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kunic kunic
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Comments 20
do you guys shop on places like aliexpress/Temu and if you do what items have pleasantly surprised you?
  • Sometimes if there's a good deal for something I know I want. For instance, I was wanting an RG35XX (portable retro console). I had never heard about Temu, went there and got the $100 off bundle (basically a set of thresholds to hit for up to $100 off). I found the RG35XX for $53 ($17 less than Amazon), and that coupon knocked it down to $28. For me that was a no brainer.

  • What is you backup tool of choice?
  • Exactly where my failure is. It's corrupting mid-way through the rebuild for no apparent reason.

  • What is you backup tool of choice?
  • Well it was duplicati, until it pulled this bullshit on me. I had a critical local failure of my data a month ago, 2.8TB lost. Pulled the backup off AWS S3 with my linux server, asked Duplicati to restore it, and it's failed 4 times for random reasons, taking a week to get there each time. Once I can get this backup to finally restore, I'm moving over to Duplicity.

  • Reddit kills awards and coins
  • Precisely. They were a fun thing to give out, and directly helped to pay for server time. I even liked how Reddit would tell you how much server time your awards gave to Reddit (which I think they've removed?).

  • Steam Summer Sale Steam Deck recommendations
  • I’ll never understand people playing high visual fidelity games at 30fps on Low settings on Deck, if that person has a more powerful PC to play the game on.

    I did this with Cyberpunk 2077 despite having an RTX 2080 in my main PC. My reasoning was that I wanted to play from my couch. Now I could have just use the Steam cast feature to play it from my gaming PC, but I didn't see the point in mucking about with it (especially given that my house has terrible Wifi... I should fix this lol).

  • Thumbnails on kbin mobile be like
  • I've just disabled thumbnails and have it auto-load media. It's not a direct 1-to-1, but has a very similar look to Apollo then.

  • Reddit: Don't like us anymore? Pay us $50/year!
  • I miss Diggnation a little bit more than Digg, but yeah :(

  • A Guide to Monitor Linux Server using Prometheus and Grafana
  • I've been using Cockpit to monitor my server, but this is super clean. Will have to try it out!

  • Which browser do you use on MacOS?
  • I primarily use Linux nowadays, but when I go back to my M1 Macbook Pro, I tend to use Safari. For me it's all about battery life. I'd love to use Firefox, but the battery drain compared to Safari is very noticeable.

  • What is your favorite ever DOS game?
  • Going by most influential, it'd have to either be Doom or Ultima Underworld. Both of these inspired entire genre's that still live on to this day (FPS and First-Person RPG's like The Elder Scrolls). Personally? Ultima 7.

  • How big is gaming in linux?
  • It's broken out as its own OS:

  • Colossal asteroid the size of 99 narwhals to pass Earth Thursday - NASA
  • I was too lazy to do this manually, so I punched it into GPT 4. I did verify that the math, indeed, checks out.

    Edit: Sorry for the edits. GPT assumed the tusk in the calculation, so I had to ask it to remove the tusk for this math to check out properly.

    1. The size of a narwhal: Narwhals typically range in size, but males on average can be about 4.7 meters long.
    2. The length of a banana: The length of a banana varies, but a typical banana is about 18 centimeters long.

    Let's start by converting the asteroid size from narwhals to meters.

    If 99 narwhals equal 850 meters, then one narwhal would be approximately 850/99 ≈ 8.59 meters.

    Now, this doesn't match the usual size of a narwhal that we have (4.7 meters). There might be a discrepancy in the calculation, but for the sake of this exercise, let's use the size provided.

    Now, let's convert the asteroid size to bananas.

    850 meters is equivalent to 850 * 100 = 85000 centimeters.

    If 1 banana is 18 cm, then:
    85000 cm / 18 cm/banana ≈ 4722.22 bananas.

    So, the asteroid is approximately 4722 bananas long, if we base the calculation on the given size of the narwhal. But please note, this is a fun approximation and might not be precise.

  • My 3rd party app is coming along! Got it pulling actual data from! Huge inspo from Apollo app.
  • It'd be nice to have a landing page like what Apollo has. One where you can favorite Magazines and the like.

  • Reddit blaming website crashing on subreddits going private
  • That's not 93% of all subreddits; just 93% of those that committed to going dark.

  • List of commission-able artists

    Thank you so much for your support! 😍
  • That's a very low bar lol

  • Thank you so much for your support! 😍
  • Also it helps to further gauge growth. New users is one thing, but new users actively donating for the betterment of the project is something entirely different. (Also first comment, hope this place explodes in a good way!)