A random guy who likes anime, programming and electronic music, also:🐧🐧🐧
I used https://freefilesync.org/ for that. You can also try using https://foldersync.io/
Ah, I think it spawns xterm by default, which looks bad. And it has smb, does not have it for you?
(It's option 44 for me)
There is a button in the gui to add a remote which opens a terminal which asks you for stuff
I still don't get how this is a plasma issue. It's more of a "linux mindset" issue.
Yes, but doing it in terminal doesn't require any obscure commands, it will guide you through and ask questions for everything
For rclone I use this: https://kapitainsky.github.io/RcloneBrowser/
As for freefilesync, I mixed it up with something, sorry. You are right, it doesn't support smb sadly
> Also I suspect running an app just to mount the share seems like an iffy workaround.
There is always some process mounting the shares, be it graphical or not, even on windows
> And no I don’t really want to mount the share at all.
Ah, yes, then you can try freefilesync, it supports a bunch of clouds and ftp, smb, etc
There is also rclone
You only do it 1 time, then you can access it via dolphin.
Also, do you really need it mounted? You can always access your share in dolphin directly via network -> smb shares.
Another option is to add smb4k to autostart.
And to conclude, I don't think any de specifically allows you to to that, so that's not a kdes' fault
@ian @leopold
I believe you can add a mount in fstab with the nofail flag, so the pc still boots even if the share is not accessible
// /mnt/data cifs guest,uid=myuser,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,noperm,nofail 0 0
If it helps, I made a similar thing, but for my rgb keyboard :ablobowo: