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jeffjones1982 Jeff

41 | He/Him | Theme parks/tech/video games/dumb jokes/random trivia | Communist | Dems = GOP #ForThePeople #BreakTheDuopoly #ATP #ACAB

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Comments 2
  • @BarterClub That person should be mad that Amazon pays so little, not that another worker gets the same as them. This is one of the huge problems in the U.S., the lack of worker solidarity.

    Amazon *CAN* pay more for example, but chooses not to, so Bezos, etc. can make more money for themselves.

  • Super Mario 3D World 2 Player Local Coop: your thoughts?
  • @ren It's a fun game. I've played with friends my own age as well as my niece & nephew co-op and we all had fun. Though I shudder to think how Champion's Road would go.