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komplekx komplekx

German dude with zero fucks to give

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Comments 7
  • Als kTonne Nutzer hat man's da leicht

  • ich😡iel
  • Schon sehr lustig, wie es im Deutschland-Kanal genau so viele sind

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • Just imagine the possibility of space capitalism. War, war everywhere :D

  • If you could play only 1 Game for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
  • Let's see how Starfield turns out to be. If it is any good, it will entertain me for thousands of hours and if it has good mod support, why not commit for it for the rest of my days? Still a lot of ifs tho

  • Möge die beste deutsche Stadt gewinnen
  • Warum kommt Mannheim 2x vor? :D

  • Mates, today without warning, the reddit royal navy attacked. I've been demoded by the admins.
  • God that would be literally the funniest thing of all time 😂

  • The only way to win is to not play
  • I am in this picture and I don't like ist