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During the revolution, could Apple block or tamper with all iphones such that revolutionaries cannot communicate?
  • Thesis: Communism is when no iphone.

    Antithesis: Communists are all hypocrites because they use phones

    Synthesis: Google is communist

  • Is the US going to full war economy in 2025?

    The amount of conflicts going on in the world is mindbonggling. Truly decades happening in weeks like Lenin said. Right now Biden's trying really hard to link the Palestinian resistence and "terrorism" with Iran in his tweets and statements, which brings back memories of Bush doing the same thing about Iraq after 9/11. Like Goebells said, repeat something enough and it becomes true.

    As a result, it looks like the US may very well go to war with Iran in the close future. We're already proxy warring Russia in Ukraine, but US aid is starting to run dry (correct me if I'm wrong) and it seems like the US will eventually get bored of Ukraine.

    The problem here is that Republicans are warhawking for proxy war with China over Taiwan, and some of them are talking about invading Mexico as well. If Biden starts a war with Iran the Republicans will probably be on board. Americans are getting sick of sleepy Biden running their country, and it seems like in the 2024 elections Republicans have a strong chance of winning. If they hold true to their promises, the US could be involved in 3 wars at once, which would be an enormous hit to the economy. The only way I see this playing out is the US shifting to a war economy like Nazi Germany did to prevent the already fragile and heavily indebted economy from collapsing. The US could become even more fascist than it already is, reaching Nazi levels of insanity.

    My mind's running a bit on this one, so someone please tell me any more insights on this or any mistakes I have made.

    Reaching out to socialist countries requesting communes to allow communist immigrants
  • Idk, The DPRK never responds to their emails in my experience. I've begged them too many times to let me study at Kim-il-Sung university

  • To all the lurkers who are concerned for Israeli civilians, please read this
  • Settlers aren't civilians, especially not Israeli settlers. I say Hamas either wipes out the settlers or deports them.

  • Do you think that the USA will ever become socialist, and if so, in how long?
  • America is already socialist, we have food stamps which is socialism.


  • I'd just like to interject for a moment.
  • Lol this is a perfect adaptation of the GNU/Linux copypasta

  • Bike lane
  • You have no idea how common these are in America lol

  • Lol Stalin isnt too bad

  • What is the mainline opinion about Juche and Dengism in the actual Marxism-Leninism ideology ?
  • Dengism is just ML thought applied to China's level of development. Us MLs have a decent opinion of Deng's policies but Maoists call it revisionist. I consider Juche to be merely an extension of ML thought to the conditions of Korea, but Maoists call it revisionist as well.

  • Youtube bans North Korean vloggers, so much for "freedom of press".
  • Dronies be like "but it's North Korean propaganda" mf Youtube and Tiktok are full of paid US Military recruiters but theyre still up

  • Libertarian Party of New Hampshire equates black slavery to having free access to medicine 💀
  • That said, I definitely think we should be dabbling with it, and moving more and more power out of the hands of corporations. There’s a balance in there somewhere.

    I would recommend this video, it seems like you would understand our position on "Nordic style" social democracy if you watched it. Hakim - "We need a mixture of Capitalism AND Socialism" - BULLS#*T

  • Zelensky showing ‘authoritarian traits’, says Swiss intelligence report
  • Took them long enough, Zelensky's been arresting opposition and banning strikes since the beginning. Now that he's suspended elections it's become even clearer that Ukraine is a fascist state.

  • I finally watched that one Britmonkey video about everything banned in China after avoiding it for years, and they claim that the word "disagree" is banned on Chinese social media.
  • A simple Baidu search with Deepl shows you that mentions of Tiananmen square aren't censored in China, it's so stupid what libs believe.

  • Republicans vs Democrats
  • This is why Lenin calls liberal democracy the best possible shell for capitalism - a single or small group of people can't change the system. The power is split up enough that capitalism stays in power, but concentrated enough that capital can control it.

  • A official Ukraine govt. website where you can apply for commons to be privitised and sold to the highest bidder
  • After the war American companies will earn billions from "rebuilding" Ukraine, and the Ukrainian government will pay for that rebuilding by selling off state assets... to the same people doing the rebuilding. Basically American companies get to imperialize Ukraine for free.

  • News Sites/Feeds
  • Liberation news, Mintpress, People's Daily Online (, KCNA & DPRKtoday, Redfish before it got shut down, Democracy Now are pretty good ones. But more than all of these Radio Free West is probably the most accurate.

  • Question about Future Career in Tech
  • Linus Torvalds mostly makes his living off of 1. sponsorships from corporations which use Linux and 2. from shares of Red Hat he was gifted by the company early on.

  • hmm...
  • Depends on the brand as well. Most Japanese cars I see my friends and family with usually work 20+ years.