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jeff_rose Jeff Rose
Posts 41
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Omega Expedition Aftermath
  • You can find it at -22.81, +111.53. I have a Communications Station there as well.

  • Omega Expedition Aftermath

    Did you keep playing once you completed the Omega Expedition?

    I decided to build out my base on Nash 33/W4. It has an S-Class Sodium mine and all of the crops except NipNip. It is mostly built with stone with some prefab structures.

    I actually hit the base part limit and had to back off so it could still be uploaded.

    It's built into the nearby landscape...



    A portion of the base is under ground but I did not use the Terrain Manipulator so I don't have to worry about it filling in later...


    It sits across from a crashed freighter...


    Now, I will probably take a break for a little bit until the next major update.

    Cyberpunk 2077 | Patch 2.12
  • Oh good... I felt bad that I couldn't move the dumpster for Brendan in my latest playthrough.

  • How is Your Expedition Going?
  • It looks like the expedition is finally over since the last optional milestone was reached; however when I go to collect the rewards and officially end the expedition, the game locks up. My character just stands there and the controls have no effect. Hopefully they get that fixed soon.

  • How is Your Expedition Going?
  • I ended up building out a base on Nash 33/W4 because I came across an S-Class Sodium spot and I liked the nearby cave system.

    It's adjacent to a crashed freighter as well.

    I'll keep expanding on it while I wait for the expedition to end so I can complete the main quests.

  • How is Your Expedition Going?
  • Yeah, technically it's not over for me either. I just started doing end game tasks like collecting portal glyphs, farming for a freighter, etc.

  • How is Your Expedition Going?
  • I finished today as well. Overall, I thought it was fine. It's clear it was meant to show new players different parts of the game. I was actually glad it was so succinct without much grinding. Almost everything you need was within the confines of the expedition, either as a reward or available somewhere along the path.

    While I always like the cosmetic rewards, it annoys me that the colors and textures never quite match the existing customizations. I wish they would go back and make everything a little more consistent.

    I often keep playing my expedition saves and get them into an end-game state. I haven't decided if I will this time.

  • How is Your Expedition Going?

    I decided to start a new save and forgo the new expedition feature in the Anomaly. I feel like part of the fun is starting from scratch and finding shortcuts to get units, complete milestones, etc. Plus I often play my expedition saves even after the expedition is over.

    I made it to Phase 3 before I quit playing today. Overall I like the expedition. Nothing has been particularly annoying but I guess that could change in the next phases.

    How's it going for everyone else?

    It has begun
  • Unfortunately I think there's a decent chance this will be the last major update or Expedition as they shift their focus to Light No Fire. I hope that's not the case.

  • New Update and Omega Expedition on the Experimental Branch
  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I'll probably give LNF a shot. I don't know if it will be as compelling as NMS.

  • New Update and Omega Expedition on the Experimental Branch
  • Yeah I assume they will start focusing on Light No Fire more.

    It would be smart if they made an effort to migrate the NMS fan base over to LNF. Like give you exclusives in LNF if NMS is also installed or something like that.

  • New Update and Omega Expedition on the Experimental Branch
  • I know what you mean. I think as Twitter started to implode, Mastodon and other platforms were a little more prepared to pick up the slack. I don't think Lemmy was as mature when Reddit started having issues so adoption wasn't as strong as it could've been. I still have hope that Lemmy continues to grow.

    I was really active in NMSCE and NMSGE on Reddit but honestly I haven't been playing NMS as much lately. I'll start up again with the new Expedition.

  • New Update and Omega Expedition on the Experimental Branch
  • Yeah, there's definitely cause for concern

  • Unexpected Terrain Changes
  • Maybe it's been like that since the last update and I just missed it. I do have multiple saves and I don't play all of them consistently. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I am a little sad though because this was one of my favorite bases.

    I can't decide if I should just delete it and get it over with, or wait and see if this gets fixed with a future update.

  • Unexpected Terrain Changes

    I've been playing NMS for a long time so I'm no stranger to updates destroying my bases, but I'm used to it happening during major updates. This came out of no where.

    I haven't played since the last major Update and Expedition, but I thought I would log in to check on things before the next Update and Expedition were announced. I did not expect to find one of my cave bases in disarray.


    Before you ask, no, I didn't use the terrain manipulator, I simply built the base into an existing cave and along the mountainside. Other bases I've checked seem fine so I'm not sure why this one was impacted.

    Did this happen to anyone else or am I just lucky?

    No reexpeditions this year?
  • I am still speculating but...

    1. You have to push out an update to re-issue the expedition(s) on a shortened timeframe. While the development cost itself may be minimal, there's still a cost associated with doing the release on various platforms.
    2. I assume expeditions cause a spike in usage. Since this is a multiplayer game, it has to be hosted somewhere and that isn't free, especially when traffic increases.

    Both of these may be very low cost but it still may not be worth it for them to do it. They continue to release new content for free, which is great, except it's also not a sustainable business model. They probably have to keep it as lean as possible.

  • No reexpeditions this year?
  • If I had to speculate, I think there could be a couple things at play...

    1. They have been focusing on bug fixes and stability lately as seen in the experimental branches on Steam instead of new features. They added support for MacOS and iPadOS earlier this year, which I'm sure complicates ongoing development.
    2. There have been many game releases lately that may have pulled people away from NMS, like Starfield, Baldur's Gate 3, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, etc. It may not be worth it for them to invest resources in re-running the expeditions if people are currently focused elsewhere.

    Personally, I am on a NMS hiatus until the next expedition or major update.

  • Which controller did you start with?
  • Atari 2600 followed by NES

  • A real way to seriously farm some XP the fun way (killing aliens)
  • I would recommend flying around the planets and moons of Serpentis. The Varuun seem to patrol the area and attack almost every time you arrive at a planetary body. If your ship is decently armed, you can level pretty quickly.

  • Beta Soon?
  • They say, "Patience is a virtue," but that doesn't make it fun.

  • The Voyagers Expedition
  • I need to do the pH, black hole, and hostile planet, and then I'm done.

  • Starship/Euclid: C-Class Orange Wide Tau Stinger Elytra Interceptor

    I dropped a Communications Station at the coordinates. !

    No supercharged slots at this class.


    Na na na na na na na na, Batman!




    Starship/Euclid: A-Class Purple Upsilon Upper X-Wing Interceptor

    I dropped a Communications Station at the coordinates. !

    Three supercharged slots.





    GamesRadar Accidentally Revealed the Echoes Update

    The page has already been taken down; however someone on Twitter made a copy of it before they did.

    This is going to be a continuation of the storyline introduced in earlier updates.

    It's going to include...

    • A new robot race
    • Space battles with Pirate freighters
    • An upgrade staff
    • Improved graphics for the newer platforms

    It launches August 24.


    No Man's Sky is Seven Years Old

    No Man's Sky was released 7 years ago yesterday (August 9th) on PS4 in North America, today (August 10th) on PS4 in Europe, and August 12th on Steam.

    How long have you been playing and how many hours have you played?

    I started around Beyond (2.0) and have almost 3800 hours played.



    Starship/Euclid: B-Class Purple & Orange Cylon Pommel Interceptor

    I dropped a Communications Station at the coordinates !

    Two nonadjacent supercharged slots !

