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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 2
Comments 67
  • Sign or not this is pretty much how cyclists are supposed to cross most big intersections and the inconvenience of it is the reason so many of them break the rules. If you make rules that are too complicated, counterintuitive or inconvenient people will break them.

  • 70% of Cybersecurity Pros Often Work Weekends
  • High availability and security are the bane of IT infrastructure jobs. It makes me anxious to think about my MSP days when I'd sit on my couch on a Saturday fully aware that I'm one phone call away from having my day, weekend or even the next two weeks ruined because some customer CEO has full domain admin rights and would give them to anyone who'd ask on the phone or via email.

  • Do you avoid discussing some topics online even if you have something you'd like to say about them?
  • Same here when it comes to food/taste. I criticised vegan mortadella(mostly water and oil) at some point and people absolutely lost it. Got some angry DMs by vegans explaining the concept of enjoyment to me. Not doing that again.

  • So viel kostet ein Auto im Monat (Mittelklassemodell) 💰
  • Wobei man dazu sagen muss, dass nur eine Minderheit der Bevölkerung Zuhause laden kann. Wer zur Miete wohnt darf sich zwar eine Wallbox installieren, müsste diese Kosten allerdings selbst tragen und das bei Auszug auch wieder rückbauen. Das ist allerdings auch nur dann möglich, wenn man einen festen Stellplatz hat. Alles nicht so einfach.

  • Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea
  • The amount of bullshit jobs that exist is insane. So many people in offices that either don't do anything or barely anything. Then even more who could easily get all work done in half a work day. Then a gigantic amount that could easily do their work in 4 instead of 5 days or 6 instead of 8 hours. I'm typing this at work because of all the downtime I have and I still believe I get more work done then most of my colleagues.

  • Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea
  • I think the idea would be to have machines replace people wherever possible and then have multiple people split the work time where it isn't. Why does one farmer have to work 24/7 if two could split the work and actually have a life outside of work?

  • California workers who cut countertops are dying of an incurable disease
  • The dumbest thing is the mentality between workers sometimes. "Don't be a pussy" some will say when you ask for masks/goggles/ear plugs/etc but none of them will be there when you eventually get injured or sick. None of them will congratulate you, hand you a tough-guy-trophy and pay your medical bills + pension.

  • Pet owner ‘bill shock’ worsening the mental health crisis among Australian vets, inquiry told
  • Alright how about this: mandatory health insurance for pets. This could have multiple positive effects. People wouldn't carelessly get pets without considering the costs as often. Any insurance would ask for very high rates for any of the incredibly defective breeds people keep buying. I know people find that flat faced pug funny/cute but they literally can't breathe ffs. This might lead to less demand and less breeding. Vets and their customers wouldn't have to worry about costs so much which would take a lot of the stress out and make many currently difficult decisions a lot easier. As a responsible per owner you have these costs either way.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't even have a child. If I were to end someone else's spawn would that count as -1 child for my footprint or theirs? Just asking out of curiosity...of a acquaintance really.

  • why does this community have no posts 🥹
  • I remember the first time I stumbled over that sub on r/all and posted a negative comment not unlike yours I got downvoted into oblivion because apparently every chonker poster was just about to save that cat's health.

  • Hell freezes over as Apple supports right-to-repair bill
  • Same as oil companies claiming they care about going green now after denying the mere existence of climate change tooth and nail for decades. Apple even already confirmed that they'll weasle their way out of the EU law for replacable phone batteries with the waterproof loophole.

  • What law or rule exists because of you? What happened?
  • When I was in 7th grade I was given the honor of "paper duty". The fuck is that you ask? Well, our school was giving out free paper-anything (think notebooks, folders, anything a kid could need to write stuff for school) to every student because no student should suffer from his poor family background and a lack of writing utensils. Fantastic concept if you ask me but it had an issue back then. The unlimited power of the paper kid. As such your job would be to hand out paperproducts to those who needed them for the entire school year. How this hasn't been abused until shithead teenage me came along is a mystery to me. I took a lot and I handed it out to friends, filled up a closet at home and would slip notebooks to kids for personal favors. The corruption was absolute. If I liked you a simple nod would be enough to get some juicy paper ware. If I didn't care about you, you'd have to show me your full old notebook to get a new one as was protocol. If I didn't like you I'd give you some anyway but not before breaking your balls for a bit. I was drunk on paper power and loving every second of it. In hindsight I feel very bad about abusing a social system intended to help kids like myself who didn't have wealthy parents but with 13, growing up poor as fuck I'd take everything I could get. Anyway, at the end of the school year they noticed how many supplies had vanished despite no increase in students but they couldn't tell who had taken more because guess who had the responsibility to fill up the paper closet with new paper from the unsupervised storage room? They just handed us all the keys and let us do our thing. My thing happened to be paper embezzlement. End of the story was an overhaul of the paper duty concept. From that year onwards it was done in teams of 2 who had to promise not to take anything and keep a detailed inventory spreadsheet that was checked once a month. Additionally only the teacher had the key to the storage room. The moral of the story is that no 13 year old should wield that much raw power.

  • What are the best/highest quality Video Games ever made?
  • There are plenty of games like this from the last few years. Elden Ring, Zelda, TLOU2, GoW2 just to name some AAA titles. Many indie games too. It just got a bit more annoying to filter out the cash grabs.

  • Dear D4 artists and programmers

    As I sit here and wait in Q after running into an invisible wall and disconnecting I couldn't help but wonder why this is needed to play what is essentially a single player game. Right, it's because nobody buys horse armor if they can't show it off in some mmo-ish open world nobody asked for. At least that's my best guess. This is not just a whine thread though. I genuinely asked myself why I'm putting up with this and it's because the game has a ton of beauty and fun to it that's wrapped in annoying monetization and general greed driven fuckery. So as the artists and programmers are carrying a horde of greedy goblins on their backs, I'd like to remind you all to lift with your legs.


    classes with build variety

    I know it's early but I'm very disappointed in the build variety of barbarians so far. It's shout builds only because anything else is too weak to compete. Even found the unique chain pull axe but giving up a shout on the bar is simply not worth it. Anyway with the start of the first season I'd like a class with some variety to play around with different builds. Any recommendations?
