTUS, and now it's 6 to 3 maga over progressive. If Hillary had been elected we would have a progressive majority instead.

  • Mint is up and running!
  • Now that you have Mint, next time you want to make a thumb drive for installing a distro all you have to do is plug in a thumb drive, right-click the .iso file, and select Make Bootable USB Stick. (or from the Menu choose Accessories ‣ USB Image Writer)

    And here's a nice intro to Mint for you. That site has lots of other helpful stuff too. Enjoy!

  • find a file containing some text
  • I prefer to watch videos via peertube, not youtube, whenever possible. She has a peertube channel so here is the same video there:

  • Whatever
  • Hardcore gamer? No problem, I play minecraft on normal difficulty.

  • Progressives Prep $10 Million Campaign to Expose 'MAGA Supreme Court'
  • That's great! I have to alternate non-fiction with fiction to "cleanse my palette", lol.

    I'd forgotten how they would put more emphasis on memorizing dates than on why the events were important. Yes, it's definitely the school's fault. :)

    I think there's always been that teaching to school kids that "we're the greatest and bestest country!" (gotta get that indoctrination well-embedded). When I was in school during the Cold war it was mostly about all the reasons why we were better than the Soviet Union (many of which either had unmentioned exceptions, or sadly no longer apply, especially post 9/11).

  • Progressives Prep $10 Million Campaign to Expose 'MAGA Supreme Court'
  • What "arguments"? This isn't a debate. I'm not trying to convince anyone of a political view like you are. I'm debunking your misinformation with the fact that only the Congress can change the number of Supreme Court justices, through legislation, including links to sources--but anyone can simply read Article 3 Section 1 of the Constitution and the history of how Congress set up the courts to understand that this is the case.

    The fact that you keep insisting falsely that Biden could have done it himself shows that you have a political agenda. The fact that you aren't from the US and keep repeating a false, divisive talking point in spite of it being disproven shows that you have a political agenda. We aren't falling for it. Go back to twitter and FB where you'll find more gullible marks to buy your propaganda.

  • Progressives Prep $10 Million Campaign to Expose 'MAGA Supreme Court'
  • I'm glad to hear you took it upon yourself to learn, kudos to you! And that you mention books, not (just) the internet as a source. Your library should have lots of great books on these subjects. I thought history was kind of boring in high school, but later I found out it's really fascinating (was it me/my youth, or the school that made it seem boring? :D).

    One thing I definitely remember being drilled into us back then was that we must be constantly vigilant to protect our rights, or we'll lose them. How true that turned out to be! We're on the verge of losing so much right now. :(

  • Progressives Prep $10 Million Campaign to Expose 'MAGA Supreme Court'
  • Do you claim to be a United States citizen?

  • Progressives Prep $10 Million Campaign to Expose 'MAGA Supreme Court'
  • I see. So you live in Europe and your goal is not to learn how the US Constitution stipulates that Congress, not POTUS, determines the number of justices, but to spread misinformation in the US, presumably with the goal of creating political division.


    Who decides how many Justices are on the Court? Have there always been nine?

    The Constitution places the power to determine the number of Justices in the hands of Congress. The first Judiciary Act, passed in 1789, set the number of Justices at six, one Chief Justice and five Associates. Over the years Congress has passed various acts to change this number, fluctuating from a low of five to a high of ten. The Judiciary Act of 1869 fixed the number of Justices at nine and no subsequent change to the number of Justices has occurred.

    Some history:

  • Retired US General describes the way to win Russia, including Crimea de-occupation

    Ben Hodges is a retired senior US army office who served as commanding general of the United States Army Europe. He follows closely Russian war in Ukraine. In this video, he shares his prognosis. How long will the war last? Will nuclear weapons be used? What does "Operation Crimea" mean?

    0 Ukraine — Victory Is Closer Than You Think

    Ukraine’s counteroffensive is making substantial progress. Russia’s generals will know this, even if the West doesn’t.

    Ukraine — Victory Is Closer Than You Think